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Everything posted by Threefiddie

  1. This is stupid and pointless. At least flipping points was a joke and funny. BAD design!
  2. my server has no more than 7-15 50s in the fleet at primetime. goodluck with anything.
  3. well i'm glad you can find a group/guild to do all that crap cause I sure as hell can't on my server. Took a week and half just to find a group for Red reaper after I hit level 50. there is absolutely no pugging going on for anything 45+ FPs. So congrats to you
  4. with date of 1.1 of tuesday. Lets have 1.2 next tuesday to give me back my HIGH RES GRAPHICS THAT I PAID FOR
  5. agreed. a bit pissed about that. as they have luxury in house and i bet the computers they use are the same specs if not a bit better than what i use.
  6. nope. in fact the game rarely usings 99% gpu. it hovers around 36-75% and my fan never goes above 40% and temperatures never above 78. gtx 570 classified, latest beta drivers. i bid you good day sir.
  7. thou shall not create videos of 1.1 with gameplay including high res textures when ye cannot play in high res textures! it's time to learn your place bioware. Son, I am dissapoint
  8. you don't get it do you, all these textures are in the game, kept from us from use. Yet the 1.1 video released today is ALL high textures. ALL OF IT.
  9. textures that are shown in the 1.1 trailer should be what's in game. do not let them think they can get by with half assing this
  10. 1st!! edit: damnit! http://www.viddler.com/explore/massively/videos/511/ bioware, where are those graphics?
  11. hmmm LOOKS LIKE HIGH RES TEXTURES TO ME BIOWARE IN YOUR LATEST VIDEO! http://www.viddler.com/explore/massively/videos/511/ RAKghouls!
  12. no. bioware said you don't have high res textures other than cutscenes. and there is no true high and high is actually medium. and medium selection was a bug(bs).
  13. way past 1000 posts. mods must be asleep lol meanwhile i don't think anyone has seen these before.... http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/7371/swtor2012011110050596.jpg http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/1111/swtor2012010722193674.png
  14. Darth Hater's podcast goes live in less than 30mins, i'm sure they'll definitely been talking about this mess http://www.darthhater.com/live
  15. gorgeous! but those textures are disabled. and you have been fed bull*****
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