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Posts posted by Hawk_IV

  1. So you are saying that the galaxy is a living entity that is also religion based in the fact it has disciples?


    Interesting question, I like it. Although it is not religion based. 'Disciples' means followers, so we are 'following the galaxy'. The galaxy has a lot to teach us, Jedi and techs alike. The galaxy is pretty much a cool way of saying everything in Star Wars, because it is in the balance of everything that the 'Disciples' follow.


    It's a cool roleplay idea that lets us 'side' with anyone. Jedi, Sith, Good, Evil, Law-breakers, Law-enforcers, etc.

  2. Thanks for the worries guys, but I've been playing this game long enough to adapt myself. I play very well with a "gimped" character. I have BM mods in my Custom Gear, which provides good enough stats for me, as I work up to WH gear.


    The Rifle issue: People can call me stupid, but it's not all that bad. Yes the Assault Cannon is designed for the Commando, but I've speced multiple times for the perfect fit for a rifle. I took the Assault Specialist tree, with some Gunnery. With a Rifle I do a little less damage, and it only takes away 2 moves: Hail of Bolts and Charged Bolts. I never used those moves with a Cannon anyway, I find I can get better damage without them (with my specs).


    A group can clearly see my rifle, so they know what they're getting into. The best part is that the Commando is nerfed anyways. So everyone knows my Commando isn't as good in the game mechanics. But the fact of the matter is that I still do very well in WZs (topping leaderboards in my momentum), I still beat OPs and FPs.

    I have challenged myself in this game so much: with Hawk-IV I can beat Chasing the Shadow in Blackhole with 1 other person with me, no whiteouts. It is a heroic 4.


    So no I am not a gimp for my team, I make up for my weakness in the game-mechanics with my technique, so don't worry about that and answer the original question in the post.


    Thank you for your opinions :)

  3. The Battle Meditation class person or "Bard" would be a sweet addition (thanks detzle :) ), but then there would be more force-users then tech-users. We would eventually need another tech-user. The Noble (Pub) and Crimelord (Imp) would be some obvious picks, but there could be other choices as well.

    Some brainstormed ideas:

    - Noble (Senator) / Crime Lord

    - Royal Guards

    - Melee Trooper / Brute (With a vibrosword or something)

    - Slicers or Demolitionists (Techy guys)

    - Pub Agent / Imp Trooper

    - Primitive Warrior (Like a Gungan/Ewok/Wookiee warrior or something)


    They would have to use an existing Stat like Aim or Cunning, because they can't just go around changing the core game mechanics. It may not be as exclusive to Classes then, but there is no other choice.

  4. Are you playing TOR for the fun of the game, fully experiencing the story and battles?

    Or are you the ambitious one, leveling your character and wanting to be the best and stand out?


    For me, I'm having a tough time juggling both.


    On one side I am the patient one, watching all the story line, having epic battles once and a while (where its more cinematic than efficient) , and making my character look better than having gear with better stats. I am the one that takes out the armoring/mod/enhancement from the BM or Columi gear and sticks it in the Customizable gear that looks cool, even if I lose the Armor bonuses. I use a Rifle with my Commando, because that's how I envisioned Hawk-IV: as the Commando with a rifle. NOT a massive gun my character could never hold up for more than a minute. (He's size 2)


    On the flip side I play the game often, strive for greatness, and try to stand out. I skip story that I've seen a ton, I battle efficiently against mobs I've defeated more than once. I try to get more money, better gear, etc. But it is clear to me that the patient side is more dominant at this point. As I play the game more often, will I get less patient and more ambitious? Or are there people out there that have played MMOs 24/7 for +4 years and are still patient?

  5. Playing a healer is fun because...


    I've been playing a healer for so long I either start experimenting or playing epic for cinematic purposes, all while topping up my team. If I forget about someone, they'll complain because they're so used to being topped up. Then I go "Shut up and look at you health bar! Your fine!" as I heal them from low to full in a matter of seconds.


    It's all about the experience, play for fun :)

  6. By reading the newest posts since my last, my suspicions are correct. A lot of people say they play imp for the better content : stories, choices, faster progress.


    My theory: BioWare is making better content for imperials! That's why there are more of them!! It seems more fun than picking Reps.


    Make more Rep content BioWare! ;)


    And yes the Empire is evil because it is not only a dictatorship, but the dictator is the most evil tyrant in the galaxy. There is no freedom.

    The Republic is pretty good because it has something William Wallace died for: freedom. Yes it can be argued that the republic isn't free and our own countries aren't really "free" but for the most part I'm sure William Wallace would pick Republic


    And we know he was all about freedom. :)

  7. Thanks :)


    Hey I was reading up on the sage, and you mentioned, respecing sage healer? So have a more balanced healer and not full out Seer? If I were to do that, what other tree would I go in? Becuase I'm willing to try this.


    Can you send me a link on a PVP healer not fully Seer?

  8. What do you do when you have a target marker :sy_target: on your head?


    I play a level 50 Jedi Sage healer, or Seer. Often times you get targeted as a healer, and Seers are the weakest characters but have the best heals. So often times I get targeted in the crowd for my healing, which makes sense, but if 3 or more people come at you, what are you supposed to do?


    Usually I can do something, but in recent times I get targeted beginning of match and 3 players go after me and I'm caught in a stun chain and die. One match I was spawn killed a ton, I died 13 times! Before 1.3 I felt indomitable and I was pretty good at fending people off and healing for the team, but now my character feels like he's weaker.


    Can anyone help me> give me strategies/tactics to avoid being killed so often? And what to do when you are target marked?

  9. The entire thing here is that players have a choice as to which faction they want to join. Why question players for their decisions? This is a Star Wars MMO, not a movie ladies and gentlemen. I don't think it'd be very fun if we were to follow the Star Wars plot and have the Republic faceroll the Empire at every turn. An MMO hands the movie over to the players. The players actions dictate outcomes. There is no set in stone outcome in a video game. You win or you lose based on how well you play, not because the game is supposed to be geared towards a specific faction.


    My choice to play a Sith was not in any way influenced by the box my game came in. That'd be like saying people only went to see Star Wars movies because they saw a Sith character on the poster. I play a Sith character because I ALWAYS play the darker side. I played Asmodian in Aion, I played Zerg in Star Craft, I played Fujin in 12 sky, I played Horde in WoW. Namely because I like darker stories, not rainbows and unicorns. I'm a good person IRL, playing a dark character gives me a chance to explore the psyche of the unknown darkness rather than sticking to the normal everyday life of being sweet lil ole' me.


    As for unbalanced PvP...Don't get me started. We either faceroll the Pubs or we get facerolled, it's a 2 way street where you roll the dice. The side with more healers is the side you wanna be on unless you get 3-4 snipers who can nuke the heals. My advice would be to get pre-made groups where everyone has battlemaster gear and go from there.


    My point and case though....It's a game, not a movie. You win and lose based on how good you/your team mates are, not because you're supposed to win or lose.


    Good input, I agree with you on somethings. But on my server, the imps faceroll the republic all the time. That's not the point though, lol.

    I can see where you come from, but if you look from a different point of view, you'll see the game makers favor the Empire and "promote" it more. Yes there is a choice, like you said, but it's a bias choice. They're putting the choice in front of us and making one choice seem better, which makes more people join that side and the game becomes unbalanced. From experience, I feel they spend more time making the imps fun to play. Maybe I should have named this thread: We need more Republic BioWare! heh

  10. You can't "balance" something like that, unless you make the good guys look like jerks. We want to be able to do whatever the **** we want to people we consider idiots. That makes us look like a-holes to others. If they made that the Republic way, then there would be no difference.


    I understand what you're saying, but what you're saying has no foundation. Most of it is conjecture and anecdotal, like how it's easier to play Imperial, or that there are more dark side drops, or how the Imperial fleet is more glamorous. These are not facts. Then you make assumptions like people play Imperial because the bad guys look cooler in the trailers, or because (since you seem to assume we're 12 year olds and make our decisions based on what is on the box's cover) there's a bigger picture of the bad guy on the front of the box. This is post hoc by the way, and you can't possibly know that's the reason. Satele, I would say, makes a much better impression in the "Hope" trailer. Not to mention, when you pick up the game, you will spend about a 1000x as much time looking at the loading screen compared to your box, on which, you will see a JEDI wielding a blue lightsaber in the front.


    So there.


    I'm not saying "change the values of the Republic/Jedi", I'm saying have more Light Side content and presence, have more heroes. I'm tired of constantly seeing more SWTOR Villains/Dark Side everywhere.


    And no, maybe I have opinions in there too, but is there something wrong with opinion? I think it's a pretty good and strong opinion, I mean just look yourself.

    > Is there a model of a hero? There are two villain models and a life-size statue of a VILLAIN.

    > Coruscant - Grey desolate city, gangs making messes, a bit of red carpet.

    > Dromuund Kaas - Wide wilderness with all kinds of monsters/enemies. Big Statues.

    The cities on Dromuund Kaas pretty much sum up the best of Coruscant.

    >Crazy looking Sorcerers with bewildering lightning effects that look extraordinary.

    >Jedi Sages with brown robes throwing rocks and a little light.


    What I'm trying to say is that the makers of this game are spending a considerably greater effort into the Evil of SWTOR and not balancing the effort with the Good of SWTOR

  11. Totally agree with OP.

    You also forget to mention the life size malgus statue we could won several weeks ago. Or the legacy skills (orbital bombardment vs dirty trick ? Project vs lightning storm ? come on...).

    Also, the DS corruption, while there is no visible effect from LS.


    Yes I should Edit that in. This strengthens my suspicions that the devs play dark characters and promote imps. Thanks :)

  12. People are going dark side, because in real life, we can't smash someone's head in for talking back. Here we can. I find it very gratifying. When I've decided I'm OK with going to jail for manslaughter, then I'll do it in real life. But until then, this will have to do.


    Despite the fairy tales you've had shoved down your throat as a child, most people want to be bad, not do-gooders.


    Are we gonna start talking about Hobbes and Locke now? Are people essentially good or evil? HA! Both sides could be argued. What I'm saying is Star Wars is based on GOOD ideals and resistance to evil, so why is that changing? And if it should change it should be BALANCED and not one sided. If you want an evil game to smack people around, there are plenty of other games out there just for that, but a Star Wars MMO shouldn't be one of them. Force Unleashed was good for that

  13. Ya, Deliverance sucks now. When I first started playing in BETA and up to 1.2 Update, Deliverance was prime. I could keep a tank alive forever with just Rej-Del-HT-Rej-Del-Del-Rej-Del-HT (or something on those lines, it's been a while). Now it seems whenever I Deliver in PVP I die.... lol.

    Benevolence is good for a level 10, that's it's single use. Deliverance is a filler, and when buffed can be your biggest heal (especially for the Warzone Medal).

    I am annoyed that Sage's only have 2 instant heals, and one is Restore - which does like 500. Rejuvenate must be used A LOT by every Sage Healer....

  14. Remember the Star Wars movies? They were all about the greater good and standing up to evil! Luke and Obi-Wan were good guys!!!!! Now in SWTOR it seems 7/8's of the community (including BioWare/LucasArts/etc.) support the Sith and the Empire. Most people go dark, evil, corrupt. Why?


    First just look at the Collector's Edition.

    - On the front of the box is Darth Malgus, Satele is ON THE SIDE. On the cover of the game (CE) is an Imp symbol. Inside the box is a statue of DARTH MALGUS.

    Then they come out with a contest to win a life-size statue of DARTH MALGUS.

    There is a Flashpoint for both Factions about DARTH MALGUS.

    Guess who's in all the trailers for SWTOR? darth malgus.


    Next lets look at the game.

    -Most players are Imperial

    -PVP is imbalanced because everyone is Imperial. > This is huge. I play PVP and it doesn't matter how good your team is, if your on the republic, 19/20 times you'll lose. This is for lvl 50 PVP on my server. In lvl 10-49 PVP it's more random (which is better then being severely under powered).

    -Way easier to play an Imp, it seems like the gameplay is more flowing and epic

    -Way more Dark Side gear on pickups (it seems)

    -Imperial Fleet seems way more glamorous and easy to use/accessible.

    -Korriban can be conquered in 2 hours where it takes a day to beat Tython.


    EDIT/UPDATE: -The Legacy Heroic Moment Powers are way cooler for the imps: Flamethrower, Lightning, etc. VS. Project, Dirty Kick, etc.

    -Dark Side effects but no Light Side effects


    This gives me the suspicion that all the developers are playing imps, and want to be "bad-@**". Star Wars is a world where good conquers, so it makes me frustrated when the imps seem dauntless.


    In general it seems like SWTOR was meant for an imperial and someone on the dark side.

    I have grown on it and I'm pretty used to it. I myself only have 2 evil characters but have 10 good characters. I am pretty much all light side.


    At the very least I would like a greater effort put in to balancing the factions.


    Questions: Why is Star Wars The Old Republic a dark game?

    Does anyone else notice this?


    P.S. GIVE US A MODEL OF SATELE (or Master Zallow, just like the Bounty Hunter and Darth Malgus models.)


    EDIT/UPDATE: I believe there are all kinds of people, and so they should balance Good/Evil. Coming out with better Dark Side stuff makes it less enjoyable for Light Side people. Just like if there was more Light Side Stuff then the Dark Side people would have less fun.

  15. <hand raised> I have a question! With this new update (1.2 Legacy) there are a lot of outrageously priced Legacy Buffs/items. I'm broke and can't afford much so I go to Hoth or Ilum and loot those chests and fight some guys/do crew skills and come back and loot the chest again. If I keep going back and loot that chest all day, not exploiting anything (I wouldn't exploit even if I knew how, reporting it seems like the right thing to do), only looting the same chest properly. I'm not gonna get banned or suspended or anything? I just want to get a mailbox on my ship, so this is ok? Because this seems like an easy way to get cash, but I don't want to get banned or anything.
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