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Posts posted by Vudu

  1. NGE wasn't SWG. Really, the PVP in TOR is much better than NGE PVP. Now, if you were talking precurb or curb, that was good stuff.


    Permadeath, XP loss, corpse runs and item decay. But, the best part of PVP in old school SWG was that it was skill based, not level based and class 'locked'.

  2. this post MUST be from an OP assn or mara/senti. Hope i just filled your ego a little you JA.


    Lol, nah, I've been playing pyrotech 8)-


    And, I have no ego ... zen

  3. I was doing alright as republic on Jung Ma. I rolled imperial as a pyrotech to learn how to counter them. My pyro is valor 41 right now and I can count my losses to republic on one hand, without using my thumb.
  4. She played since beta.. And have the best PvE guild on our server.. Cleared all the Nightmare content in OPS..




    Sure.. You can still do fairly well in ONE PERSON content, but there will be no spot for Shadow Tanks in OPS..

    Shadow Tank simply cant be outhealed in certain bosses fights..

    Or you have to bring one more healer to group.. 2 dedicated healers will be able to heal the «Tank»..

    So OPS group will look as: 1 «Tank», 3 healers, 4 DPS..

    So you will not be able to enjoy an MMO experience after you hit 50lvl.. But who cares? The game is dieing anyway..


    I didn't know that 4 man heroics were considered one person content. Only ops require groups. The reason I mentioned the difference in soloing between guardian and shadow is that it would seem to point toward surviving (or not) the content at that level would give a hint at how the class works for its role in group content. If one class can tank the mobs and another can't, which one is the better tank? To me, it's been shadow over guardian all day long.


    Are you telling me that vanguard is the only good tank left in the game? I haven't played vanguard tank, yet. I have played pyro powertech, though. Eventually, I'll switch to the tank role with powertech and compare my personal notes on each tank class.

  5. Leafy_bug, how long have you played shadow or assassin? I'm just curious, not implying anything.


    I read that entire thread and I still don't see the problem.


    I rolled shadow first, within the first week of launch. Next, I rolled guardian within two weeks of starting the game. I rolled other toons to support the shadow and the guardian with gear and such. My shadow is artifice and my guardian is biochem - this matters.


    During the progression of each toon, I noticed that the shadow was vastly more suited to solo running flashpoints, heroics and dailies. The guardian eventually got to the same point, but the gear curve allowing the shadow to solo was way ahead of the gear curve for guardian. In other words, I was soloing dailies with the shadow in L49 mods when it took a mix of battlemaster for the guardian to do the same. This was with both in tank spec. I eventually switched to focus on the guardian.


    Considering the percent difference in the gear and stats from L50 to L56-58, 4-6% reduction doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me.


    My point isn't to argue against you for the sake of arguing. I truly don't get what the fuss is about. I'm wondering if most of the people complaining about this nerf just don't use the shadow to its potential? Then again, maybe there are certain flashpoints, ops, etc. that are better suited to shadow and some to vanguard or guardian? Vice versa.

  6. My numbers may not be entirely accurate (installing PTS now) but the message remains : we are not viable anymore for pve. DPS wise, none of our trees gives the sentinel damage and tanking wise, no comment.


    I don't do op level pve at all, so maybe you could explain this to me ... how is having taunt, direct damage reduction attacks, one minute sapping and the highest internal damage resistance in game make shadow useless when we have an approximate 4% decrease in direct damage reduction? I still find the class extremely viable, just not for every situation. Of all classes, especially tank classes, I still feel that shadow has the most utility. We just don't have the single best of any main utility (dps, tanking or cc). But, in combination, nothing touches shadow, even after the nerf.


    But, I may be wrong.

  7. 8 pages of posts and only a few mention PVE. Indeed, SWTOR is all about PVP and not PVE. Wake up! Some guilds prefer raiding to PVP and the only reason I have PVP-ed lately is the lack of content. I made sure to get two types of gear on my shadow. I have augmented rakata/blackhole/campaign for both dps and tank spec. Tanking Denova HM with my Shadow was fun but now I will have major issues doing this. Healers are already exerting themselves in this operation to heal the party, what will they do when I as a tank will take more and more damage? 5.5k armour from 7.3k armour will translate into more damage taken over time. My self heals are also reduced when I fight the boss, thus healers will need again to top me up faster.



    Coming back to PVP, we shall still dominate everyone and all the facerolled people will cry for more and more nerfs. Regarding PVE, shadow tanks have just been killed which makes me think that Bioware has the impression we shall all re-roll. No thank BioWare. I did not bring my shadow to valor 90+ so you force me to reroll and 'populate' planets where people can't do their quests.


    1.3 will be the day SWTOR dies and ranked PVP will only satisfy a percentage of people whilst those raiding get the shaft.




    I lol-ed when I saw that a guy who is not even 50 tries to tell me more about my class. Cool story bro, I have been 50 since december.



    PS: inb4 noobs cry for more shadow tank nerfs and healers whine on the forums that they can't heal shadow tanks in operations.

    PPS: inb4 Bioware makes level to 40 free to compensate for the amount of unsubs that will happen.


    How do you get to 5.5K from 7.3K? You should be closer to 6.3K which would translate closer to 40% damage reduction. You're running the numbers wrong.

  8. The armor changes will have far more signifcant impact in PvE than PvP. In PvP most of the tough classes to deal with have attacks that reduce/bypass armor and the best form of protection in PvP is to kill the target before it kills you. Are Assassins just way better tanks in PvE compared to other tanks?


    In my experience, my shadow is much better than my guardian at both tanking and dps. But, that's more to do with the shadows ability to crowd control. It's vastly superior to other tanking classes.

  9. I knew that some kind of nerf was comming, but this seems a bit excessive to me... Just reduceing the healing reveiced would have been understandable, but reducing the damage mitigation on the tank tree, when it alredy was questionable, is a mystery to me... Oh well, guess I have to get on the pts and see if i got my character copied so i can try it out... Guess I better roll a marauder, powertech or operative if I want to be competative in pvp now... And here I thought 5 lvl 50's was enough to have a class "on par" to play :mad:

    (50 sage, nerfed. 50 gunslinger buffed yay, but on dead server, 50 commando&merc healer nerfed and now assassin, nerfed)


    Missandei is right, though. For pvp, shadow will still be good in the hands of a good player. People will still cry for nerfs on them even after the nerfs coming up.


    Still, roll a pyro, dude. Maybe you'll be as impressed as I am with how they've flown under the radar for so long.

  10. Vanguard have much better «gap closer» than force run.. talented it even do CC..

    And Vanguard have a bigger burst in PvP.. When Shadow Tank do ~3k biggest hit in PvP, equally geared vanguard Tank makes 4K+ biggest hit..


    The problem is that there is a PvE.. And in PvE ShadowTanks are nearly destroyed by 1.3..


    Well, I can't say anything about ops or pve hardmodes. About vanguard, all I can say is that I rolled a pyro powertech a few weeks back and havent logged on any other toon (I have 1 of each AC) since. It's amazing PTPTs arent on the nerfing block. Every single warezone, I get top damage, protection and medals. I run 4 man heroics solo.


    I could do the same with the shadow tank, but it takes a lot more work. Now, with shadow getting hit with nerfs, I'm guessing I'll be playing the pyro almost exclusively. The gunslinger is still fun, though 8)-

  11. I will still be killing ppl left and right in PVP my dps isnt nerfed so not really a pvp nerf much rather a PVE nerf but there it really hurts yay for that


    I'll still do okay in pvp and still solo the 2+ man heroic dailies with ease, I'm sure.

  12. because 1.3 patch dont hit live yet..


    Right, I editted 8)-


    Really, I think the utility that shadow brings with some crowd control makes up for the loss in pure face tanking ability. But, maybe I'm delusional.

  13. Do you realize that Shadow «Tank» will have Armor stat no more than 5500? Compare to Vanguard 8400..

    And Vanguard DPS spec having 4500.. lol..

    Why bring the Shadow in Ops when you can take Vanguard DPS instead?


    Problem is not with PvP.. Moreover, after 1.3 good ShadowTank players will still dominate WZ as it now according to the QQers.. lol.. i want to see their faces after 1.3 when they realize that nothing is changed and good tanksins still facerolling them..


    Problem is that 1.3 completelly kills PvE for Shadow Tank..

    Even now other Tanks are more preferable for Ops than Shadows.. And after 1.3 there will be no tank spec.. It will be just underDPS with taunts.. lol.. And getting in mind LFG tool.. *sigh*.. Only total noobs or a real desperate LFG-ers will accept Shadow as a tank in FP..


    Armor stat 5500.. what a joke.. hahaha....


    PS.. i will understand if BioWare buffed shield/defence chance by 25-30%.. But no.. They want just destroy Shadows and force ppl to reroll other classes because of low populated areas in PvE leveling..


    No, thanks.. I will not give my money to the clueless greedy MMO rookies..


    Why does my shadow have 6900 armor rating?


    Nevermind, I read that wrong. At any rate, 6900 for me, now gives ~42% damage reduction. At 3100, my damage reduction is 21%. Considering that 150% over 100% should (on paper) bring me closer to 7600, not 6900, the percentages aren't working how most people are arguing here, that they do.


    Vanguard doesn't have stealth, force run, or 1 minute mezzes, do they?

  14. QFT.....Gutting something in half and 33% and another 35% in another area is a long way off from being a "Small Adjustment".


    Do yourself a favor, before you jump to conclusions on applied mathematics and dev statements ... log in your shadow or assassin, hit combat stance a couple of times and note the increase/decrease to both armor rating and damage reduction. Then, agree with me that it's not 150%.


    Finally, come back and agree, again, that the applied mathematics behind the adjustments isn't going to be 35%. Run the numbers yourself. Divide the final value by the base value. Realize that 150% is not 50%. Further realize that for it to be 35%, the base needs to be 100%. Finally, 150% over 100%, by addition is 250%. Actually calculating the adjustment is closer to 230%.


    The closer to final adjustment is closer to 14%, which will be further adjusted down making it less than 14%. Those are armor rating numbers, only. Those aren't damage reduction numbers. The damage reduction numbers are closer to 5%.

  15. The paper adjustments for shadow armor rating are 150% to 115%. The doesn't directly translate to a 35% decrease. On paper, it's a 14% decrease. In reality, it's less than 14%. If you all would like, I can show you some real numbers, but there would still be arguments and disbelievers.


    The reduction in armor isn't that big of a deal.


    Shadow and Assassin have the highest internal resistance of all tank classes. I tend to think, considering the distinction between damage types, Shadow and Assassin will still prove to be a better tank in some situations than Guardian or Vanguard, simply due to the internal resistance.


    I have a L50, +70V guardian and shadow. Both are equally geared. Even though the guardian has higher armor rating and damage reduction than the shadow, the shadow has much higher survivability. There are more reasons to explain it than damage reduction alone. As the patch notes suggest, there is more to balance than raw numbers.


    Don't be so pessimistic.

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