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Posts posted by DarthFamine

  1. Most of the rage on this thread is from men who have chosen to play a female character. I think that there's a good chance that the developers had a female's interests in mind when they wrote the romance for a female character. The people who seem to be female irl who have posted in this thread have all supported the writing of Corso's character, and as a female I have to agree. He isn't offensive on a chauvinistic level, and he isn't THAT annoying. Anything he does that bothers you can be eradicated by simply using another companion. Overall I have to admit that I would have preferred having the choice between Corso and another, perhaps more rough-around-the-edges type of male companion who is more similar to my character, but there really isn't all that much hate-able about him, at least from a female standpoint. This begs the question, why are you playing a female character if you are so bothered by an annoyingly sweet NPC? As for your rude comment to that girl about sparkly vampires and such, that is far more sexist than anything that Bioware has written into the dialogue with Corso Riggs. Not every female is an ignorant worshiper of Edward Cullen you pig.




    Nope, my wife plays a female smuggler and cant stand the guy.


    I believe her exact words were "I wouldn't let him within 20 meters of my bunk, he'd be just as useless there as he is in battle!"



  2. I would suggest you inform the party before combat of this unspoken rule. if it's not spoken its easier to ignore.


    I will usually wait until the tank starts the ball unless we are just farming something easy.

  3. Well


    I haven't pvped much at all, haven't even finished pve yet so perhaps I bring a unique perspective to this lively debate.


    The gear vs the skill


    I agree with the sentiment that skill should be the deciding factor.

    I also agree with the notion that someone who has been doing it longer should have better gear and be more able to lay out the beatdown.


    That having been said I do see something of an imbalance here in the good geared players.

    can it be fixed without breaking everything? *shrugs* Probably.


    I like the idea of a vendor that sells the pvp gear directly. perhaps instead of bags, set it so that you must attain a certain valor rank in order to access the vendor(s)


    this would help eliminate the endless grinding, (we are all tired of huttball even me who pvp's very little) would let the truly skilled players deck themselves out.


    and make it a little easier to get the stuff which would help the casual players some.


    the whole open a bag and get nothing thing just annoys the hell outta me. I work 60+ hours a week with an hour commute each way and just don't have alot of time to grind. I would like a way to at least be useful in pvp. Right now I can't grind, so I cant get gear. With the gear disparity this makes me pretty much useless unless the other team feels like farming me (oh what fun!)


    *shrugs* I'm not asking for a handout but from an objective viewpoint the current system is in fact unbalanced.


    I hope this helps.


    I now welcome your quit QQing and L2P comments



  4. As I've pointed out many times before, there are two types of people who play marauders:


    1) Those who have only played a marauder, and never played any other class, and think their squishiness is the way it is supposed to be.


    And 2) Those who have played other classes and realize just how broken marauders really are.


    Seriously, all of you "marauders are uber and OP an stuff!!!" people out there, just TRY to play another class for a while. Then come back.


    The fact of the matter is either one of two things is true:


    1) Marauders are under powered and way too squishy.


    Or 2) Every other class is way, way, WAY over powered.






    if we got a few little buffs it would make us right I think.

    a cc that can manage a single target (besides a droid) perhaps extend the range and drop the rage cost of saber throw. and a small damage buff would solve most of our issues.


    We are simply underpowered. I have played a marauder since beta, and I love em but they really do need some tweaking.

  5. I had to get some help from a guildie of mine to get through there

    A 47 inq came in with me and we just waylaid them.


    Get a bit of help, if you are on mind trick holler at me and i'll come help.




    just couldn't take a pair of them at 44.


    i could beat one, but not two.

  6. I have a carnage marauder and I have a few suggestions that I feel would help us alot


    1) extend the range of saber throw to 15m and reduce the cooldown by half.

    2) give us a decent AOE because lets be honest, ours looks pretty but most things just shrug it off. It's embarrassing to see an inq that's 20 levels below you do more with an AOE than you can

    3) Some kinds of CC, doesn't have to be a huge one like the whirlwind, but something that can effect things other than droids.

    4) buff our damage a little on the off attacks (everything that isnt Ravage, or massacre)

    Not alot, just a little

    5) maybe a weak force lightning or perhaps a force throwthatguyintoawall not something that would be a huge damage hound but enough to give a second of breathing room.

    6) Force Jump (think Jedi Outkast/Academy) (That one might be too much, I dunno)


    well thats my 2 cents

  7. I will start by admitting the great evil


    Until I got into the Beta I had NEVER played an MMO.


    No WoW,GW,Evercrack,galaxies, Nothing!




    So this is my first Launch. From what I see it could be better, but it could also be a great deal worse. I would like to see a little more communication from Bioware, but honestly I'm pretty sure they have their hands full.


    If I was running the show there it would be all hands on deck, and I see no reason why they wouldn't be doing that.


    I am sure they are working as hard and as fast as they can to get us all into the game as quickly as possible.


    Why do I say that?


    Simple, they are a business, they want money. To get money they have to make us happy.

    Nevermind the fact that most of them are likely just as big a star wars addicts as the rest of us. Thats just icing on the cake.


    So guys, please just calm down and relax. The game isn't going anywhere for a few years at least.


    Thanks Bioware


    Happy Holidays Everyone

  8. I'm sorry I couldn't read the whole thread cause I was busy raging!


    nevermind that I am at work and can't play! I should have the option to flaunt that fact that I could play!


    Curse you bioware!





    *continues raging incoherently for another few days*






    *foams at the mouth*


    *spews a few traditional vile words*





    oh well enough silliness, back to work. Though I do know how the majority of my christmas break is gonna be spent :p

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