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Posts posted by blackadda

  1. Pyro is *amazing* once you get the hang of it, merc or PT both perform well... The skillcap is a lot higher than arsenal and a dare say, higher than most other classes too...but the results are also significantly better than arsenal AND you have more utility to defend a cap because you can DOT.


    In Ilum its also insane, your AOE's are better, your 1v1 ability is better, heck your 1v2 ability is better. as a skilled pyro i win 95% of my 1v1's.. but its not to say merc/pyro doesnt have a weakness to strong melee... it does(but less so than arsenal).


    Its easy to "Do it wrong" though


    Fact is if its played properly, you will outburst arsenal by a long way and do it much sooner in a fight than arsenal can, while remining mobile for 80% of its damage rotation and fairly resistant to interupts due to having a *rotation*...


    Summing up pyro.. it does more burst, more often WHILE mobile.


    Pyro is built around Railshot and unload against burning/dotted targets... Thermal/Rail/Unload/Rail on a burning target is usually a killing blow.


    For the record, post surge nerf CRIT numbers (with about 76% surge, BM geared)...


    Thermal=3.6-4.8k dmg 1.5 sec

    Rail 3.8-4.2k dmg 1.5 sec

    Unload 6.5-7.5k dmg 3 sec


    Meaning, if you dot stack, pyro has the potential to burst over 20k in a 6 second window starting at 3 to 4.5 seconds into a fight..

    Fights are often ended in the 1st 10 seconds.




    Tab Spam rapidshots using combustable gas cyl at every opportunity during downtime... 1k + 1.1k dot adds up fast


    Single target "vanilla" combo.

    Incindiary-thermal-rail-unload-rail-rocketpunch (if 2nd rail doesnt proc, substitue Rocketpunch if target is in melee, otherwise follow unload with rapidshots)


    AOE combo

    Fusion-DFA-Sweeping Blasters-flamethrower(if they still havnt moved by the time you run in to flamethrower they are just dumb... Sweep is "good" against burning targets)


    Want it dead combo

    Relics/Adrenal- TS override,Powersurge then Fusion as you run into range.

    Then your Rapid/incindiary/thermal/rail/unload/rail combo


    The worst classes to fight against :-


    *Skilled* Marauders/Sentinels and Operative/smuggler melee.


    They just have the right set of skills to make every fight competative, skill for skill, the marader should win 60%, the Operative about 40%.. im just glad 90% of the marauders and sentinels i see arent good players..the good ones are a nightmare to deal with ;)


    Remember Pyro is a "Stealth hunter" by definitiion (lots of boosts to stealth detection in the tree) so its *supposed* to be strong against ops and assassins... and it is, even if you ignore all the stealth detect talents as a waste of points, the DOT and Burst combo keeps you in the match.


    What NOT to use... EVER... POWER shot... for 20% chance to proc rail and terrible damage, you burn far too much heat.


    I regulary hit 300-350k without a pocket healer (actually 300k almost every match, with few exception)this is *while* helping the objectives with my Pyro merc. With pocket heals ive hit over 500k, this is all in 1.1.3 so current relevant numbers.

    Basically... mobile damage= ability to help objectives more often AND survive melee gankers like operatives and marauders.


    Learn it...and youll love it .. arsenal is just bad by comparison in PVP

  2. HS doesnt give a full resolve bar, not sure how you missed that. it gives 50% resolve.

    Meaning if you follow HS with a stun, you get 4.5 seconds of stunlock....but being in melee range as a lethality spec is really doing it wrong.


    Lethality/heals hybrid has been done before, if you spec to recover as much energy as possible from DOT crits you can do quite well as a support AOE dps..


    Key parts are using HEALS to get your TA, staying at range, using your AOE's... 300-500k dmg warzones with 100k+ heals is quite doable with that spec.


    single DOT's and AOE DOT's add up and they are used to recover energy, downside is the spec is very fragile, BUT people tend to ignore you if you arent stabbing them.



    Other downside is its a PVP build , not so great in PVE...so really useless before lvl 50

  3. I just started to pvp in this game at 50. My favorite exploit I have seen thus far (I believe it was a bug) was in the Cival War WZ (Alderann). While capping and defending the western turret, we constantly killed republic toons only to have the same ones dropping off speeders right back on the turret like 5 seconds later.


    Had to of killed the same commando like 5 times in a minute.


    Example of "working as intended" gameplay being reported as an "exploit" ..which i see a lot of in this thread.


    IF your team owns the turret, you can speeder directly back to it by taking the corresponding speeders (far left or far right depending)

  4. As a longtime MMO player and avid PVPer...


    You beat healers in a GROUP situation by using AOE's and bursting down individual targets during the confusuion...

    Its a default behaviour for a healer to revert to self preservation the moment they take damage..thus leaving their team to die.... you use that to your advantage.


    In a 1v1 situation you beat them by using your stuns and then interrupts at a time where your maximum burst damage will be hitting...that involves knowing your DPS class well,



    Right now i think the balance is near perfect, healers are where they need to be... aka VIABLE and VALUABLE.



    I say this as a DPS who occasionally(once in a blue moon) meets a healer who uses "rope a dope" and manages to burn me out of energy/heat before i can kill them.... all i think is..


    "Well played"

  5. I wonder about some games that are too easily won in huttball. I see super fast running and jumping by multiple players. It's either an exploit, or just really smart players working as a team in amazing sequence that will blow your mind.




    Group speed buff is available to some classes(i beleive marauder/sentinel), sorcs and sages get individual speed buffs as do operatives and smugglers(talented into, not their primary function) ... youll also see sorcs and sages "pulling" friendly players to them, and warriors jumping to friendly players or enemy players (intercede and force leap)..


    group stealth gets used/abused to hide cappers so they seem to cap while invisible (operative/smuggler)


    Hence my comment about the OP not giving specific examples and therefore coming across as lacking in knowledge.


    Many "exploits" which people mention here are simply players using skills which are a part of their class..


    The only "Exploit" i see right now is the "more than 8 players" bug/exploit which some claim can be reproduced at will and is being abused by *some* players.



    Without specific examples of what happened ..it comes across as


    "OMG everyone who beats me must be cheating!"

  6. People running at super speed (not with any buff), people not appearing while capping nodes until a half a second before they cap it, people standing invincible on top of the huttball center circle with the ball.


    Just a few I've seen.


    1st is probably one of the "Speed other" buffs...


    2nd one, of players not appearing while capping is because a team mate is using "Stealth other" powers on capping players which ive personally reported as i think its an exploit, but its up to BW to decide if its "working as intended"


    3rd.. never seen anyone invincible, have seen plenty of tank guarded players who have a sorc shield on them and 3 healers spamming *seem* invincible.


    4th.. Falling through the floor is a *bug* that happens sometimes in huttball... it seems to be on certain matches and not others, like the instance fails to load properly. It hurts as often as it helps.

  7. Tell that to the marauders and sentinels I see scoring 350-550k damage every match and wrecking BH/Troopers with ease...


    If you cant do that... you have L2P issues because others are doing it *right now* with the same class you are playing.


    Funny thing is most good players of the same class will be happy to share some tips with you on how to play better.... if youd just ask them :p



    Pyro spec is better than "Tracer spam" Arsenal spec.. and the trooper equivalent tree that doesnt use Grav-round is equally superior.... DOT damage owns in this game because it ticks between global cooldowns :eek:

  8. Cent gear with 2 champ PVP relics= about 580 expertise (takes 2-3 days to achieve)


    Full BM with BM PVP relics= 703 expertise (takes MONTHS to achieve)


    BM/Champ mix with PVE relics= about 585 expertise or 680ish with PVP Relics (a few weeks)



    The lesson here as a new 50...

    Buy CHAMP PVP relics first, they are cheap and they add almost 100 expertise... they close the gap significantly.


    A Centurion geared player with much less than 580 expertise will compete just fine (assuming they arent terrible players).


    If my lvl 20 lethality spec operative could score 260k in a pre brackets warzone against level 50's while working to the objective...dont blame gear when you only score 90k as a level 50.

  9. It does not have a small radius. The little symbol is only half of its radius.


    The marker is closer to 3/4 of the total radius .. still it stands to reason if you see the marker , you get out of the way and you dont take much damage if any at all..


    What I love to see is a group of healers who *never* move.


    Buff stack relic + power adrenal then...


    Fusion (as pyro merc) = 2.5k initial followed by 2-3 K DOT to each in a small radius

    DFA for 3 ticks = around 7k to each

    Sweeping blasters = 3-4k to each (9% extra dmg on burining targets with Pyrotech)



    and if they are dumb enough to STILL not move after about 6 seconds of being bombarded...


    run in and Flamethrower... 3x 1.6-2.7 k ticks to everyone in the cone..


    Pretty much after all that you have a bunch of low health players who are easily finished off...



    And to think if theyd only moved theyd have taken 2 to 5k instead of 18k dmg :)

  10. Situationally, but yes they are used a lot...


    In warzones


    Sorcs/Sages use AOE as their bread/butter and dont suffer much in the way of resource penalty for spamming AOE (and score very high on scorecards because of it)


    BH/Trooper both have *nasty* spike aoe's that burn out most of their resources, so they get used less frequently. BUT they can decimate a team that clusters together and lets the BH/Trooper spam 4 consecutive aoe's on their team



    In Open world PVP..


    A lot more... 20vs20 is often decided by who uses their AOE's most effectively on the enemy healer mob...and who is smart enough to spread out..

  11. I sort of do this to one of my guild's main healers if we come up against each other on Huttball :p


    In this instance though it's because I know full well that if I don't get in his face he'll just keep the other team alive forever.


    In related news, I also find that picking on a few key members of the other team (HELLO MERCENARIES! *force kick* NO TRACER FOR YOU!) and winding them up gets you chased around a lot and keeps the rest of your team relatively unmolested.


    This gets much, MUCH funnier when your own team's healers/tanks realise this and keep you alive for some epic 3v1 smackdowns, thus perpetuating the Circle of Comedy.


    This exactly... good players will *hunt* and *bait* other key players.. getting in their head or throwing them off thier game is all part of the fun and it wins games.


    Im not shy about sayin to my team "Hey PlayerX is in the game, PlayerX always scores 500k heals/Damage and is a damned good player focus him on sight if you want to win"


    Im sure PlayerX wonders "why the hell am i dying so much" :D

  12. I'm not sure if this only happens to me or not but about 70% of the time when I die during the Alderaan Civil War, my speeder bike does not show up in the room. In other words, I can't get back into the fight but I do receive a kick from the match and an automatic ship back to the fleet. So just wondering if I'm the only one getting these problems or not and if there's anyway to fix it.


    Sounds like it maybe a graphics issue or game file corruption?

    Ive never had this happen on my system, running ATI Radeon 5850.


    Tried positing this in the customer support forums or using an ingame bug report ?

  13. A good DPS keeps the bad guys away from the objective not go off chasing one guy across the map. >_>


    People who would run half way across the map to avoid death arent good or effective in their role to begin with(unless its a smuggler/operative trying to restealth for their next gank)... why would anyone hunt them or prioritise them as targets ?

  14. If i know your a particularly effective healer or DPS.., as a good DPS ill hunt you and kill you to make you less effective..


    If its huttball, and your centre field when either side is about to score, your my prime target as a BH/Merc/Pyro, controlling midfield is my role.... sort of like a CentreMidfielder in soccer, i reclaim resets, control midfield and counter attack if you score...


    Fact is once someones past the last obsticle in huttball, they score 90% of the time, its far better to let them go and reset to middle than to ignore middle and let them reclaim the ball after reset..only to score again and again...


    As a GOOD player of any type your role is forcing the enemy into a "damned if you do, damned if you dont" situation ..


    Basically...take it as a compliment when the other team deems you worthy of triple teaming and dont forget...if you play smart, you can buy enough 7vs5 time for the rest of your team to STILL be useful, even if constantly hunted by 3 players.

  15. You wont have 17k hp in full BM gear... more like 16k hp if you go your damage/healing set (not tank stat)... also in full BM you will have roughly 1300 unbuffed of your main dps stat (str/aim/cunning/will), with full top quality PVE with augment slots you're looking at around 1700 of main dps stat.


    basically if you go full PVE you'll have roughly 400 more of your main dps stat along with 3k more hp than if you went BM.


    Though the best way to do it is to go roughly half PVE, and half PVP regarding gear.


    Im at 18175 health in almost full BM "Eliminator" gear, 17415 without end buff, 1503 aim incl Rakata stim, 1380 without.


    Thats as DPS Spec Merc (pyro), with having taken only +3%end from talents...


    16k is more like a half cent/half champ...


    Switch out ur BM enhancements for champ level Surge/Power/Endurance and you get better bang for your buck... it doesnt take terribly long to do so either.

  16. Nerfed surge and now healers are even harder to kill.


    They arent any harder to kill than before... healers also lost healing power from the surge reduction.


    Crit heals probably got hit harder than most DPS classes crit damage did because the biggest heals were generally stronger than big single tick damage was.


    Overall its a *minor* change,


    The main benificiary of this in pvp = Tank classes...

  17. I lost like 10% surge... .


    As a Pyro/Merc i doubt ill see the 5k dmg medal anymore because thermal det was only *barely* able to crit that high, and that was rare.. so its like 1 medal lost every 10 matches for me...no big deal really.


    Still seeing 300k medal nearly every match , just did a 520k voidstar....so havnt lost a ton of damage, just a little off the spike damage

  18. Change daily and weekly to "Complete" instead of "Win" and 99.9% of the deserter problem is solved...

    Then add in some equivalent of the stacking Ilum valor buff for "winning" warzones.. so winning has some point to it.


    Otherwise just add code that stops a match starting unless its 8v8.. add a "wating for players" splash screen.

  19. Get rid of the leecehers who score 0,0,0,0,0 is a bigger priority. "Report AFKer" is needed. 15 second timed dialogue popup, randomly placed on the screen to fool botters, no response.. "kick"


    Some disincentive to quit would also be nice... maybe the daily/weekly should be changed to "COMPLETE 6 Warzones" instead of "Win 3"


    Ive literaly watched a player chain quit/rejoin untill they managed to pop on the "winning" side... of course them chain quittitng meant the "winners" had another 2 mins of 5v7before we finally got 8 players vs 8 players and they had a 4 goal advantage...


    the game ended a 4/4 tie...and we held the ball at the end...so quitters dont always prosper:D


    TBH i think a 5 minute timeout for leaving a warzone would suffice.

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