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Everything posted by Morgoththeslayer

  1. Yeah I remember the old gearing system, I've been subbed on and off since launch. This puts the battle master gearing system to shame though. There at least after a wz I got something and at least I could stick to gearing via PvP, but the way this looks it'll be much faster to gear through PvE (I would PvE if I wanted to, don't want to be forced to do it). I mean, I understand that they want to keep people subbed via grinding, but this... this is ludicrous to be optimal in PvP (if the stat priority doesn't change) will take you a year (the fact that's not a hyperbole is disconcerting). For you to switch out all the useless mods and replace them etc. The real issue will be down the line when some people eventually get the full gear. Imagine being a starter and facing someone who has grinded 8 months up, will there be any enjoyment on either side?
  2. I just recently got back and have been reading about the new update and it's quite demoralising to say the least. Do we know if the stat priority is going to stay the same (of course no expertise, but the rest). What if the normal GC drops accuracy like the normal gear in 4.0, thaf*** am I going to do with 600+ accuracy on a DPS spec in PvP IF I eventually gear the toon with an insane amount of luck (I would like to see the statistics on gear drop rates per crate). *** am I going to do with all that absorb, defence, shield rating etc... on my tank in PvP? I mean this is all pretty crap already, but what if my main is a healer? Like do I have to do PvE sh*te as DPS just to decently gear them for PvP? Or do I have to stay heals to get the healing gear? Because that there is already a massive disadvantage for solo'ing. Would it even be worth PvP'ing at this point lol, forget about min/maxing, forget about your alts and forget about trying to gear through PvP. For the love of all things, please tell me gear is not going to be important in PvP Tell me I'm wrong please.
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