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Everything posted by DarthVindictus

  1. Took me literally 5 straight hours of resetting, abandoning, relogging, trying different characters yesterday to get to the point of complaining about it on forums. BTW, to he guy saying "just wait till you see end game achievements" uh, yeah, I've seen operations achievements.. there's no RNG. it's simply beating the Ops on each difficulty, same with the flashpoints. No RNG. I've done a lot of the Orincon achievements as well, I have the master of dread title, no RNG involved, you just have to find where each champ spawns. Obviously the PVP achievement will take time and effort, it is however, not RNG based, which is infinitely better than the Bounty Henchmen achievements. The only other RNG achievement that I can see, is the czerka crate o matic achievement.
  2. From what I can see, your best chance of getting T'rubba is on Hutta, but good luck if you don't have characters at around level 15. I managed to get him (my last one) after about 4-5 resets today. Finally done with the RNG bs aspect of the bounties.
  3. No, Flashfires and Stings lack any real weakness. It's not simply a player problem, there is a ship imbalance. They're hands down better dogfighting ships than the strike fighters, which were supposed to be designed to be the superiority fighters.
  4. and 41% chance to evade, and fast enough that you're never going to be able to fire fully charged shots directly in the center of your arc at them, so often you will aim spot on and completely miss because you're 5-10 degrees off your arc 5 degrees off center of your arc = 25% additional chance to miss, you have a 34% chance to hit then.
  5. Already subbed but subscription status doesn't affect your capability to do the bounties, and cartel coins again, would not help. So that's a moot point. If anything, this kind of bs makes me want to cancel my sub, because it's not fun spending 5 hours cancelling and retrying one quest over and over.
  6. I've been using Dulfy's, and I went to Voss, Alderaan, Nar Shadda, and Dromund Kaas. I got those targets all the time on Tattooine earlier this week (along with Undo Ensh) when I was looking for Kar'Wa, finally got Kar'Wa by going to Voss a few days ago, then on Voss I kept getting Sogan Sur and Kar"Wa. I finally got D3-X on Dromund Kaas after 5 hours of resetting, abandoning, trying a new planet, relogging, etc. but what in the hell kind of idea is it to put achievements behind RNG?
  7. I seriously hope the dev who thought it'd be a great idea to make the henchmen targets be on an RNG got laid off and never works in the industry again. I've spent hours trying to get one of the henchmen I haven't gotten both kill and capture achievements on yet, I've reset the quest dozens of times, I've abandoned the quest and gone to 4 different planets, but always get the same 3 targets over and over. Zindo Kent, Novane, and Sogan Sur. They're useless to me because I have killed and captured all 3 of them already. This is obnoxious.
  8. Overall, they're just an overly dominant ship type with no real weaknesses.
  9. GSF isn't rock paper scissors. You don't have that kind of system at work. A striker can beat a scout, a scout can beat a striker, a gunship can beat a scout, a scout can beat a gunship, it's scenario dependent, it's also component dependent. A gunship vs a default scout, the gunship may be able to beat the scout if they're using fortress shields and using the active. they can sponge the scout's puny damage while they lay them out with a charged shot. Not possible with a flashfire, they have too much firepower. Against a default scout, a gunship can also evade lock on from thermite torpedos just by boosting, avoiding a lockon of cluster missiles is much much harder and usually requires using an engine component skill. Avoiding a cluster missile lock on from a strike fighter is also easier, as you have more of a chance to stay out of range, a flashfire you have very little chance of staying out of their range and you'll find yourself unable to stay out of range after about 8s.
  10. I do, and still. If I'm shooting at someone who has 41% evade chance at a 10 degree away from center arc on a gunship using ion railgun with the accuracy upgrade, and an accuracy companion, at 15000m (104% accuracy before penalties), I will have an 8% chance to hit them.
  11. You're right, it's even worse, because of tracking penalties.
  12. A striker is not considered OP because as we both agree, they have weaknesses, they're not as fast and mobile as a scout, and they don't have a scouts' sensors. A scout can outmaneuver them, and a gunship can speed out of sensor range and lose them, turn around, and rail shot them. From a gunship perspective, a flashfire you can't do much about. You can't outrun them for more than your barrel roll lasts, so they will always catch back up to you and spam you with cluster missiles, exceeding your ability to evade them, and even if you can get some distance on them, getting out of their sensor range even with max dampening is near impossible. So escape is very hard, your options are to fly them into your allies and hope they take out your bogey, fly them into friendly satellites and get them hit by turrets, or fly them to your spawn point and hope they break pursuit or get whacked by capital ship turrets. You might think well, turn and fight them, but again, they maneuver so much better that even with evade, they're hard to hit, meanwhile they have lock on missiles and stronger blasters. They simply outrun and outgun you. Evade wouldn't solve that.
  13. There's actually 5 ship types. 2 strike fighters which are fine (there's a 3rd type but it is identical to the default just faster ship req), 2 scout types, one which is fine, and the one I'm talking about in this thread that combines the strengths of both scouts AND strike fighters, without having any real weaknesses, and 1 type of gunship, which some people find OP, but I think they have obvious weaknesses that are easily exploited. Though I will agree that maxed out ion railgun needs some changes (depleting weapon energy/engine energy/snaring/disabling recharge should be scaled based on charge level of the shot, just tapping a shot for a split second should not result in a 6 second disable/40% snare, and the loss of all that weapon and engine energy)
  14. and they'll still be OP being that maneuverable with that much firepower. The default scout ships are not a problem. They're offensively weak. They have just as much evasion as the Flashfire/Sting, they just don't have cluster missiles and quad lasers. Take away evade, and they will still be OP, because taking away evasion also affects the default scouts, and gunships. A gunship can get 31% passive evade, and can go into over 100% evade for 3-6 seconds as well. Evade is not the problem with flashfires/stings. Giving the fastest ship the best blasters and fast lockon missiles is. Note the reason i don't complain about strike fighters is even though they have the same firepower as a flashfire/sting, you CAN lose them, you can outmaneuver them, I can get distance on them, with a lot of dampening, if I fly off to where no other ships on their side are, they lose track of me, I can then turn around and rail shot them. They don't have evade, but I still don't dare try to fight them laser to laser. They WILL win that way. That's not using the strengths of each ship. The evade is a moot point. You can use the advantages of your ship against a strike fighter, either gaining distance on them on a GS, or being able to fly circles around them and avoid a lot of their laser fire on a scout, whittling them down even if your own attacks are weak. It's checks and balances between the ships. There is no check or balance against a flashfire or sting. Neither a gunship nor a strike fighter is particularly effective against them, evade or no.
  15. The amount of disabling done by the ion railgun needs to be scaled based on how charged it is. A full charge should do the disabling, but a simple push and release pulse shouldn't do as much locking down as it currently can. To me those talents seem to have been designed around a fully charged shot, where they'd be fair. To disable that much even without charging is admittedly broken.
  16. It is still an issue, because even without the RNG evasion, they can manually evade everything except another scout, while locking on missiles and unloading a lot of laser firepower. As a gunship, fighting Novadrives/Blackbolts is more annoying than threatening, yes they can stay on me for a long time, but its hard for them to actually kill me. Flashfires get on me and I either have to flee straight for spawn point and hope they're stupid enough to follow or break pursuit, or I'm pretty much dead. I won't be able to get distance on them to rail gun, and I won't be able to hit them with lasers because of their maneuverability, and they can spam cluster missiles and use burst and quad lasers on me. The weakness for gunships is that they're terrible in close range and have to blow as much evasion and engine power as possible to try and run away if engaged in close range. The weakness for strike fighters is they have poor sensor detection, and don't maneuver as well as scouts. The weakness for a normal scout is that they have paper thin armor/shields AND weak weapons. Flashfires relegate that to just weak shields/armor, but with their superior moving and good firepower that's not even really a weakness. I think giving them a better selection of blasters was enough of a tradeoff for losing upgradable sensors. It still makes them offensively powerful, but giving them 1.3s lockon missiles is just too much.
  17. Gunships at least have a very tangible weakness, their maneuverability is bad and they have to remain still to snipe. A scout can get in range of one then avoid it, but it flags that gunship for all their other teammates, you know, doing a scout's job, which is to find the enemy, and be first to the satellites to capture. Scouts aren't supposed to fly circles around people while also topping the killboard with superior firepower. Leave the superior firepower to the air superiority fighters. That's their job. Scouts are for.. scouting, and capturing mission objectives.
  18. They combine the speed and maneuverability of a scout, with the firepower and quick lock on missiles of a strike fighter. Yes, they're not as armored as a strike fighter, but considering they're a lot harder to hit It makes me wonder if SOMETHING should be taken from them. Yes, they lose the upgradable sensors, but people who fly Flashfires aren't looking for actually scouting out enemies for their teammates, they're looking at topping killboard charts, and they do. I'd remove their ability to use cluster missiles to be honest.
  19. uh, as someone who uses gunships mostly, scouts are the hardest thing for me to deal with. They're fast enough that it can be hard to hit them with a railgun because of massive tracking penalties and slow turn rate of gunships, they can also upgrade their sensors to help scope you out no matter how much dampening you have. Scouts are the worst thing for gunships, because they can fly circles around gunships, lock on missiles (especially the flashfire/sting, those things are just outright OP, combining the manuverability of a scout with the quick lock on missiles of a strike fighter, if anything needs nerfed, it's them), and worst of all, point out a gunships location to every strike fighter in their fleet. So you must really be playing and building your scout wrong if gunships are giving you trouble.
  20. I've also found I think queuing from inside my personal starship results in lower pings, 70-80 instead of 120+ when i queue on fleet
  21. How do you see your tracking penalty? Nevermind, I found it, apparently railguns have HUGE tracking penalties.. so maybe lag is affecting me a lot less than I thought, but because gunships turn so slowly you often have to aim further from center than you'd like. I think having a companion with a kill zone passive is probably not a good idea and I should go with accuracy and secondary cooldown instead?
  22. While you're on this, I KIND of understand what firing arc is, but I'd really need to see it explained using an in game screenshot to really know what it is, and how to guage it, and I don't understand what "tracking" is at all.
  23. I'm in the West US and I'm on Harbinger, which is supposed to be a West coast server, but I still always have about 120-200ms ping. It makes it really hard to get accurate aim in starfighter where speeds and distances are so high. I have to LEAD gunship shots because there's about 0.2s delay between me releasing my mouse button and actually firing. Some matches It seems like I can't hit anything. If I'm on a scout or fighter it's even worse, the lead indicator isn't very accurate, I never hit when I'm aiming at the lead indicator. Is there anything I can do to improve the connection? I'm on 12mbps cable. Other games I have a ping of 40-60..
  24. most of that I know and I do, the main thing that is killing me is turn rate, but now knowing that pitching is faster than yawing has helped a ton.
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