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Everything posted by baldilocks

  1. we didnt really have much lag last night. but we did have a dc or a roll bug put as at 7 players several times. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/940987_10151333036166362_238942612_n.jpg
  2. every night is a night for rateds.....
  3. its a good spec. ive been running it for a couple weeks now to great success. mostly you are just CG > CD > Cull. but if its a class that cant cleanse you, or already blew their cleanses. CG > CD > IP > EP > Cull > /s boom during channel. during that cull channel with full conq gear and Pve Ear and Implants i easily do a total of 20-22k dmg. then you are back to the original rotation of CG > CD > Cull till your EP is up again. and cull still hits like a truck. easily better than marksman as its very resistant to players LOSing you. you have a weakness for cleanses sure. but not many classes can do it consistently. if you are facing a operative that uses evasion and cleansing well, it might take a while. but lets be honest, a good operative is hard to kill for everyone.
  4. civil war can be very unbalanced by a team with several operatives who know how to roll. just like voidstar can be unbalanced by a couple dps sages/mandos/smugs that respec to heals for the defense stage. you really have to counter it with similar tactics or reap the consequences. novare and hypergates end up being the most forgiving to group composition.
  5. yes, last night was pretty fun. for over a week straight it has been the same 16-20 people doing ranked. orders of magnitude more fun than unranked games. the hardest hurdle to overcome is composition, followed closely by organization. everything else can be acquired over time, be it gear or mad clicker skills like Da'fos. dont get discouraged, if your group is new to ranked match they will probably be beaten the first few dozen times before you put up a good fight. its only to be expected. keep at it. how most people react to ranked warzones : http://i.imgur.com/YcPGKlL.gif
  6. i dont bother with accuracy for lethality sniper. just stack power surge. already had several 2k dps games and many many many 1 mil total dmg games, this way. not much of a reason to go accu, your cull procs will go off even if the white dmg part of the channel misses. explosive prob, frag grenade, corrosive dart, corrosive grenade, weakening blast, will all hit the target anyway. rifle shots will miss and i never bother with series of shots in pvp anyway, much better off filling that void with an explosive probe, weakening blast or refreshing your poisons on someone else before your next cull. sure you will miss on your take down every once and a while. but you more than make up for that miss here and there with the 20% accu rating worth of stats elsewhere. so, you can gear for accuracy, it makes it easier to swap specs to marksman where it is very needed. but as a lethality spec'd sniper on all maps, i dont bother.
  7. if ranked games count http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/148774/module_gallery/original/1193761.jpg 2034.75 dps
  8. sniper dps 1638.55 http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/148774/module_gallery/original/1177443.jpg sniper total dmg 1321271/1death http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/148774/module_gallery/original/1187854.jpg Baldelocks, sniper, The Harbinger
  9. 1321721 total dmg http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/148774/module_gallery/original/1187854.jpg wasnt going to bother posting it as a i see 1.6 mil games by smashers, but seeing as they havent posted their screens. .....
  10. http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/148774/module_gallery/original/1177443.jpg 1638 dps, lethality sniper
  11. a visualization of what BW has done to the pvp in the past week http://i.minus.com/i5x9G6Eqv0Wvq.gif
  12. wasnt it just yesterday that you were giving out friendly advice to a newbie, mack? and they proceeded to call you names the entire match for it. classy of them.
  13. im pretty sure blaydes and I only focus on people who talk trash. so since you weren't im also pretty sure we werent focusing you on purpose. it was just a positive side effect of randomness.
  14. oh, i do miss the aussies. sexy accents makes my gag-reflex numb up real fast. but in all seriousness, Triple Zero never reformed after we got shoved over to Harbinger, but there are quite a few of us around. looking forward to it.
  15. you guys should check out Blade and Soul......... i'll just leave this here. pvp looks good too. however its yet another game that has no healing class. when are devs going to learn that the trinity is there for a reason.
  16. oh **** its AS@BEAST!! missed you man.
  17. glad to be back and see way more people still playing than i had thought possible. Im not sure i'll be running a ranked team. i have a 6 month old teething at home right now and im not sleeping much dont have the energy to in charge of anything. but ive been asked about 17.351 times in the past few weeks, so maybe. We'd be lightyears behind on practice, meta-game, composition, trash talk resistance (if only there was gear that had THAT stat on it). It'd be a painful for 100 games or so. but we arent going anywhere anytime soon. wildstar probably wont even be out till earlier next year, and eso looks pretty ******.
  18. if you are leveling up anyway .......... lol. yeah blaydes, anais(now khalrizian) deedlite, ventra, fade, juggernot, blitzkrieg, and others im probably forgetting right now are all leveling imp toons as we speak. Im not sure i want to go back to my vanguard just yet, having alot of fun with my sniper and operative.
  19. Came back a month ago after some time on gw2 and rift. Alot of us rerolled Imp side though. I havent really done ranked since i had my foot out the door by the time they came out. The pvp scene is fine, though it's tainted by quite a bit of smack talk that seems overly childish.
  20. I'll be imp this time around. After 5-6 months in gw2 and rift i came back to find almost none of the people i used to play with still on pub side. However, quite a few on the imp side of the fence. So I rolled imp and convinced a bunch of the old Triple Zero guys to reroll. Blaydes leveled up 3 different imps from 0 in the past 2 weeks........ im excited to have the aussies back even though they probably hate it. had alot of great games with them back in the day.
  21. i only played with you a few weeks Rokuthy, but i thought you were pretty hilarious! have a good one. and dont be insulted by every talking about wildstar while you are trying to say good bye. their warplots sound awesome though.......
  22. hey guys! sorry about your server getting nuked!.. i know it sucks. But i am however looking forward to playing with all the old guys from TJJT. whose still around from the old days?
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