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Everything posted by nogoodtomedead

  1. I'll be streaming Saturday night, 11/22/14 at 10 pm to 12 am. I'll be doing a bit pvp and some character leveling. Stop by and chat about the game. I'll also be giving away some random in-game items: a handful of cartel packs and color crystals.(Note: this is being done on my own accord, You also have to be playing on Prophecy of the Five to be eligible for these prizes) http://www.twitch.tv/mandalorianfury
  2. As the title implies, I'll be streaming gameplay on Twitch late tonight at 10:30pm central (http://www.twitch.tv/mandalorianfury). Come hang out and talk about the information we are getting later today for troopers/bounty hunters in 3.0.
  3. I love reading these stories. I hope that we get to find out what happened to her clan in-game or via another story. I remember watching the "deceived" trailer and seeing Shae Vizla unleash her arsenal and I knew instantly that I was going to roll a Bounty Hunter at launch. My fascination with Mandalorian's began with Boba Fett at a early age. Keep up the great work Bioware.
  4. As the title says I'll be streaming arsenal merc gameplay tonight on twitch (http://www.twitch.tv/mandalorianfury) at 10 pm central time. Great way to learn about playing an arsenal merc.
  5. Both specs have their merits, but I personally use Arsenal. I feel that Arsenal is going to put out more damage then pyro more quickly and on a regular bases. Understanding each warzone map is very important as well; knowing the best spots to begin opening up on a target. Picking your fights and choosing your targets play a large part of being successful as a arsenal merc. Yes, fairly simple rotation, but knowing when to pop your defensive cooldowns can mean life or death in pvp. Presently, as it stands, Mercs/commandos struggle greatly in terms of pvp because other classes have on par dmg with better defensive cooldowns. Hopefully, this will change for the better in 3.0. Musco already hinted that mercs/commandos are going to get a discipline skill that will allow us to use one of our abilities while moving.
  6. Been reading through the posts here and this one caught my attention. Martin Luther King did indeed advocate non-violate protest. I AGREE, that it is EVERY individuals right to express an opinion as long as it well founded but remains expressed in a non-violent way. There is a time and place for violence but only in the face of true tyranny and evil. The community team is far from tyrannical or the embodiment of evil. They are fellow human beings and verbally assaulting them violently is a LARGER ISSUE than a delay of information regarding a VIDEO GAME. In regards to Friday's stream, There was a large percentage of comments that were verbally abusive and sexual in nature, aimed at both Courtney and Hillary. We are not talking about one or two people here, but a large percentage of the viewers. THOSE INDIVIDUALS, using curse words, derogatory, and sexual comments on the stream in their questions/comments, were not protesting peacefully and DO NOT deserve to be listened to, until they can express their complaints/concerns in a professional and mature way. The individuals expressing their opinions/concerns in a non-verbally violent manner, I hope your comments were made note of since you were respectful towards the community team and that issues respectively brought up are resolved in a timely manner. Keep in mind people, the community managers have very little to do with developmental process of SWTOR; their main job and task is to relay information when they have it, between the devs and players, and from the players to the devs.
  7. Courtney and Hillary, I applaud you both for staying professional and positive during today's stream. I usually tune in for the streams and that was by far thee most hostile chat room I have seen in a long time and never before on the community stream. Those immature individuals will get theirs one day, and I hope their negativity doesn't prevent future live streams or keep you both from participating in the live streams.
  8. OP, Been playing a arsenal merc since launch, we've had some ups and downs as a class in the game's history. However, I think the class is at a good point in the game. This is a situational awareness class in PVP. Use your environment to your advantage when you can. In terms of 1v1, I've killed them all at some point. Knock them back and throw that electro net on them, pop power surge and thermal overrides and smack them with fusion missile and a tracer and then unload followed by heatseeker missile. if all goes well you've taken most of their HP away in mere seconds. Also there is always going to be a better skilled/geared player out there that will simply rofl stomp you every time. As far as another range opener, Devs commented on this topic during the last Q/A's for the Mercs/mandos. Its something that has been talked about, still somewhat on the table if absolutely needed.
  9. I know its still early for Strongholds and I looked forward to already planned items. However, I'd like to see the following to be added. Banners, obviously we've got the pub and imp banners and House Rist. But what about some of the other house banners like Thul, organa, etc. Personally, I'd also like to see some mandalorian banners. Perhaps make some of these damaged, so they look like they were recovered from a battlefield. More jukeboxes with various star wars music/themes, it would make the strongholds feel more alive and perhaps add some ambient sounds to npcs, chatter, more droid bleeps. Npc's, as it stands we get our companions, imp/pub guards, medical droids, dancers, a waitress/waiter, a bartender, and some prefab vendors/ material vendor jawas. I would hope to see more various npcs; personally some bounty hunter/mandalorians. While I love the freedom to set up my stronghold how I want it, I'm dismayed by the fact so many people simply are just spamming their strongholds with the trophie pictures over and over and filling all the hooks with speeders/mounts. These folks show up at the top of the public listings and it prevents people from seeing the real prestigious strongholds. In short, a different way to calculate a "complete" stronghold is needed. Quality of life suggestions. Open up the weapon choices a bit, for example allowing a jedi knight to choose which kind of lightsaber they want to use, a jedi sentinel using a double sided saber would be awesome. Seeing a merc bounty hunter with a blaster rifle would be amazing. Now i realize this requires a bit of work. But you would be making a lot of people very happy which the ability to further customize their character. Blaster pistols, sniper rifles, blaster rifles- some of the artwork for these weapons is simply horrible, get off the western/mafia style artwork. Blaster sounds need some work, some of the sounds just do not fit in the star wars universe. More playable alien races, there are a ton already in the game that speak common, since your so opposed to alien languages. Open world PVP on PVP server- We hardly see the opposing faction players. So in the future, would be nice to cross paths with opposing players in the open world. Conquests are a step in the right direction but how bout earning some points for defeating opposing players outside of warzones. To wrap this up, we have seen large improvements in the game, please keep up the excellent work.
  10. This will sound nerdy, but I based my BH's choices off the Mandalorian code which yielded mostly lightside choices. In my opinion a live capture would show ones talent and skills, especially if the target was considered extremely dangerous. You don't have to be a raving madman to be a bounty hunter, Jango Fett and Boba Fett were far from evil despite some of the jobs they took.
  11. Yeah, I'd like to see actual armor/weapon racks. On a nerdier note, I want items that scream mandalorian, so some krayt dragon skulls, wookie pelts, and a gungan frozen in carbonite would be fantastic.
  12. Your gimping yourself by trying to dps with a 2pc healer bonus imo. The escape/leap would give us a 2nd option to put distance between ourselves and an opponent instead of having to pop every cooldown we have to maybe survive.
  13. I have to disagree with your assessment, PvP wise its our survivability that is lacking. Complicating our rotation with more "procs/buffs" will not help us survive. we currently have some of the highest cooldowns in the game; knowing the right time to use them is a steep enough learning curve for most players. A disengage ability is still needed for this class, we don't have force bubbles, and we don't have a vanishes. Patch 2.7 will help to some degree. Also your advice to "re-roll" is a unwanted phrase/comment in these forums and disrespectful to the die hard merc/commando community.
  14. If you check the Dev tracker, Musco said the combat team was still working through changes for the merc/commando class. To those who think mercs are 100% fine, that is just wrong. Dmg wise there is nothing wrong with us. But we are too easily shut down with interupts, some of our defensive cooldowns are way to long to make much of a difference. We need a real distance opener other than our 1 knockback. Example: a disengage like ability or a significant boost to hydraulic overrides speed boost.
  15. Thank you for the response Musco. I look forward to reading what the combat team has in mind.
  16. What about mercs and pts (and their respective mirror counterparts)??? Its been almost a whole month with nothing being said in regard to either one of these advanced classes.
  17. We need to make sure we have a representative that has played all the spec's a considerable amount. Damage wise I think we are fine, but I feel we need some of survival skills looked at. I'm still hoping for a disengage ability but I don't see that coming any time soon. I'd like to see either the cooldown reduced or the duration of Electro net increased. The speed boost on hydraulic overrides could also be increased to allow us to put some distance between ourselves and the melee opponent.
  18. I play as Arsenal and find it more rewarding than pyro. I save cooldowns strictly for stealth classes. Put some distance between them as soon as possible, put the net on them, if haven't put some distance between yourself and your opponent keep moving and pop power surge, hit them with tracer-fusion missile-explosive dart, heatseeker missile and you've most like proc'd barrage in this rotation so hit them with unload. Its enough dmg to make most stealth opponents think twice. Obviously, your cc breaker and hydraulic overrides are a important part of this. Believe me its hilarious when are stealth jumps ya and you kite them and nuke them down. Use your environment to your benefit, the high ground is usually good for you and this goes for all mercs/commandos. As always pick your targets, softies first.
  19. If you have a legacy lvl of 20 you can get the legacy helmet on dromund Kaas.
  20. 1) Merc is a ranged class, you get self heals, a AoE knockback, and some cool abilities like electro net. 2) Bh in general are fairly easy class to learn to play. The self heals for the merc make it easier for solo play. 3) If you go merc use the power crystal, if you go PT for tank, endurance. 4) This falls back to player preference, both advanced classes have their ups and down in pvp. PT Pyro is pretty fun, but Pt's lack self heals and that can be bad in pvp. Mercs on the other hand if played properly can be very good. Self heals, electro net, AoE knockback. Personally i play a arsenal merc and love it. Mercs do need a handful of buffs from the devs. But assuming your not being focused out, you can rain down terror in pvp as dps. 5. Well armormech is nice for making augmentation kits which can save and make you credits down the road. I believe its cybertech that allows you to make a variety of usable grenades in pvp. Hope this helps and good hunting.
  21. A mandalorian reputation would be great as well. As for the the title, despite not having a official title I definitely enjoyed being referred to "the mandalorian" by the sith. But over all Mandalorians are something that everyone fears.
  22. I'd like to remind some of you to keep your comments respectful and to use constructive criticism. This thread isn't about how much the devs play the game or how small their development staff is. This is about a legitimate concern about mercs, if you recall mercs were nerfed almost into oblivion 3 months after launch and it took many more months before some of the issues were corrected.
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