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Posts posted by bahdasz

  1. Since I guess that you're letting me run your life today, I'm telling you to become a Jedi Knight/Guardian. You are to immediately grind it up to 50 and do as many dailies and heroics as you can every day.... then send me all your credits.


    Seriously dude, try different classes or read about each one and figure it out for yourself. How do you expect other people to tell you what class you want to play? Would you like us to all take turns coming over to your house and playing the game for you, too?

  2. Seriously, I'd test the heck out of every update if it didn't mean grinding a toon on a server with no economy and no other people 90% of the time.


    Blue frogs, dudes. Like it or not, no insta-level, no test.

  3. OP, you need to change the title to "What do I really want from SWTOR?"


    More than just a little arrogant to claim to just speak for everyone don't you think? Some or your ideas/opinion are great, some are high on my personal list of "who gives a crap?" items.


    I'd appreciate if you didn't present yourself as a representative of the entire playerbase, because you are not.

  4. KOTOR fans should already have a copy. I have an original XBOX copy and a copy for my PC. They are really cheap from what I hear, at bargain bin prices.


    Seriously, like I need another copy of KOTOR, or KOTOR2. Both on Xbox, both on PC, got at least one "best of" multi-game box set with each in it... They've made their money from me, too.

  5. I would think that if it hasn't been updated/changed after a year.... yeah, well you can go to the cemetary and ask the people that were holding their breath for 3D space how that worked out for them.


    There may have been hope if the game kept it's subscription numbers up and 50-60% of the subscribers were hard core lobbying for it. As it happened the game flopped and they were so busy trying to bail the water out of this sinking ship that there was no time/hope for add-on content upgrades.


    2 years before beta when they first started posting hints of space and their "rail shooting cinematic experience" concept I, and many others tried to warn BW and everyone else that it would be soooo baaaaaaad. BW said "no you'll see, it will be awsomesauce" and started deleting posts from the forums and everyone else said "everything doesn't have to be SWG".


    Cool, now it's 1 year after release and the overall game is only so-so (which I also predicted) and the space content is sucky garbarge. Who's laughing now?


    Any way the point is (if anyone is still reading) 3 years ago, when they had already probably been working on it for 6+ months was about the last chance of getting a change to the space engine. Once they developed the engines and environments it's too late, they've already got a huge amount of money sunk into it. The philosophy is going to be that it's cheaper and more efficient to let it suck, and the benefit of changing it all up would be minimal.


    They're not going to spend a year and a couple million dollars developing a whole new space system with environments, missions, etc becasuse there's practically no benefit for them.... they are not going to bring in or save millions of dollars in subs by doing it and there's half a chance this game would be shut down before they got it done anyway, at the rate it's going lately.


    Sucks to say it, but they didn't listen in the beginning so now the game is jacked up and it's just too bad for us.

  6. I've just been disconnected 3 times with ping of over 30k. I'm not the only one on the server with the problem, people have experienced the same on fleet. With a ping like this you can't really contribute to anything significant.


    This is not new at all, happens all the time.

  7. people get their little feelings hurt over everything now days, that's the problem. Everyone's afraid someone won't like them, and nobody can just call a stupid person/idea/practice/institution stupid. Sometimes crap needs to be called out as crap, some people need to man up and not be little girls about everything and get used to it.
  8. Pretty sure that the sergant can't hit you unless you hit him first.


    That depend on which army you're in as well, doesn't it? All you have to do is breathe to catch a beating from an NCO or officer in some countries' armies.

  9. try logging in on swtor.com and going into your account that way. Where it has your name at the top right of the screen click it to access your account, when the account page opens the top link is like cartel coins or cartel market or something like that. Click that and it will bring up your balance and history and give you a link to buy more.


    The last time it stopped working in game it worked off the forums, so it might work now.

  10. 1- what would be the point? with no macros you're not going to be botting anything


    2- do you really think your pc can run 2 of this game at once?


    3- you would need 2 accounts (or more) because if you are logged in on one account you can't get into the login server with the same accout for another session. Tried and verified.


    4- I have not seen anywhere that anyone has found a way to get the game to allow multipe instancing, even if your comp wouldn't melt down in the process.

  11. Hype is EAs biggest thing and the biggest flaw. They LOVE to hype everything, then they always underdeliver compared to the hype they generate.


    Agreed, 100% correct, with this game especially EA and BW are some serious hype-mongers. They are always making the huge grandiose claims and not following through, have been since 2008 tbh. However, a lot of it is blown way out of proportion by others based of snippits of information that, quite frankly, BW should have kept to themselves. The problem is that BW is so eager to please, especially now that the game flopped on them, that they apparently cannot keep their big mouths shut.... and it keeps biting them in the @ repeatedly, and they obviously just never learn.


    What they need to do is learn how to filter information, and not just let every tard and intern on their staff spout off every general idea that they've been batting around the office every time they have an interview. Seriuosly, obviously freaking nerds forget nothing and bookmark everything. And of course situations can change and BW then adapts for it... but the nerds can't let go, and they cling to year old hype based on some rumor that some intern said he thought he might have heard someone say in the office.


    It's about honesty and mostly, keeping your damn mouth shut until it's set in stone. That's where BW fails over and over again and it always ends up getting the nerds all uppity and angry.

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