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Posts posted by Telos

  1. its ridiculous that i have to fill maps. in a society as technologically advanced as the galaxy far, far away, you'd think a ship in orbit could take a picture of the ground...


    so just make each planet map a legacy unlock.

  2. or just a map with 2 capital ships and each team has to destroy the other teams capital ship while holding off the other team's players.


    i would like to see some sort of trench assault like red squadron's in episode 4 when luke blew up the death star.

  3. please give tech classes the ability to alter the appearance of off hands so that we can have a pistol on our hips. AND REPLACE THE UGLY AF DEFAULT BLASTER WE ARE FORCED TO USE IN CUTSCENES! we don't need any additional attacks or anything that might make the game unbalanced. strictly a graphical thing, but would make us all so very very happy.
  4. i also have hundreds of one of the other items listed as a turn in.


    the only thing he will accept are the rakghoul dna canisters, and there's no way i'm giving a single one of those up for a measly 250 rep with him.


    so... what's up with that? guys?



  5. agreed.


    this new gearing system has been the biggest eff up in the 10 year history of this game, and further demonstrates the fact that none of the people hired to build and maintain the game have ever bothered to play the game.


    you screwed up, BW. just admit your failure like grown ups so we can all move on. the first step in fixing a problem is recognizing and clearly defining the problem. the player base has OVERWHELMINGLY voiced its collective displeasure with this new system. don't double down on it. change it back to the one where we were happy.

  6. i decided i needed to get vette a new weapon. now i know how much she enjoyed the assault cannon she found during the vault heist, so i searched the galaxy far far away for the bestest assault cannon in said galaxy, only to find out companions STILL have weapon restrictions, despite all their abilities being normalized and homogenized.


    it would be nice to remove those restrictions.

  7. A lot of SWTOR NPCs (especially "just a grunt" types) don't actually wear armour. Instead, they have armour-shaped and -coloured skin.


    that's how all characters are. when you equip an item, it doesn't sit on top of the body part it "covers"... it completely replaces it.

  8. Games are supposed to be FUN, not chores.


    why do you think you have to force players to grind old content for current gear? what design decision brought this about? i am genuinely curious to know what the discussion process is for turning a system that was perfectly fine the way it was... literally NO COMPLAINTS FROM ANYONE and then decide to screw it all up.


    does a single swtor dev even play the game?

  9. make some creature companion/mount combos for sale in the cartel market... like a creature companion that looks just like a mount so that when you dismount, the creature companion spawns.


    like if boba fett gets to ride on a rancor that also fights for him, maybe we should, too! ITS CANON!

  10. SPACE. not the rail shooter or gsf pvp. integrate the two of them and write some code for PvE. you could even do fighter flashpoints and ops.


    it also needs sandbox areas like swg had where we can build machines to harvest resources and factories to crank out crafting items in bulk. build player cities that can be raided by NPCs or players. players are capable of creating their own content if given the tools to do so.


    the Galaxy Far Far Away is a big place with a lot more stuff in it than you've put in the game, so far, while at the same time giving us crap we never wanted or asked for, like seeker droid missions and microbinocular missions. nobody ever did them. they were lame. and stupid.

  11. because they are way too incompetent to fix a single thing from 10 years ago when the game launched... what makes you think they'll fix something they just pushed out?


    i re-subbed to try out this xpac. def dropping that sub. broken game. apathetic developers. ripoff cash shop.


    sorry, but swtor in 2022 is an unmitigated disaster. if i was a BW developer, i would NOT put it on my resume, if i ever wanted to work in gaming, again.

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