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10 Good
  1. Definitely excited over SGR, why you ask? Cause I'm going to save money. The demand for same gender relationships is trash. That's not what SW is about.... I believe bioware delving into politics and social issues outside of the SW lore is outright crazy. This story wasn't created to be a tool for that. The story is a hero story, one that triumphs over overwhelming odds that is the empire. Sorry I don't remember Vader wearing pumps in the original trilogy. And before you go nuts on me for saying I'm anti-gay (which I'm not, I just laugh at all these fools who believe in love) or some other hate speech, look at yourself; you probably call yourself tolerant. That tolerance probably only lasts up until you meet someone differing from the views that you hold dear. With that being said, since Bioware has decided to take the same steps of Lucas and distort what was a great story, I shall remove my financial support once this feature is implemented.
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