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Posts posted by Neveroutgunned

  1. heya im just woundering i read throu your post and i dident see the Radeon HD 2900 XT would this card run the game well? my friend has 1 that he said i can have just wanted to know weather it would work well be4 taking the time to install it thanks.


    Minimum requirements are ATI X1800 or better so your good there. But again the 2900xt is not much better than the bare minimum so don't expect much :( That video card is almost 5 years old.

  2. It's retarted how end game gear dont scale for **** with Sniper.


    I consider myself a good sniper, always behing minimum top 3 damage... help my team, mostly win 1;1 fights


    but when i play my alt sorc and bh, it's like im god mode, i never die.


    i do as much damage but i don't die and help the team more and heal a bit... its just stupid.


    Even if you are the best sniper in the world, you can still rolled by an average SORCS who understands LOS and CC's and even if he doesnt kill him, you won't kill him either.


    In agreement with this, with all the things you have to keep track of with sniper (LOS, Positioning, Energy, Rotation, Cooldowns etc...) to actually compete playing a Sorc or BH is brain dead easy in comparison.


    Operative is also in the same boat, they take quite a bit of skill to execute and perform well and really don't even need that 3s knockdown that's the main gripe of the class. At at least with them if your chasing down your target your getting backstabs off and we are left using either autoshot or draining/wasting our energy with hammershot :(


    I usually don't even bother chasing them since if I run into one of their buddies I'll get roflstomped right quick.

  3. Not 50 yet but working on it! Here are some of my thoughts... Mostly talking about MM spec as that's what I know.


    Alacrity and our core class mechanics are counter intuitive, its a garbage stat... Should be changed to more range or increased energy regeneration... something at least worthwhile. I feel as I am waiting points in Sniper Volley to get to Imperial Assassin. Then top it off with a really lackluster 31 point talent rapid fire :(


    Scatter Shot should be buffed to help us against armored classes, currently we can unload on them and they don't even bother pursuing us.


    We are freakin' stationary and have long casting times on our attacks should be punishing if they don't line of sight or do something to try and stop us. Right now I just feel like an annoyance more than a threat in PVP.

  4. THe camera is one of the things i dont like in this game (i hate smart camera, stop readjusting!! :p ) i also feel the zoom in/out of the camera from your character is hmm how to put it...to much? you scroll out a little with the mouse button and the camera shoots away from your character...if you get what i mean? :mad:


    I had the same issue, remapped the zooms to keyboard keys and am a lot happier with it. You have a lot more control that way.

  5. Just signing in here, would love to see one. Don't have time to sit around the imperial fleet trying to form a group. Would rather spend that time playing the game while the forming of said group is automatically being done. Its a common feature in all top tier mmo's and why its missing at launch is troubling.
  6. There's issues with Snap Shot as well, supposed to make snipe instant when entering cover but its sharing a cooldown with Ballistic Dampeners.


    Made a video:


    Just watch the buff bars for Snap Shot and Ballastic Dampeners, you should see Ballastic Dampeners once every six seconds that's fine. But you should see/get the Snap Shot buff everytime you enter cover. Its not happening.

  7. Similar issues here as well, also get a problem when I roll into natural cover the initial snipe should be instant but it has its regular cast even though I have two points in snap shot.


    Would be nice if they gave the portable shield the same bonuses as natural cover for the time being or something.

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