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Posts posted by Augustus

  1. Things like this happening should be unacceptable, but it is the norm with this game and studio and indicates that either they are not able to even maintain their own game to function, or they are planning to push through wildly unpopular design decisions unannounced (as been done plenty of times already) or both!


    I was using the crafting bonuses from guild flagship and this 4 weeks period of missing those will cost me billions in losses. Thanks bugware!


    I also expect them to ruin current crafting system and take a 360 on whatever is possible so I cannot even just suspend crafting activities, because come 7.0 all mats may become useless and vendor trash for 1-to-1 credit ratio.

    Cannot wait for 7.0!


    Time and time again this game proves that it does not worth any dedication or effort or money put into it.

  2. I noticed something on the PTS, which I put a comment on the PTS forums on this as well.


    In this build there is a weekly cap of 600 Medals of Commendations (In this build we get 200 per character we complete conquest on)


    As well as an 800 weekly cap on the new Aquatic Resource Matrix (in this build each daily area gives 100 when you complete the weekly, and each daily gives 3 as well).


    Both of these caps are legacy wide, not per character, so this will slow down the gearing process. Not to mention give us less of an incentive to do conquest on many of our alt characters.


    WoW, they really went there and plucked a 100 year old tree into every player's hole who has more than 3 characters on same server?


    Seriously, when you'd think they cannot go any lower, they pull an old GTA release 3x straight!

  3. What is even worse that is rarely been mentioned before, is that there are separately named sets for each aspect of the game. 1 named gearset from Conquest, 1 for PvP, 1 for Ops, think there are even separate ones for FPs, as well. Also seeing how on PTS conquest rewards one kind of item upgrade currency and PvP rewards another, it would seem that you are even forced to play the same content type through which you've acquired your gear if you wish to upgrade it at all... meaning you won't be able to just upgrade a gear gotten from FP through PvP or through Conquest reward currency, you'll have to keep grinding FPs... this just triples down on forcing everyone to play one way or another. Sound strategy, what could go wrong?


    DvL was very Star Wars like, even though devs could not make it work properly due to either bad faction imbalance (one side rules them all) or huge opposing side kickstart making it a 1-1 side win balance regardless of anything.


    Amplifier min/maxing costs were high with all the gambling aspects to it, but it was a strong credit sink (strongest one at this live state?). So kudos for acknowledging the need for more credit sinks and then removing the largest one at the same time (shall we expect modding at iRating 334 to be an even more costly stat gambling?).


    Do I read it correctly that this round devs got completely influenced by Keith's elitist raiding guild members? It will be fun seeing them posing on fleet with all their leet gear to that ever smaller player base that will certainly follow these changes (is anyone even checking other player's gear out at all, unless they seem to play really bad or supposed to wear tank gear instead of DPS?).


    But if the entire expansion won't turn out as mind bafflingly horrendous as it sounds, I'll eat my words with some juicy pineapple pizza.


    Nonetheless cannot wait for a bug&exploit ridden release right before holidays when dev team will have their 4 weeks of annual leave. Also hoping that their dev version of the game is miles ahead of what we can see on the PTS, where even basic UI windows are broken and non-functioning.

  4. So while dumbing down conquest and ironing out its inconsistencies and policy abuses, when will the developers make every conquest objective character bound? NOT legacy bound, because you keep deleting from the game infinitely repeatable objectives, what will those with many characters (who even spent on those extra server character slots you SELL on cartel market) do to keep achieving their personal weekly conquest objectives on many characters?


    Before white knights, no I don't work in SWTOR to just go do 3-5 operations a day on different characters for conquest points just to be able to get multiple characters across conquest.


    Why do you keep punishing those who are more invested in your game, who spent more on your cartel market and reward it with diminishing opportunities?


    (BW feel free to delete this comment and ban me, if you find my questions too "negative"...)

  5. So, how long will your team be tracking these decorations?


    Are these decorations this good at hiding their tracks?


    I still have not used the rodian and weequay personal decorations from last year's casino event that overwritten the cartel market purchased decorations, waiting for them to get fixed. Yet here we are next year at another casino event without a fix. I have bug reported it last year during the casino event, but I guess you can just reset cartel market purchased items nowadays without any obligations...

  6. Still nothing happened, the Weequay Patron and Rodian Patron (Female) still have the same name from both sources, bug still persists, and I bet it will get more messy to fix the longer it takes (what happens to decorations already purchased but not used once you decide to change the name of those from one source?).


    I guess, as others called it, the years long head-scratching begins...


    (Not to mention fraudulent behavior for reseting things that specifically could be bought previously for money.)

  7. You do realize Bioware you just handed out the equivalent worth of millions of dollars of cartel coin purchases by letting everyone "photocopy" their entire decoration purchases of the last 2-4 years (whenever SH's were introduced) because of how you handled decoration copying in server transfers instead of the forecasted and promised way of how the server merger will affect our decoration collections?
  8. Can we have a response to this? I have been collecting decorations since they first came out non-stop, buyed up 999 / 999 for every decoration under 50.000 credits, crafted and used up 999 / 999 for every single Industrial and Synthetic prefab exchanged decorations for which I worked in the past 8 months on a daily basis, got up to 940k prestige before the merge and people spending 180cc out of their 550 monthly cartel coin grant now have 2 million+ prestige because of simply multiplying their decoration count? Because even if I keep collecting decorations, even taking the effort of maxing a 999 / 999 in the future, I won't ever be able to gather 2997 / 999 decorations of any kind...


    It may very well be the final coffin on this game's corpse for me... and this is coming from someone who have been a sub non-stop since game launched, who bought 2-3 hypercrates every single shipments until scam cubes, I mean chance cubes came out (which wanted to "sell" me the same items I have already collected), who bought every single unique direct sale items, who bought every single collection items off GTN after scam cubes came out, putting billions into the game's economy... go check my game profile random Bioware employee, in case it won't be handled properly, know what a whale have left your sinking ship of a game.

  9. We want to be really careful of how many Components are awarded from losses, specifically to combat AFKers in PvP. We will monitor post 5.1.2 and make further adjustments as needed!





    This is my opinion about your entire work and cautiously-blazing-fast-reaction time about the largest game breaking issues this game ever seen which is an amazing cause of your thorough work over there behind your computers and fancy meeting rooms.


    The entire player base is at this point of how they would deal with you guys:




    (devs = Mr. Garrison)

  10. Hey folks,


    In one of my previous posts I highlighted that beyond the changes we made in Game Update 5.1 that there are more coming. By Friday of this week I am going to make a forum post highlighting a roadmap of changes you can expect to address the feedback you have raised around gearing in Galactic Command. These changes will be starting in the next few weeks and will go through to Game Update 5.2. They are intended to address the following:

    • Greatly increase the rate at which you earn Command Crates. Our goal is that you earn one Crate every 30 minutes, or less (on average).
    • Looking at improvements we can make to Unassembled Components and Unassembled Pieces.
    • Make gearing more alt-friendly.

    That isn't a comprehensive list, but it gives you an idea of some of the things we are looking to address based on your feedback. Just in case I was quiet about Galactic Command for a few days I want you to know that we are listening and more changes are coming. Look for my post later this week!


    Thanks everyone.





    I've got an idea how to make the whole system much much more alt friendly. One of the biggest concerns currently, is that why trade in those components one had to earn through 3-8 hours of work by dying continuously either in WZ or in GSF, only to get that same item from the next command crate. Yes, we can upgrade Tier 1 purples and Tier 2 legendaries, but what about Tier 3 legendaries? Why should those double/multiply unnecessarily only to end up being vendor trashed? Introduce the same turn-in option for Tier 3 items, as well. Lets say, we can trade in a complete legendary item (without mods removed, as it would open this up for exploits) for either some components, or only with that other legacy bound not-so-confusing I don't-even-know-it's-name currency. This would help tremendously against RNG screwing up that 25 hours of work someone would have to put into 1 item from Tier 1 to Tier 3 upgrading only to have it duplicate right away....


    Also, why components cannot be legacy bound? It's not like one character with higher Tier rank earns more components than the lesser ranked character, distracting any kind of balance (whatever that means, right?). This would be another thing helping out alts and providing an alternative to the completely gearless alt character to suffer through 25 hours of PvP only for 1 item out of the 14 that they'd need.


    (Also, whatever happened to ANYTHING useful dropping from command crates? Haven't had a single item upgrade over the last 150 ranks (and I only have 3 legendaries after reaching around rank 400), and did not receive a damn boots slot set bonus since Rank 0...)

  11. Hey folks,


    • New Character Legacy Perk: Increase all Command XP Earned by 2/4/6/8/10%.
    • New Command XP Boost: This can be purchased with Command Tokens and provides a 15% boost (this boost stacks with the Legacy perk but not the MTX boost). This boost only works per Tier at the following costs:
      • Tier 1 – 20 Command Tokens
      • Tier 2 – 28 Command Tokens
      • Tier 3 – 44 Command Tokens


    Care to elaborate on this? You know, putting it into context as a first grader learns it in their first day of class?


    Is this 15% boost permanent? Is it a 1 hour pathetic sorry *** buff? Because if so, you expect someone to grind 4 rank at Tier 1 just to get a 1 hour buff that gets them a +15% boost towards their next rank grind?


    Also a cxp buff as a character perk? So we are forced to spend 15million credits now if we want to gain 1 crate every 1 hour instead of 1.5 hours? On 1 character out of our 40+ alts? To then receive complete trash garbage as what 99% of the crates contained so far? My character got his first set bonus item at rank 80, and finished Tier 1 with 2 set bonus items... then reached command rank 379 by now and DID NOT get ANY KIND OF boots item containing set bonus. Not a Tier 1, not a Tier 2, not a Tier 3. Thanks for your pathetic grindy, unjust, disgraceful "content" providement. How on earth could ANYONE be stupid enough to release something like this? ARE ALL OF YOU OVER THERE HAVING GAMBLING PROBLEMS? DO YOU THINK EVERYONE ENJOYS GAMBLING AND LOSING ALL THE TIME, WHILE HAVING THE ENTIRE SYSTEM RIGGED BEHIND THEIR BACKS?



    If I'd be this bad in ANYTHING IN MY LIFE, LET ALONE MY PRIORITY WORK, I would seriously consider suicide. But then there you all are, laughing at each others face, picking random meaningless not even funny comments from twitch chat and acting like you are all kings and we should be glad to ever have the chance of kissing your boots.


    Simply cannot believe what the world has come to and how people can act in it... but then again, you bunch are those who voted a trump into office....

  12. Its not his fault, stop talking bad to him.


    This would have come sooner or later, but its silly that they even did that.


    It is his fault for doing it so mindlessly.


    Let's see, a group of experienced players can finish Firestorm Uprising in 10 minutes in story, which grants around 500 command xp. That's 3000 command xp /hour. Now, doing it for straight 106 hours (either on caffein infusion, drugs, or having multiple persons playing on same account in multiple shifts), they reach just above 4 days that very same limit.

    As you see, it is doable without exploiting the system, yet if ANYONE would have done it, and then went on "Oh poor me, I'm so sad and disappointed you stopped my command rank farm at 1/3 of a maximum on my first week of playing" , then we would see another command xp nerf.


    But doing GSF and PvP matches is way faster command xp gain, and those can be rigged easily, so same result. Because 16 players banded together on a less than 10 players-dead server doing death-trading, everyone should be punished in the game for playing as intended? Because there are brainless, lifeless, jobless players having their toilet as their desktop chair and living on their grandmother's pension, everyone should be punished?

  13. Just hit the weekly cap at 3429/4030 CXP in rank 100. :mad:

    How can this happen? Musco promised players are unable to reach the weekly cap via normal means. This was not even 3 days. Imagine how much you can farm in a whole week?

    I'm really annoyed right now, maybe I'll level my alt but I don't really know what to do now.


    Hey, thanks random korean guy for ruining even further the game for us! Hope you will enjoy talking down on everyone else for lacking gear in the next 4 months!


    Now I'm off to grind heroics for 1 week without sleep and eating, and to show BW that it is possible to gain 10billion credits from them in a short amount of time, and will be sure to let them know so they can correct their mistake my making heroics reward 2k credits each!

  14. The system is completely set up to screw over those players, who enjoy, or wish to play on multiple characters. Why? Because if you grind out on 1 character the Tier 3 of Gal.Comm.Rank, then you are starting over from 0 on another character. Previously you could go into an ops, immediately start having a chance to gather gear tokens for which you specifically wanted, or if unlucky, buy some similarly powerful item from the commendations. Now, we have to get crafted gear, so that we can be somewhat viable in the next 5 months, once we have the CHANCE to gain better gear than that? That is if we focused on that ONE AND ONLY character for 5 months, and did not play any other activity on any other characters.


    If, those over there in their office would've/wil make this legacy wide, that way the players could have the chance of gathering the same level of gear for other characters, as well. The grind to gain another command rank would remain, people would still have to play on the character to get the class/role specific gear (I mean have the CHANCE of getting), so it is not like people would play less by making the system legacy wide. However this would encourage players to try other classes, play other roles, would help out operation groups immensely when their lack of content (and decisions like in today's patch) causes masses of players to quit the game and never look back , and it could also be an insurance for players for when they nerf one class to the ground in the next cycle and players are forced to leave their most favourite class in the dust.


    It's in BW's hand to make the game (somewhat) great again! (Or they can decide to throw away every international agreement and investment in humanity's and the planet's future for short sighted short term gain).


    If the system does not improve, by either making it legacy wide, other "better than cross server" means, then this is clearly an indication of maintenance mode, because gear for 6 months on 1 character is a clear indication of that...

  15. Current Commendations will be going away, we will have more details in the coming weeks on their conversion.




    • Yup, the drops will be random. The item type is determined by your Advanced Class and the item rating is determined by your Command Rank (higher rank = higher item rating). Keep in mind that you can always earn more Crates and that you can disintegrate any duplicate or unwanted items into CXP to get your next Crate faster.
    • Yes. All end-game gear (level 70+) can be earned by doing almost any activity. However, someone doing Nightmare (Master) level Operations, as an example, will get there substantially faster than someone doing easy/solo content.


    Hey Eric!


    So you say we are effectively gambling for our gear with those crates? So one can be so unlucky as not to get a full set even by reaching maximum command rank, while others can get so lucky as to acquiring full set within a week?


    Second question: what will happen to current commendation vendors? Gear vendors? Decoration vendors? How will we be able to acquire decorations sold for PvE commendations or Warzone commendations presently?

  16. This is a very nice new addition to customize our outfits. HOWEVER this should be implemented alongside with adding weapon slots to the Outfit Designer. For someone who is playing multiple characters and who are using the same weapons, they have to use legacy weapons and therefore every character will be having the same looking weapons. We should be able to differentiate our characters' weapons as well, just like their outfits can be unique now.
  17. Right now the guild flagships are all nice and big, way too big for any guild in my opinion, with far not enough decoration slots and also it is a decorating playground only for that select officers from each and every guild.


    Hence, I really wish to see personal flagships, that may not be stardestroyer size, but a frigate, or other, maybe new capital ships. Acquiring one can even be through an epic long mission chain (like the HK companion chain). It could/should also have similar support providing functions if we orbit a select planet with it. Again, the current guild flagship support is entirely up to the the guild's officer's decision. It could be another different type of support so the guild and personal support complement each other. (I don't have any problem with my guilds' decisions, however the system is very static and 99.9% of the player base has zero control over it...)


    If we can have 22 players in our legacy/server/account, which is larger than plenty of guilds' roster out there, it would make sense to have personal flagships as well. Maybe you could develop a way for companions and other characters from our own legacy to be placed as decorations and not just holo figures. Maybe you could finally implement a way to make decoration NPCs or companions lively, like letting us customize them with movements or emotes.


    Because right now, whatever you may think of Strongholds, and however good and nice and new they are, it is still only a beginning for something that has much more potential. So for once, we (or I) wish that you would improve on existing content and not just throwing out new systems into the game and then abandon them or put them on CM income generating life support... (just like you did with GSF).


    There are so many technological, monitor and other flagship material decorations out, that a personal flagship would fit in nicely.

  18. I guess we can expect them to work on it as efficiently and quick as they are working on, let's say, the 'kill Makrins on Makeb while they are burning' achievement, which is bugged and unachievable for what, 2 years now? Someone really should check on that guy who said he's working on it, spending 2 years in a room in front of a computer all alone seems suspicious...
  19. Thing is, with this policy and attitude of theirs, you can effectively stop doing any achievement hunting, because anything can happen (and as we know in regard to this game, what can happen WILL happen) that will erase or remove previously completed achievements, and at any time or what's even better, repeatedly. So in worst case, you can waste your time on the same thing over and over again, and the sooner you give it up, the better off you, the player will be. One problem is, if those dedicated achievement hunters would give it up, than they can easily lose their interest in this game completely. Another problem is, those dedicated achievement hunters tend to be completionists, who collect great many other things in this game, may it be pets, mounts, pvp/pve gear, cartel market stuff / collections.


    Regarding how us, achievement hunters may lack any influence within the community and in the eyes of the developers, I can say that, from my example, that by my dedication to also collect all cartel market stuff, and achieve and maintain 100% CM pack collection unlocks since its launch, my account alone brought in more revenue to EA/Bioware than 100+ subscription (only) paying players from the game's launch, or a couple thousand f2p players, who occassionally spend on sy small (a pet, mount, or just to get preferred) in the cartel market... it's not just our numbers that count (or don't) but our dedication and income generation to the game.

  20. Also knowing that these rewards will be legacy bound in advance, not 1 week prior the end of the season, could've helped us, with weak main characters to gear out a fotm class who actually has the chance of getting these rewards with these abysmal queue times even on the most populous european pve server...


    Announce the damn rewards BEFORE the season starts, so we all know and can consider if it'll worth or waste our time... how hard is it, to figure something out in advance and hold onto its CM counterpart for a while also?

  21. I've thought about tracking Prestige on the leaderboard as well, though I don't particularly like the idea of the cartel market giving out so many points (especially as time goes on and folks already have all of the ops/flashpoints/faction/reputation/crafting/etc. items, that may be the only way to advance). Any thoughts on that?


    It all depends if you consider prestige as any kind of achievement to achieve. For actual achievements you (mostly) have to work, just like to grind reputation, as well. For prestige score, one can argue if it requires any work, because of said cartel market. However coming also from the cartel market aim, regarding prestige, it isn't much different from if a player buys sy from CM, sells it on GTN, and then comes here on these forums begging to be carried through 16-man, or other content for credits, to gain achievements...


    Also prestige is somewhat included in the achievement score and there's a separate category for it, on which completion it's score will be reflected.


    (Saying all this despite of being an obsessive decoration collector and stronghold decorator, with over 72k prestige personal score and all the while not listing any strongholds before considering them fully tastefully decorated.)


    ((Also, please do no list strongholds on public listings with all trophies and chairs and mounts in it and nothing else, even if you want to show off your prestige score, because it is distasteful, and maybe 1 or 2 person visit your stronghold at a time, but never again, and will tell others to stay far away from that GSH... and you can say byebye to your 50 person achievement forever.))

  22. The amount of FCs given by biofail/bugware towards the details in this game is certainly would be embarrassing to any developers.


    Yet here we are, with bugged achievements from the release of this system, achivs that are tracking a never-again returning event rewards that happened 1 year prior the release of 2.0 that brought this aspect of the game live, GSF with 4 maps that won't see any new one soon, if ever, judging by their development focus (exp. inc.), GSH with its static, limited and weird companion/npc placement (but for this, we at least can have hope yet to get better), galaxy map overview not listing pve space missions OR indicate where can we find the corresponding active space mission we have in our mission log (the same way as planetary missions are showing up on the territorial overview) no personal DoT/debuff tracking on targets, the oh-so-great guild membership benefits, that maximum lvl and reputation ppl can oh-so-enjoy, no mini games, yet very much requested from launch (at least we can stare at our empty strongholds and edit it in the downtime, for the time being), etc...etc...etc...etc...

  23. Did you run the FP'es and other group content with friends/guild or did you queue through GF? Lately, and with nothing better to do, I've aimed to complete some FP achivements but it's the most time consuming thing in the world if you use GF and don't queue as tank O_o


    I will say this though, the pugs have been more cooperative than I thought they would be when I asked them if we could knock out the bonuses too.



    The lvl 50 flashpoints, I had to solo, as no one was willing to commit as much effort/help to it that I'd needed. Only needed help with LI bonus boss, so for LI, had to bother friends with it. The 55 HMs were GF/guild runs.

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