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Everything posted by Aaoogaa

  1. Think about it...I found the AC/spec I thought gunnery would be. Good ranged damage, nice burst, solid aoe, and good survivability mixed in with control. If your gunnery trooper/arsenal merc isnt working out like you thought then give saboteur gunslinger/engineer sniper a whirl. You get as much damage, much much better survivability, and on top of that opponent control is amazing.
  2. They failed to provide information before the 7th on what is happening in the new "expansion"...not only did I not pre-order but I cancelled my sub. Lack of communication means no cash from me. The communication to the players is lower now than it has ever been since launch...terrible and getting worse...not better as can be seen by the response in this thread.
  3. Sorry changed my post as I didn't want to come across wrong.
  4. This is what really happens. You get leaped to and concusive charge the target is immune due to unrimitting. You eat a smash to the face and a force scream then get pushed and leaped again for a masters strike...if you use your breaker on the leap root to get out of master strike then you get forcechoked and smashed again if you save it for the force choke you eat the full masters strike and then break the choke and smashed again...a quick dipatch and you are dead. By the time you spawn again the warrior/knight has all of his cooldowns back up and you are once again a sitting duck with no escapes and no hopes of survival. In the 8 seconds it takes to kill you he has unrimitting up and there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening. Operatives - you will usually escape if you are up on the railing...an assasin is just going to pop his tech immunity and destroy you as nothing will stick to him. Edit - sorry don't know all the names of the warrior abilities so filled in with Jedi abilities.
  5. Great post but sadly it will get ignored and fall quickly to the depths of PVP forum hell.
  6. Spring but IMO One planet isn't an expansion. This was promised to be free content that got pushed back due to the failure and downsizing of staff and F2P changeover. Now they are going to charge you for the content...1 new area/raise level cap charge 20 bucks. If you act now subscribers can get the supposed to be free content for half the price!
  7. DPS Guardians should use the droid as kira is overrated. Once Kira loses agro she never gets it back meaning you take all the damage for the rest of the fight. The droid allows you to bounce taunts back and forth and with timing you will be able to take damage with your defensives up and let the droid take damage in between. At those levels their DPS isn't much difference but their utility is. Then later on you have him geared for important parts of the story AND know how to use him to his fullest potential by then.
  8. Half the stuff included on here didn't deserve a major announcement. EA should look to replace Hickman for garbage communication like this. One major fail after another. Why was open world pvp even mentioned when they have no plans to implement it within the year? This should not be part of the announcement there should be a seperate thread apologizing to the player base for a year of fail implementing this. A comlete waste of development time. So 2 fails and 1 fluff are the huge major announcements for the upcoming year!!!!!! wooot!!!
  9. Actually recruit/pve gear it's more like 7-8k. I hit warhero from 5k (heavy armor)-6.5k (light armor). Silly fun and OP. Actually you only need 3 for 18k followed by 3 dispatches...2 gcd death, and 2 smashers is a 3 gcd death. 0/12/29...silly fun and OP in it's current form.
  10. Just soloed a 49 gunnery commando and another gunnery commando on my 23 marauder...so sad what the class has become.
  11. I play enough games on my commando to keep the gear up and that's about it. Get daily done and on saturday/sunday get weekly done. Otherwise the class is shelved due to lack of playability.
  12. I have a 0/12/29 force sweep guardian that I just got done putting into full augmented warhero. It's almost laughable how easy the class is to play. Please make all AE instant, and hit for 8-10k (hits this high have been recorded for smash). That way when you run into a smash team you have an instant counter. We can call it the AE wars and completely ruin the game.
  13. It's not holding your own...holding your own denotes that you have a chance to win solo. Until merc/commando is worthwhile for rated they are underperforming and need to be buffed.
  14. Waiting for state of the game 2.1 because this one was outright failure. If this is the focus of the game in the next year I doubt I will be around much longer.
  15. ...it would be as boring and useless as the space component.
  16. This thread really has nothing to do with the SGR and everything to do with the executive producer having his priorities all mess up. The main stay of this game is PVP...do you really think ops are the end game for TOR? The PVP population is much higher than the raiding population at any give time. If they don't extract their heads from their butts soon I am dropping my sub. I can screw around with friends with F2P. Without PVP there really isn't much in this game for me and the class I prefer to play isn't smashmonkey.
  17. Another 6 man smash/2 healer team. This is getting old quickly. After the state of the game address and lack of pvp communication I am giving the game another week. When PVP goes from fun to frustration because of class stacking there is an issue that needs to be addressed and quickly...this should not have lasted this long. The only class I am enjoying atm is my smash jedi...sad.
  18. Never...they are revamping Ilum but will not be bringing back the open pvp area there. Looks like large scale pvp in this game is dead.
  19. Probably because very few people really care about SGR...next will be the outcry for petiality and dressing up in panda costumes to create a furball.
  20. Orbital strike - interrupts caps Freighter flyby - does not Inferno grenade - doesn't stop caps Whatever the sniper engineering tree 31 pointer is called - does. These are actual differences that have yet to be changed that are imp advantages.
  21. Same gender romance fluff is higher on the to do list than pvp class balance? See I would have thought something that actually matters in the game would get looked at first? If that is what is impotant in the state of the game I guess pokemon pet battles and pandas are not far behind.
  22. The issue is that the spec was designed to be a high burst AC with fair armor survivability. The damage was nerfed twice AFTER it was tested and "balanced" and armor is underperforming because the optimal specs either reduce or ignore armor. Other classes that were competative were buffed twice and then health pools went up. Grav round used to hit for 2-3k on 12k hp pools...we now hit for 2-3k on 20k hp pools. See the issue? A burst class that does not burst and lacks utility is underperforming. Our optimal damage rotation takes 7 global cooldowns if uninterrupted...we die in 4 global cooldowns with very little damage output because of the interrupts. Only bad players let gunnery commando/arsenal merc free cast...the good ones leave our corpses in pieces and move on.
  23. I leveled up a gunslinger but quickly became bored of the sharpshooter set up. I shelved him for awhile due to boredom but a few days ago I decided to switch specs and try out saboteur...needless to say I am in love with this spec. However, being new and still gearing up I seem to be having trouble maintaining energy in extended pvp fights and the burst from the class only comes every 30 seconds (although it is nice burst). Has anyone been playing saboteur in PVP for awhile? Have any advice on energy management or game play experience?
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