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Posts posted by FrevikThul

  1. Do you know what level 50s do in pve when they hit 50? They do regular mode 50 dungeons, dailies, get crafted gear and do early hardmode FPs. They match the gear they have with the difficulty of the flashpoint.


    Do you know what level 50s do in pvp when they hit 50? They have NO CHOICE but to go up against BM players because the only way to get pvp gear is by being stomped over and over and over. Your logic would make sense if there was a matchmaker based on your expertise gear- but there isn't.



    This would be a more accurate way of saying it. PvErs- the moment you hit 50, you can do nothing but nightmare modes of operations until you get your gear. That seem fair? Well, that's how the pvp system works right now.


    But rejoice! They're nerfing BM/Champ loot drops, so that gap will be even harder to bypass!


    right...how many flashpoints and ops reward you for losing? If you lose a WZ, you still walk away with commendations, cash, experience, and valor. So your logic, sir, would make sense if WZ's didn't reward losers - but it does.

  2. The irony of the end comment is astounding. No if you are dieing fast, then you are the one who sucks l2p.


    I watch consistantly 3-4 people beating on merc/commandos for AT least 20 seconds before they go down. I crit most geared players with shock for 3k as hybrid 23/0/18, I crit merc/commands for about 1400-1500. When they pop CDs I see numbers like 400-800 on big attacks.


    here's a thought...those merc/commando's are Bodyguard spec. I know, I am one, and I do this to people all the time. The difference being, I don't have tracer missiles. *gasp*

  3. OH NO! You're going to have to restart your activation timer! (gasp) Seriously, though, all a merc has to do is the uppercut knockback + slow and that buys them enough time to get at least one tracer off on a melee. Charge is a gap-closer with very limited interrupt so you shouldn't consider it a disrupt. Also, about 90% of the time when you charge a target and finish animating, despite the fact that the target appears to be right next to you, you can't use any melee attacks as it will say out of range until your target "blinks" to another location just outside of melee.


    Restarting the activation timer seems to be what this entire conversation is about. It doesn't sound like you'll be happy until you can put another class on a permanent reactivation timer of 4 seconds at a time. It has the same affect as KB, which is to disrupt the action taking place. You reset 1 tracer missile cast, you've effectively added an additional 1 to 1.5 seconds to their dmg out put. As other people have posted, it takes about 8 seconds to do 50% dmg to their target, well, you've just taken it to 9 to 10 seconds. If you do get KB'd after a charge, use your force camofluage or obfuscate and close the distance again, you act like there aren't any tools in a melee's arsenal to combat a TM merc.


    Charge is a disrupt. If it causes whatever cast bar being used at the time to reset, then it has effectively disrupted the ability. How can you not consider that an interrupt?


    Full disclosure, I play as a bodyguard and I see warriors pull their charge shenanigans on me all the time, after I KB them. Seems like these players know when to use their abilities.


    I don't have any comment on your point about melee attacks, haven't played my warriors enough to see that. If it is true, the correct solution would be to fix your charge, not nerf your target's ability. It's not their fault your mechanic is broken.

  4. force leap/charge doesn't cause an actual lockout like the true interrupt skills and typically by the time you actually land on the target due to animation, the effect has ended unless you're either very close to begin with or have points invested to increase its duration by a second, which I haven't tried.


    who said anything about a lockout? It's an interrupt...which...wait for it... interrupts the cast time on TM, forcing the BH to start the cast over. Oh, and it puts the BH in dps range, that's also a useful tidbit.

  5. lets see force leep/charge is a 30m interrupt, force pull/harpoon is a 30m interrupt. don't know what you're about.


    Please remove your logic from this discussion. It is not wanted here!

  6. Right... so in order to kill a healer in a group of 4. First you need 6 people. Then you need three of them to identify and stick on separate healers, interrupting them. The other three need to DPS down your target. None of the people interrupting can loose the CC war, so they need their CC breaks and all their CC's up to make sure they get enough interrupts off. None of them can get killed before you kill the primary.


    All of this effort is needed to counter four players clicking on the smallest green bar and healing.


    uhm, no, didn't say that. I just corrected the original scenario's tactics. But thanks for trying to change the subject!

  7. Problem is, with 3 other healers, you can't really focus fire, since you need at least 1 on each of the other healers, otherwise the other healer(s) just heal through your damage... beyond that, most interrupts have a cd longer than the skill they interrupt, and since it doesn't interrupt that "school" of moves, they can just use another heal. Even if you do get an interrupt, chances are that 1 of the other healers will just keep on healing and especially Sorc/Sage with their CC abilities will keep that fight going forever.


    task 3 people to interrupt/cc/ctrl 3 healers, remaining 3 people FF interrupt targeted healer...


    there, solved your baddy tactics for you.

  8. to some extent though am I really the only one thet thinks that if a 20 man ops fight a 8 man ops and the fight end with 8 man killing 7 ppl before wiping they should actually get more valor/ player than the bigger grp.


    Most mmos run with the total valor a kill is worth splits between the peaple that did the kill.


    I'll agree that its broken...since healers get gipped for healing instead of tagging kills.

  9. How dare paying people in masses speak their minds about things they don't like, in hopes that the devs will see it, change thnigs for the better to keep those players, so sheep players like you won't be mad that the population then becomes so low.


    We should all be mindless, subjective, and spineless players like you.


    I know I'm a star wars fan boy, but wrong is wrong. If something needs to be fixed, someone needs to speak up. Stop being a wimp because people do so. You could always avoid those threads.


    Ah, that's the point then, isn't it. You're assuming that the game will be changed 'for the better'. Based on a long history of mmo's and 'fixes', I can assure you, this is no guarantee.

  10. When my attacks are on CD I use my rifle shot, its crits for 500,500 and not very often, most of the time it misses, or gets deflected. It also doesn't put a stacking armor pen debuff on the target or affect any of my harder hitting abilities, CD or DMGpct. Maybe if they nerf TM/GR to be in line with everyone's free attack this would be a viable point... :eek:


    when you say everyone's free attack, you mean the attack everyone can use while moving? Because TM/GR can't be used while on the move.

  11. You have to do better then say it can be combated. Saying it could be combated could be used to justify doing double the damage it does now because, "oh, you can lock me out of it."




    Hahaaaa.. mediocre? Really? Really? Look at every ranged ability in the game, even of sorcs. Once you do the math, it REALLY doesn't match up as that one ability pretty much matches the total output of the others with the added advantage of being mitigated less.


    I didn't notice a 'merc/commando' in your character's played...so, pray tell, where is your data coming from that indicates that total damage done by a mercenary in the WZ is derived exclusively from TM/GR? I wasn't aware that BW implemented a damage breakout by ability. That's great news!

  12. If they're geared and have some moderate support, they're pretty good at turretting and holding middle.


    And premade vs. premade, middle is absolutely key.


    So yes. Damage absolutely does play a factor. Maybe not as much as scoreboard heroes stress. But damage and good play in Huttball are not mutually exclusive.


    Here's a crazy thought...if we're talking pre-mades now, task your tanks to yank the turrets from their cat walks! Or your dps that can leap to attack them. Once the knockback has been used, leap back on target. It's like I'm taking crazy pills here, but honestly, use tactics to counter your opponent.

  13. ok so i am a pvp arsenal bounty hunter fully geared in pvp gear at lvl 40 arsenal spec this class is so bad in pvp it needs 2 be relooked at in pvp hell they need 2 make it better for pvp the arsenal spec is horrible make pretty sad tht lowbies can kill a geared pvp bounty hunter arsenal spec is nerfed hard core and 2 think swtor was a anticipated game hell in world of warcraft pvp gear was based on resilance and nvr would a lvl 19 penetrate a full pvp gear player this games pvp is so laggy not even fun 2 play pvp when it sucks bioware needs 2 relook the pvp aspect again they spent 2 much money on stupid voice command and not enough on game play worst game of the year hell more pvp in world of warcraft in arena this game is turning out 2 be a flop


    Punctuation is your friend...use it.

  14. Yeah, umm, if they are LoSing, when are they killing you? The thing is, one on one, eventually the merc will win. The LoSing will get tiring, but they will win. This wouldn't be an issue, until the people that would assist and protect the healer are getting kill at insane speeds even at melee because they CAN'T LoS if they want to be doing anything useful to you. They can kill the toughest tank almost as fast as a squishie with all that armor penetration they can build up and the other abilities attached to it.


    So...I'm trying to figure out how your response relates to what I posted? context is everything.

  15. I HATE the Missiles.


    As a scoundrel healer, I am seeing more and more that the 2 OPed Imps classes are working together to gang-kill me/reps.


    It mostly seems to done as so:

    1. Sorc will stun me

    2. Multiple Merc Launch Missiles

    3. I try to break Stun with my 1 skill to run

    4. Sorc stun again - Most life gone when Missiles hit

    5. Defense Probe and Try to Heal

    6. Get Interrupted and stunned

    7. Get Dead and Die


    To me that is OP-ed.


    And FYI in huttball I am unable to get them off ledges.


    Lol, sooo TM is overpowered because you die to 3+ characters focus firing you? Nice logic. I play a merc healer and I've just learned to get outsda way! Novel concept, I know.


    If you can't los a commando/merc, ESPECIALLY AS A HEALER, then delete now! Just pop your insta heals, or hots, and slowly make your way around the corner. Then heal up. If you're caught out in the middle with no cover nearby...well, that's your mistake. And if you're caught out in the middle with no cover and are getting ambushed by 3 characters...well, let's be honest, you should probably die.

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