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  1. I love this idea, and would love to reroll a Consular, Trooper or Bounty Hunter. However, my only standard free evenings are on a monday. So that could be a problem. Is anyone still interested? Feel free to PM me.
  2. /signed For me it's quite simple. If the next expansion doesn't include a continuiation of the class stories, I'm going to stop playing. The class stories are a core of this MMO imo.
  3. Ehm, if I remember correctly Bastialla -is- referenced by the quest giver..
  4. Seriously... What the **** is wrong with this encounter? I was at 85% health he was at 30% or so... He one shotted me! When I have like 12K total health! Please tell me this is not intended.
  5. I agree we definetly need chat bubbles!
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