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  1. I do not understand this comment at all. There are both tank and dps specs of the PT as a PT tank, Unload was very much the keystone of the tank spec. There are three tank classes in SWTOR each with unique abilities. The PT was designed to act as a ranged tank. Our abilities are designed around being able work at range. Our AOE taunt works at range. Missles, rail shot, unload, etc, are all designed for the mobility of class. Being able to move in and out of melee to control the mobs positioning and still be able to maintain threat made the Powertech have a unique role and provide a powerful resource for the raid. It's removal creates a void that serves only to gimp the ability to move to range. It effectively redesigns the tanking role of the class. I am very sad to see it removed. Previous experience tells me that huge nerfs are usually a response to an extremely small, but extremely vocal minority. I agree with one of the previous posts that requested that we be given a reason for this nerf. It seems to me to be nonsense and I would really like to know the reasoning behind it. Seriously, if the other class are so far behind as to require the entire removal of a core ability, then I would suggest the answer would be to look close at that classes. I wish I could do more than complain about this, however since the problem is unclear it is hard for me to offer a solution. But for what it is worth I would offer this. If the dps from UNLOAD was truly an imbalance in the game, and adding dps to the other tank classes is not a viable option, then adjust it's dps while maintaining its threat potential. Or at the very least, add to the threat generation of Rapid shot so that we can use that ability in the role that Unload previously filled.
  2. I would like to make a case for cartel market personal starship customization. 1. First and foremost ROI. (return on investment for all of you non-business minded folks). I feel that custom personal starships would be an amazing seller, and would generate now and future revenue as do new speeders. Well worth the cost of development. The bean counters would have to love this! 2. It fits the lore! Of course my BH who is now the top in the Galaxy would fly something better than the one he "acquired" when he first started. And my member of the Dark Council would fly something different than when he was a mere learner. 3. Options are near unlimited. Even the size limitations that like a speeder has could be worked around. Say you had a Star Destroyer, the player could just take a Tie Fighter out for space missions! 4. It would be really cool. And I hear rumors that SWTOR staff love cool things. and last NUMBER FIVE - Return on investment! Yes, I know I said that first. But SWTOR is a for profit company and profit is a good thing! If SWTOR makes a ton of money then that equals more development, more game, and that means more fun for me! Best regards, Russ (Oxin on Shadowlands)
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