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Everything posted by Rooks

  1. Yeah, seems that you are the one that has problems. If you cannot figure out how to beat someone using terrain, tactics and crazy abilities, don't assume the rest of us can't. As I said earlier, I do fine and am not useless in PVP as a GS. If you cannot adapt and figure out how to play the class, change to a differant one.
  2. I am not a numbers guy, but my GS can defend the door on Voidstar or a turret in Civil War by himself until help arrives. I don't top the charts, but I do alot of fun stuff. I stun all the time with leg shot and flash grenades. Yes my concus has to be from cover, but that is just a challenge and when it works, it is Awesome to send guys off the bridges or the top rails. If you try to focus on just one guy, you will die and do nothing. I spread the pain. DOT everyone near me, flash, pulse and then Flyover the group and watch the numbers scroll. Sure, only a few may Die, but the rest are a easy mop up for the rest of my team. as for the OP saying we have no Health? I rock over 18k in WZs with my single buffs and do 7k - 9k damage with primary. 1500+ cunning and 1500+ end 4200+ armor. Besides doesn't really matter if you cannot have fun, change to a differant character. GS needs some help, but they are FAR from Useless in PVP, maybe you just need more practice and new tactics? Stop counting the numbers and just enjoy.
  3. Rooks

    PVP Space

    We need some PVP space. Create 1-4 starships per faction, then the character enters the starship of choice at hanger at beginning of Warzone or at return from death and launches into combat. It can be a Warzone or Ilum type Space area. Or both. Thanks.
  4. Actually, alot of us SWG fans are already here. Most of us left SWG cause of the mismanagement, not cause we hated SW. This is a second chance for us to live in the galaxy we always loved. SWG was an awesome game for casual players, so is SWTOR. Yes, all the others from KOTOR, Anti-WOW and such are here as well. Don't think we SWG old timers simply died off.
  5. I am republic on a RP server, Lord Idelis. Before the patch, we could pop into WZ anytime for a quick match, but now, we cannot.
  6. I am not a huge PVper, but it is fun to do it for dailies. Or it was. I am still enjoying this game, just hope this can be worked out. I may go to a PVP server, not sure yet.
  7. I am level 50. For the last 2 days I have been in the que for over 4 hours and when I finally get a match, it is a 120 second match. I hope the devs are working on this issue. Either remove the 50 bracket, or get some cross server PVP brackets going. This new que time is killing PVP for alot of casual players. Thanks.
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