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Posts posted by Azazzello

  1. The present cooldown animation 1 is definately better than the previous one. 2 Only improvement i can think of is the way available abilities are shown during gcd, which can be hard to separate from unavailable abilities.


    3 Poll was shut down rather fast... i'm a regular visitor and didn't get to vote in the poll. I sincerely hope that the current poll result doesn't mean that we're going to the previous cooldown animation system, cause it was totally borked.

  2. When people stop posting these absolutely worthless comparison posts.


    You CANNOT compare a decade old game to recent release. An why the hell you should compare ? Should the information of the known past somehow make you feel better, or lower the bar for recent published products ? Should i as a customer expect a bad product cause theyve always been bad ?


    The fact is: Wheels keep rolling. What was sufficient in the 2005, is a norm and a necessity in 2012. People who are unhappy hows the state of this game at the moment aren't comparing this game to wow, in a sense, they just EXPECT more than theyve been catered the past 5-10 years. And the should. Its called proggression.


    So either posts like this OP are way off and cannot help theyre faulty logic, or they somehow try to maintain an illusion of a perfect world by denying the facts. In any case, the MOTIVE of this post is a guess game to me. I really, really cant comprehend what you are after with this.

  3. People talk about how other MMOs did the trial-and-error before SWTOR.


    Do you REALLY believe that they share their inside information with a competitor?


    If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap.


    It is a new game. LIVE with the growing pains and shut up.


    Expecting perfection from the start is unrealistic. THAT IS REALITY.


    I'm pretty sure the most aren't expecting perfection. Good example is the latest ability icon cooldown thing.... that is utter bs, unthoughtfull decision from a design pov. So, voice up paying customers imo. We don't have to bash or hate post. But surely nit picking on those details, bugs and flawed design is our (unasked) job as a customers.

  4. Consider this:


    wether theres good and evil allingment or 1000 milj. different shades of grey, the end result is the same. You are given, not options, but an aim.


    In my eyes, the "grey", people are referring to, represents ALL thats left in-between. So, theres no logic in choises he / she makes in general terms or whats the common rule of ethics / moral. The avatar makes a subjective choise that cannot be determined by the game. Would be interesting to see, how that can be rewarded. Or, how can you calculate it.... yes, you can pile up zillion light + zillion dark side points. But what that tells you, or what that entitles your toon to, i'm really eager to see how its implemented.

  5. I can see the point in equal population distribution between factions... though, its always gonna be lopsided.


    I've actually kinda settled to republic side for the moment, at least until i'm out of alts to level... still, got my account populated with 4+4 setup.

    AND one of the reasons i'm leaning towards the republic is, while they are the underdog at the moment, its actually making the faction more interesting being a part of it.


    The exact reason was why i picked for example Horde in WoW... on the 1st server i played in there, that balance was heavily in favor of Alliance but got more even after years. My wacky guess is, that while Horde was in the end the cool faction, bandwagon won the market race to favor Orgrimmar.


    Who knows, maybe the Republic will be the bad-***-underdog in the future, and eventually balance the faction population.

  6. There is something wrong with possessing the ability to completely bypass progression. I think WoW players will recall it was felt hardest during the Wrath era, when Ulduar and Naxxrammas both were made completely skippable by ToC, it's 5-mans, and then the Icecrown 5-mans that followed.


    You really shouldn't negate or make raids by-passable with easier content. Not if you're implementing them as a form of progression content.


    I agree that the proggresion and its existence is the principle of a game, especially in a game like mmo. Proggession can be implented and experienced in whole lot of ways. And, i do agree with OP and you, in sense, that while those elements do exist in swtor, they shouldn't be trivial.


    Edit. Trivial or not, they shouldn't divide or exclude the player community with exhausting gear grinding, to be exact. Thats my opinion.

  7. Makes me sad that the OP, who wrote out a 100% factual analysis of the terrible end-game gearing system is getting flamed by the biodrone defense force


    but what else can you expect from these forums?


    And from the OP the last sentences of his / her post:

    ...With the current system, technically you never have to do eternity vault on normal or hard, you can get full columni in hard modes and jump right to the nightmare difficulty. There is no progression, no sense of accomplishment, and no sense of pride that comes from having a full set of hard earned raid epics. Bioware you missed capturing this feel, and you need to rethink the current system.


    So, its factual and obviously unpleasent looking at it through his / her eyes. Terrible, or even humiliating :p according to OP, might be not-so-terrible to some.

  8. The thing is. What we get out of playing, is for some the casual fun factor, for the others it might be more competitive approach, if its pvp or pve... or some might mix em due other more important activities.


    There is no one way to please the customer base, when were talking of millions of gamers. So. Just saying, each individual cry for help is just that, an opinion. Most of the time that opinion leads to doomsday predictions.


    My take on this is that, when you're on the other end of the spectrum (being a hardcore gamer obviously), i can fully understand your angle on this. I myself tend to go to extremes, if its gaming, writing, drinking... or anything really. That is what thrives me.


    The past weeks since "early access" i've contributed countless hours on this game. In and out game - i study thoroughly my class, game mechanics, itemization of gear. You name it. I enjoy wholeheartedly of diggin deep into the game. Or anything really, thats just the way i am.


    The difference is. Whats competitive for me now, or what it was 10 years ago, aint the same anymore. I did hardcore raiding for 6 months back in the days. With hardcore i mean, raiding 5-6 days every week plus all the mish mash involved around it. I also had a job that time, still have... phew man, tired even thinking about it. When you're that involved, that certainly puts your priorities in a certain light.


    What i'm saying here, theres no one model to cater a challenge for the gamers. I will enjoy this game and any future ones not being the favorite e-peen games of the season.

  9. Same here!


    I've been custom binding the different quick slots to control+# and shift+# just so I didn't have to go hunting through the whole UI!


    Problem is: Almost every ability is useful, requires a different buff or position, and almost all of the abilities are frequently used! I hope they allow customized UI's soon.


    Yes, indeed. Its really weird how this hasn't been taken into consideration during the design.

  10. As the title says, i was thinking about this playing my other toons trooper being my highest lvl (36), but still managing the load of abilities at the moment. But what comes to my scroundrel, now lvl 29, i'm can forsee running out of quick slots for abilities by the time i get my 31 point skill.


    I got bottom and right side quick slots open for binding, leaving the left out only because its clearly just a filler not being able to even use it while your companion is out. Only "non-combat" abilities i got binded are medpack, speeder and class buffs. I've already dropped cybertech grenades and the "oh so funny" rally :).


    So, i'm aware of the skills and abilities coming up, and to be honest, i think i have 3 or 4 quick slots open and running out of space during levels 30-40. Any other scoudrels experiencing this? Other high level classes have this issue? Just another flawed desing issue?


    PS. I'd expect to be able to take advantage of all of my toons abilities, not opening my abilities window and clicking to activate em.

  11. Cause it seems to be the same beta.


    Where's my high res textures ?

    Why is the grass growing 30m in front of me while on High settings ?

    Why is my female smuggler running funny while having the blaster out ?

    Why my tickets are Closed while unresolved ?


    Beta ? Seems so. Early beta, even.


    Poor job Bioware, very poor job. I don't care about server queues, non-existant customer support, but the game as a whole has an unfinished feel.

    Fanboys, if you post telling me I'm crazy, you must be delusional yourselves, so just don't. No amount of love for Bioware (which I always admired) and Star Wars (which I will still love) can change the fact that this game was not ready for launch.


    I think they did quite a lot right, wouldn't be here writing this if not. But agree with the OP on the highlighted parts.


    More thoughts on my sig.

  12. Sorry, but you're wrong mate. I'm not talking about including everything, I'm talking about designing certain elements to work as they are working NOW in other MMOs - not as they were working X years before. MMOs are evolving, something great in 2004 is just not good enough in 2011 (2012).


    We design UI - let's design it so it's not customizable, player's won't care about that.

    We design rolling rules - let's take the worst system available today that will lead to problems and grief.

    We design Guilds - let's not include options that EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO on the market has.

    We design Auction House - let's ignore great WoW addons that show us how a market should work, and instead make it unusable and not worth bothering with at all.


    Do you see what I mean?


    Many aspects of the game are flawed at the DESING level.


    They did many things right, some things are awesome, but there are also aspects of the game that SUCK when they could be properly integrated into the game from the start.


    Totally agree with this whole post. The premise for the design is beyound comparison.


    And also the (not so) little things, like not being able to bind certain keys, which shouldn't be a huge effort from the coding appartment(?).

    More here:


  13. Exactly. It's pretty useless to argument stuff in a retrospective. Look at the game you playing. If its a game play issue or UI etc. the premise for game mechanics and new MMOs in general is wastly different than games a decade ago.


    Thats just the thing tho isnt it? These people who worked on Starwars, has had 7years+ to look at other MMOs to see what works and what doesnt, what kind of popular 'quality of life' improvements they've done in other mmos, so why havent they implemented really basic things that should be standard 'quality of life' things these days?


    The MMOgenre is 7 years older now than when WoW was released, so why does it feel like the UI is back at 2004?

  14. For me, hard coded "§" (next to "1") and "<" next to left-shift. Sounds minor, but if you're used to something, playing without them can make you feel almost disabled.


    What is the problem with key binding? I could bind all I wanted, even to extra mouse buttons and key combinations.
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