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Posts posted by Threefiddie

  1. No, game is a boring clone... Nothing new or innovative at all, unless you count the voice acting... Which doesn't really matter in end-game. Just comes to show how easily people can be duped into thinking they are playing a new game, but when you take off that "shiny" star wars shell it shows the same old bones that have been used in previous MMOs.


    QFT except bugs and terrible BORING raid boss mechanics!

  2. I know this doesn't matter to most of you but this is what I put in my reasoning for cancelling.


    /flame on folks.



    Operations are just flat out BORING, the mechanics are sooooooooo 5-6 years ago. I'm sorry but blizzards mechanics in boss fights destroy Bioware's.


    They are too simple, not fun, and just down right SO BUGGY!. 1 shot bugs, bosses have no animation, adds not spawning, and please NO PUZZLES in raids! We just want to kill and get LOOT.


    On subject of loot, please fire the person who decided on the inquisitor raid gear. That crap looks ridiculously stupid.


    Bioware you have many many many things to learn about mmo creativity and endgame design.


    Lets not get started on Ilum, it should have not even been included with the game.


    No high res textures. I have an i7 2600k at 4.6ghz, 8gb ram. gtx 570 classified. I chew your game up and eat it for breakfast with my pc. High Res textures should be the PLAYERS choice, gg on picking the not completed hero engine!!


    Target of Target, lfg system, an ASSIST button, macros, ui customization, ALL should have been included at launch! Launching an tab target mmo without assist button and target of target?! Much less healing requires clicking of the mouse on raid frames in raids?! No mouse over macros? Just open the API and let the community complete this ui issue for you and put your devs on fixing and making decent mmo boss fight mechanics at end game.


    I bid you farewell, but please give me something to renew, a reason. Stop me from going to Tera and GW2 or going back to Wow! There is nothing convincing me to stay, not even 1.2's features that should have been in for launch!

  3. Listen, you're gonna stand there and like it ok? This is the greatest MMORPG in history, its a great game... you're going to enjoy it... alright? Enough of this madness.




    YES SIR!



    if only it was the greatest in history! imagine the epicness if you actually got to travel between planets flying your own ship? oh what's that? Yah loading loading loading loading loading loading.

  4. So finally got to do both operations after month of being 50... 16man is the most buggiest thing from random 1 shots, bosses not doing animations, adds not spawning, and over all just terrible boring encounters and puzzles. I have never been so bored in a raid before. It was just so simple and mechanics were just so blah.


    I'm trying to stay, but after I have now seen all of what there is to do in swtor, i am greatly unimpressed with current raids.


    Lets not get started on ilum and pvp.

  5. That thing looks hideous and looks huge.

    I would try one, but my G-500 has been amazing, I like how I was able to weight mine to make it a bit heaver too Or light when I want to be.


    most certinately is not huge. It's gorgeous, it glows multi colors, at least naga epic does and is a wireless or wired mouse. Epic also has interchangeable right side grips


    if you think it's huge, you should see the wow cataclysm mouse.

  6. I have the naga epic for about 3 weeks now. HOLY crap is it amazing.


    You get used to the 12 buttons on the side very fast if you use the training pads that come with it to stick on the buttons. you learn muscle memory very fast.


    +1 for naga or naga epic

  7. i have a logitech g15. i don't use the macro buttons on cause they are just to far of a reach. I was have to take my hand off of wasd to hit them. I use my naga for that, but I want a mechanical keyboard badly.


    G15 still holding up since it came out though.

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