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  1. It's been weeks with no resolution on this issue. I thought I would wait it out, surely BW would address this after launch. I got in under early access, and happened to stumble across a forum post regarding the Kira bug (of course after I started getting into her storyline and had take the dark side option) and figured once the launch hit full swing, it would only be a matter of time before the patch hit fixing this. Finding out the patch didn't fix the issue for those already stuck with the bug and the glaring lack of communication about the status of the issue for those posting in this thread is saddening to say the least. I was looking forward to leveling other characters, I have a smuggler and trooper started but don't have the heart to level them. If something like the Kira bug can happen, and go unresolved for those suffering from the problem, then it can happen anywhere with a quest, or anything else - it speaks to a gap in QA. Why invest time and energy into another character (or reroll) if I know that this is how BW treats this type of problem. I have a fairly high tolerance for bugs/issues, but the longevity and silence is starting to feel apathetic. You guys really did a lot of things right out of the gate, from someone that's played MMOs for the past 10 years or so... I was excited to tell people about the game and reached out to friends and tried to pull old guildies back into this new game, but now, I'm leary since something that is so vital to the feel of your character's storyline can go broken for so long with pages upon pages of your shiny, new customers clamoring (rightly) for an ETA and an update. Please just show a little love for your (slightly dark) jedi knights, that's all we're asking.
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