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Posts posted by Matteis

  1. I agree, the issues in EV need sorting badly. It's been months that people have been complaining about the Soa issues and they're still there. Platforms bugging out, random resetting post-phase 1, and how about the Ancient Pylon consoles still not working properly? Gharj platforms not spawning and wiping the raid, or maybe even a little bit of random resetting during the Infernal Council fight when we are still well below the two minute mark? When my guild and I raid we have to budget additional time into the night just because we know glitches and resets will plague our evening. This is your ENDGAME BIOWARE! The pinnacle of the content that your players have available to them when they hit the level cap. Don't tell me PvP is there also, that's a joke in this game.


    As a layman, I'll never understand prioritizing issues in game development.

  2. The problem with this is that in order to accommodate the dumb-dumb AI, every fight would be a tank n spank. There would be no room for mechanics because the melee just stands in the AoE/fire around the bosses feet, and things like kiting would be lost on them as well, etc.


    It would lead to massive snooze fests which all the solo players would then continue to complain about once they got this feature. I vote no for this, it's a waste of resources to further develop 'single player' features of this already lobbied multiplayer game.


    Single player games exist in abundance folks . . . try them out?

  3. Get to 50 asap, the Ilum/Belsavis dailies yield around 200k per day if they're ALL completed and you also get a bunch of rewards/drops to sell on the side.


    17 daily quests (I think) that each yield 10.7k - 13.7k in rewards. Do the math. Then you get all kinds of rewards and item drops to sell. You can get rich very fast once you hit 50.


    Some clowns in another thread are claiming money is hard to come by in this game but clearly it isn't if you heed my above words.

  4. If money takes no effort, why doesn't my character have a trillion credits? :rolleyes:


    Hyperbole only makes you look desperate in conversations. One trillion credits would take a decade to accumulate.


    However, In the last three months since launch I've paid for all my riding skills, fully trained my toon, bought tons of upgrades off the GTN, bought my 1.5m credit mount, and still have 5 million in my bags from doing just regular dailies in pursuit of GEAR. Not the money rewards, gear.


    NONE of that money was farmed or specifically aimed for.


    Therefore, currency requires almost no effort in this game to specifically achieve. It just flows to people.


    I await your response with anticipation.

  5. I like how people are trying to attach the design to lore.


    Here's a little bit of trivia: On the Republic Fleet, look at any sort of window reflection or a reflection on the floor - you'll see Imperial emblems reflecting back.


    This is because they designed the Imp fleet first, then copied/pasted and altered it slightly for the Republic but also forgot to change the reflections. Why? To save time/money and to put more effort and resources into world design/crafting/space/traveling process. Oh wait, those were poorly done too, never mind.

  6. The only reason I'm even still playing is because the combat is really fun. They did a great job with the animations and it's very appealing to me because other MMOs have minimal/weak looking character animations.


    So, time to list my grievances:


    -The world design is TERRIBLE - smoke and mirror tricks are used to make the environments feel large but bottom line is, it's a funneled experience where invisible walls and exhaustion barriers (LOL!!) limit your traveling.


    -The abundance of loading screens and elevator transitioning is disgraceful, I won't even comment further on why this is unacceptable in an MMO because most people with triple-digit IQs can figure it out.


    -Traveling is so cumbersome and inefficient it ruins the desire to help other people simply due to the pain of traveling through all the space ports, airlocks, bays, etc. Whoever green-lighted this kind of garbage needs to be taken out of the studios and have a cab called for them.


    -To finish off my above points, this game feels like a lobbied multiplayer game. The lack of seamless design just kills the Massive feeling for me. Ultimately due to this, the time I spend here will be very limited I predict.


    -Space? lol.


    -Crafting is very shallow

  7. I agree with the OP, it's disturbing to see the devs pandering to the entitled folks already.


    What the hell is wrong with the MMO community these days? I really wish I had a time machine for the sole reason of going back 10 years when I could play in the MMO genre's golden age where it wasn't 'cool' to be playing one and things were actually hard to do and altruism was abundant in players. An era long gone.


    I'd also pick the winning lottery numbers for that week.

  8. The classic armchair dev thread that spouts off without knowing anything about real development, asset allocation, time constraints and lots of other things that make the business world go 'round.


    I like the game as it is minus the lame *** loading screens. This thread however is terrible.

  9. Gonna go ahead and necro this thread because I'm a BioChem with three of these babies in my inventory - any word on if they're gonna hook us up with some new schematics down the line? :D:D


    EDIT - If you look at the amount of views this thread has, it's because it pops up first on a lot of google searches for this. Tons of people want to know if BioChem is getting something with this.

  10. There are several very nice additions in this patch, keep up the good work BW really looking forward to the scalable/movable UI.


    If we could just work on those loading transitions and black screens on elevators...just stop breaking character control it's really annoying when traveling, too cumbersome!! :mad:

  11. Sounds pretty nasty.


    I supported the AUS/NZ when the region barring was announced, so I will here too.


    Boo on the maint. times!! They really should be determined by local prime times - duhhhh I'm not even a professional and that's frikkin' obvious. Sometimes I just don't get how these big companies managed to get where they are when they make such terrible and downright dumb decisions. :confused::confused:

  12. Hah. No end game content?


    Sounds like the OP has no clue about the dailies on Belsavis/Ilum which prep you for hard modes and raids.


    He just decides to come here and spout off because he didn't have the initiative to look up what to do.


    Please don't tell me OP in some weak, improvised rebuttal that you're full Columi/Rakata, no one can be in full sets or all BiS in only two lockout periods (two weeks as you admitted). :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    1-star for retarded thread.

  13. Server mergers aren't needed, my fleet numbers have been higher than ever lately. I'm Republic, and there used to be around 120 people on the fleet during prime time, with around 300 on the Imp fleet. Now there are over 160 on the Rep fleet and well over 350 on the Imp side. The fleets are a GREAT sample size of overall server activity btw, since they are the main centers of each faction and contain a healthy portion of all the level ranges with only the level cap being represented more.


    I am sure there are low pop. servers but it seems like most of them are doing just fine. A lot of them still reach Heavy, some Very Heavy, and even now and then there's a Full one. I'm happy it's doing well, but we need to wait just a biiiit longer to tell for sure. :D


    *cue the haters with their polemic speeches spewing nothing but vitriol, etc*

  14. Too bad they didn't put more money (or thought tbh) into the world/galaxy/space design. Or put more money or thought into getting a better game engine that didn't need load screens every thirty seconds.


    Load screens and the segregated feel will ultimately kill this game. No one wants a lobbied multiplayer MMO - there's a non-p2p solution for that called Crap Wars I mean Guild Wars. Most people want a persistent MMO world where you don't get disconnected from your avatar all the time while traveling. Airlocks, orbital stations, elevators, planetary load screens. Blegh. Sure there are other systems in the game that may drive people away in terms of its rules (PvP mainly), but core design blunders like what I'm referring to that can't be changed will take its toll in the end I think.

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