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Posts posted by swredrage

  1. Btw current storm is not bad the slightest. In fact it can actually change the outcome of an arena all by its own.


    so can a cat on fire.


    give an example.


    attempting to break peoples stealth is an acceptable use.


    In Regs and solo queue where you are not working out stuns with your team mates it is just bad as you are not breaking peoples stuns with storm.


    In group play where you are on mumble or whatever and you know who is stunning what when and where.. okay maybe

  2. Sure thing...no more comments in red. My point wasn't to diminish the power of combat stealth, but to point out that barrier is in fact a very powerful cooldown. So is combat stealth...never denied that it is powerful. But both are subject to not being able to help out their team while the benefits last...except for when enduring bastion comes into play. Both are powerful, but barrier has a couple added benefits that make it a bit better as a pure panic button...namely being able to use it while stunned and not having it negated with a well placed scan or aoe. That said...dont get me wrong...combat stealth is very powerful.


    In reg warzones I think combat stealth is a bit better because of the lower cooldown and the lack of focus. But in arenas I think barrier is a bit more useful....plus each round resets the timer. Either way both are powerful abilities.


    Heal spec assassin ---> hatred :D


    Net is also a powerful ability, but it has counters. Save your stun break for net and the problem goes away. That's what I have to do on my stealth toons as well.


    I never got far enough with assassin to do ranked.. but seems to me phase walk owns all in ranked ( except bubble after the poison comes out.. barrier wins in that situation )


    i ment heal others.. but i get ya :-)

  3. Comments in red


    Please don't quote/comment like that as it is hard to read for old men like me with bad eyes a pain in the butt to quote.. so i won't quote you so if i miss something.. sorry.


    I'm sure most sorcs would like to have the net that mercs have as well or some other defensive CD that is not on a 3 minute CD... but no they get one DCD and one insta heal every 30.


    you make it sound like being able to move when you use your combat stealth is a bad thing? combat stealth = remove from combat every two minutes(i think?). force speed or phase walk away LOS heal ( health stim then your regen ability will get you back fast since out of combat probably reset for you) back in action in 10 seconds (like force barrier only in stealth) I for one greatly prefer combat stealth over barrier.. if assassins had a heal spec i'd probably play one more often.


    if your mara.. well then your probablly effed anyway just give up and roll assassin :D


    But really every class has their 'oh crap' button(s) some have more than others.. sorcs might be pretty good but it also has a long *** cool down and their only real defensive cool down can be stopped by net.


    Mercs oh crap buttons just suck.

  4. Lightning Swarm

    Level Granted: 32


    Increases the maximum range of your force attacks by 5 meters. Additionally, Chain Lightning immobilizes all affected targets for 0.5 seconds and slows all affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds.


    So basically sorcs have a 6 second CD 16 meter diameter AoE snare that slows for 50%, and not only that buts its a standard rotational ability to boot.


    Seriously bioware AoE snares and roots are bad enough, but rotation ones are the worst. It should cost the sorcs something to exert that level of control.


    I'll be damned never saw that before, nor have I ever notice it work before. granted if i'm using it and someone wants to get to me they speed/leap/roll/hydraulic to me in such a case the snare doesn't matter.


    switched to madness so havent used it for a month or so, so i have not paid that much attention. ( now working on my heals actually but that is a whole nother topic.)


    lets also remove pinning fire from unload/blazing bolts for merc too! :D

  5. @swredrage He is referring to the lightning strike replacement, which has a 30% snare on it. I agree that this is bad, at least combined with the 2 free instant ones from force speed.


    no i think he ment storm because of the AOE. (edited my post cause i also referred to the wrong ability d'oh)


    Lightning Bolt's Snare is fine as long as it doesn't stack. Though adding a 5-10 second internal cool down on it may be useful.


    All the snare/root issues would be "fixed" if they added snares/root/stuns/etc to the resolve bar.

  6. Enraged defense isn't all that overpowered on its own. What makes it strong is that its on a class that already has a amazing defensive arsenal.

    pretty much, alittle tweaking and it is in a good place


    just no. You can pop a defensive cooldown and be fine. Seriously timing is everything with net, its no where near a "I win" button. It's a "I win with superior team coordination if and only if your team can't peel"

    Net is about the only thing commando/merc has going for it... it isn't bad but maybe needs tweaked a bit, but seems to be in a good place.


    The 2 seconds of shroud after stealthing out needs to go and be replaced with just a dot purge. The amount of ******** that you can pull with those two seconds of shroud is insipid not to mention that the devs probably didn't intended it.

    I dont' mind phase walk, as long as it doesn't purge dots. maybe a second or two immunity from damage or something. If they can purge, they should allow other classes to purge again.


    Force Barrier in and of itself is totally OP. For no other reason that the fact it allows the sorc to be a completely ******* and live, because "lol invincibility CD useable while stunned." Seriously, I'm sick and tired of sorcs overextending to hell and back and living because of that ****.

    Force barrier gets a lot of crap it doesn't deserve. by itself it isn't all that good, okay but not good. with the utility point in healing it is okay. IF (thats a big if) you have a healer near by then it is pretty darn good, but not what i would call OP. The healing it provides with the utility is about one crit from a sniper.


    You have to remember hitting force barrier makes the Sorc useless for the duration of the channel. No more casting by that sorc until the channel is broken. The only time it is fairly OP is at the end of a ranked match you can bubble the overtime poison damage


    Unlike other 'oh crap' buttons.. this one makes you useless.


    force barriers description should be something like, "here wear these safety goggles while i put a nail through your foot."




    This has more to do with the crazy amount of roots and snares in the meta than it is to do with the root break itself. Roots should be removed from all rotational abilities. Especially things like Chain lightning's AoE root+snare.

    chain lightning doesn't have a snare. you may mean force storm? if so, it has been removed... but in general no. ranged only defense against melee is staying out of melee range long enough to end the battle. the only chance melee has to get a ranged is to root snare them long enough to end the battle. sure maybe tweak them a bit, but not remove them completely.



    The whole damn point of Enet is that is "grays out abilities" In competitive PvP the only reason you even use the damn thing is because of the hinder effect. Taking that away would eliminate the only reason you would ever take a merc into teams over any other class.

    agreed, again electro net is about the only thing merc/commando has going for it in pvp.

  7. This is pretty much the way to go.


    Chain Shock or Empty Body, Sith Defiance, Sapped Strength.


    Emerson, Electric Bindings


    Force Mobility and Corrupted Barrier.


    In madness i run the same only with empty body instead of chain shock exclusively.

  8. Try This for general pvp. switch it up a bit if you find your self going against certain classes or certain objective maps repeatedly.


    Sap Strength often seems to be ignored.. i think of it as a Sorc Taunt in pvp. basically reduce someones damage for 12 seconds every 45.


    after patch maybe switch chain shock to empty body.


    Don't bother with backlash. the only time it is almost useful is if you get stunned by a stealth, they get stunned for 2 seconds and get more on their resolve bar then you force speed away. Use overload with binding, turn overload and they are already away and rooted so you can unload on them. Overloads fairly short cool down make this more useful, the only crappy part is that you have to turn to face them.

  9. I am sorry but not only is Lightning's single target DPS horribly nerfed by those changes, but Force Storm is rendered completely USELESS in PvP due to the fact that the effect that slows everyone inside its radius has been removed from it.


    I don't care what spec you are... unless you where dueling using force storm in pvp is just bad. the ONLY thing is should be used for is stopping a group from capping. There are very few situations where it would be useful. don't waste a utility point on it.

  10. "every time i get ready to comment about, "You are a baddie" "

    "need to find out which mic he is using"


    lol Not sure if you like me or not :) but my mic is Sennhhesier game one


    lol i do, I get in the mentality that if you are posting on you tube or twitch you think you are a game god.... you know you are not, i like that ;-)


    BTW your one vid about the harbinger leaving.. yeah it has gotten really bad the past two weeks or so. I haven't gotten to play this week but last week it was pure poopy. 5 people running to 'our' node.. i need a /facepalm macro. Used to be pretty decent.. now.. just bad. If it doesn't get better i may have to move one of my toons to better pastures.

  11. The argument goes like this (and goes on and on... and on with no resolution in three years) ;


    New Sage Fred: Grrr, I rolled a Consular to play a Yoda-type Jedi, not a WoW-mage, I'm a Jedi, I major in force powers but I should still be able to use my saber! <Insert random abuse against devs and allegation they don't care about Star Wars>


    PvP Bert: Grrr, no, you can't have a melee weapon skill, aesthetics and characterization are for kids, your gameplay role is ranged caster for me to squish, stop trying to destroy balance! <Insert random abuse against pve players, new players, anyone who looked at them funny, etc>


    The solution, I think, is animation based. No, sages can't have a pile of effective melee attacks- so, what do sages ALREADY do that could potentially be optionally replaced by a saber move without change in effect?


    I think the answer is a couple of new skills, same cool down damage and identical effect to their 'standard's version, so they are purely an optional taskbar swap-out/variety option.


    1. Saber Throw - Optional replacement for Shock/Project - same stats, and would, for sorcerors at least, give lightning sorcs something different and non-electrical to do for a change.


    2. Reflex Defence - Prequel Jedi are often seen saber-twirling to deflect blasters or duelling with clashing sabers etc. In-game,sages and directors are already often animated deflecting blaster bolts that way, so, if someone wants to actively use their saber more... use it for something they already do. An alternative animation for the "Bubble" Force Barrier, which, instead of an energy barrier, has the avatar, when attacked while this is live, using their superlative force connection to elegantly twirl their blade, warding off and deflecting attacks.


    No change to PVP balance, no functional skill change at all, no effect on people who like things as they are now, but also gives sages and sorcerors something USEFUL and equally role appropriate while still class style appropriate to do with their glowstick, if they wish to.


    Tend to agree with most everything.


    change shock/project so that it is a saber spear insta with utiliy point follow up with a shock/poject. and to make it different than a saber throw have it go like a spear instead of end over end could help speed up the animation


    not sure about the bubble.. i like the idea but hard to justify how it would block dots like affliction or something. but would give a better explanation on why you cannot take ANY other action while bubbled.

  12. I'm not 100% sure if match making sucks or if all the players suck and have to play assassin.


    Their team: Assassin, Assassin, Assassin, Assassin

    My Team: Assassin, Assassin, Assassin, Sorc.


    There have been quite a few matches this season where I was the only non stealth.. mostly against assassins but a few operatives.

  13. I am bad and I need an OP class to not appear so. Please make me good again. .:mad:


    there i fixed your original post for you. :D


    Joking aside. I understand your frustration. you got used to playing a certain way.. now you cant. now have to use more than a couple buttons and now actually have to use the rest of your abilities in the correct way and not rely on the "Oh crap" button. It sucks but its happened to most classes/specs at some point.

  14. Leveling I don't know.. any spec with the force storm +25% damage would be good. (force storm procing instacast chain lightning for lightning spec is nice too)


    PVP, Lightning has the burst to almost put it on par with other bursties.. no single ability will be massive but you can put out high numbers with a bunch of instacasts right in a row + procs is pretty sweet.


    PVP, Madness lots of "Fluff damage" and dot spreading. Not much in the way of burst. fluff damage isn't bad really but easier to live through. If you get enough of a spread you could really push their healer though (if they have one)

  15. Cool down if you miss or leave a ranked warzone

    • 5 minutes first time
    • each additional time 10 minutes (you miss queue/leave 3 times you wait 25 minutes to queue again)
    • 10 minute reduction in queue time every 60 minutes
    • 10 minute reduction for every completed queue.
    • After 10 leaves with out complete reset completely suspended from rank queue until you talk to CS to resolve.


    This way if you miss one to change the kids pants.. when you get back you can probably queue again. It sucks but it happens.

    If you are trolling you are limited in how bad you can troll.


    Gear check

    • must have xxx expertise and remove bolster from ranked warzones OR...
    • set each class to certain flat specs not based on gear so every player has set stats regardless of gear this way everyone can play ranked regardless of gear.


    Peer Warning system: like a vote kick but not actual kicking. If there is a 'troll' or griefer other players right click them and select 'Warn Player' once that player gets so many warnings from unique players. Rank queue is disable for the user for a certain amount of time or until CS resets it. Tiered punishment up to being banned from queue for the season for the worst offenders.. i'm sure that may happen VERY little.


    Cross server queues - similar to other MMOs. server groups 2 or three servers as one battle group. Gets more people available for matchmaking that could help with matchmaking issues? (below)


    Other things I don't have a fix for:

    • Players doing 10 matches and quitting after they get a high rank get better rewards than people who win 80 matches but have a lower rank. (maybe extreme but i'm sure it happens)
    • Loosing rank when out numbered. 4v3 matches.. the team who is down a player should not lose rank when on a loss, if so maybe 1 but not 5. Or give the team with 3 the option to reset and wait for another?
    • Stupid matchmaking, 7 assassins in a match, bull crap. maybe its because lack of people in the queue?


    These are just some general proposals that i'm sure probably have been posted somewhere sometime. Just reinforcing something like these could help.

  16. Wizbasky is the best I know of. He puts a lot of time and effort into his videos; he doesn't just simply record and play his game so that you can hear his team chat or do a little music video. He records and selects his matches with care and does post-production green screening to comment and narrate his videos. In more recent ones, he's also started editing in text tool tips that I've found very helpful. He also plays a variety of classes well from Powertechs, Sorcs, Operatives, and Juggs, so you can probably find something to help your PVP play.


    Plus, dat Kiwi accent. :cool:


    I like Wiz too, i get mad at him because he isn't very good and every time i get ready to comment about, "You are a baddie" he says in the video something like i'm not that good.. but if you where good you would do this and not what i do... lol i love it. Still a lot of great tips for new players.. even some vets at times.


    Not the best player but seems to be decent guy.. just needs to learn 1st in dps is usually not equal to best.. oh yeah and the quality of video and sound is excellent. need to find out which mic he is using.

  17. I laughed. I had the same thing in one match. A Sorc was sitting on our ledge shooting down into mid. A jugg leaped up to him and scored. Two times in a row. You'd think he would learn after the first time.


    Is it me, or is this kind of thing more common on the pub side?


    that may have been me (the sorc) if it wasn't dpsing, regardless it was probably on purpose.


    You can tell usually after the first minute how your team is going to do. (like huttball with no leapers, pts and stuff) you position your self to make it easier for them to score to save time. On my tank i've been known to pull people in to the goal so they score faster. No i'm not colluding.. i just want it finished so we can get to the next one with a chance to win, it isn't like it is ranked.


    I generally don't dps doing this unless i see someone i recognize and want to kill them :-)


    Before someone says... "try to win" or some poop like that.. I say don't be bad and i might ;-)


    One i kinda did by accident the first time.... Run in blow my CDs do a bunch of damage and get swarmed.. run away force people to blow their long CDs then when far away from the action/goal. bubble and let my team cap, by that time i have my CDs again and kill the people that follow me.. when it works i can often get two or 3 people to follow. The ones that follow usually arn't very good so they're generally easy to kill..


    Sorcs using force storm in pvp ranked.. i LOL every time. :):)

  18. No I don't mean bolster I mean expertise. Like on the PvP server does expertise help when fighting manka cats or only against other players?


    only against other players. It will not effect any non-player combat in any circumstance.


    thinking about it.. does expertise effect companions? i never checked.

  19. I've been getting out of ranked mainly because i'm having horrible luck with match making but...


    sins rule all and it shows. had multiple matches last week where I was the only non-Assassin... of course i was the primary target. Walk out of the spawn.. wait 10-15 seconds.. since i was the only target my team stood nearby for me to get attacked.. once they did hit my bubble and hoped they got one of them. Come out of bubble hit my stims overload and force speed the heck out of there while bubbling my team or tossing a dot or other instacast depending on the situation.


    I wouldn't call Assassins FOTM... they are just the best, even bad players can pull a couple wins out.


    PTs are dangerous for sure, not far behind assassins


    Sorcs are probably next


    OP/Sniper are just meh.. don't really fear one by themselves but don't think they are horrible


    Merc and Maras at the bottom.. though let either one free cast and they could cause you issues. Always kill the merc/mara first to get them out of the way.. shouldn't take long ;)


    Much of it comes down to the player skill but clearly there is a large gap in the class balance.

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