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Posts posted by CrazyMadness

  1. If you are a lightside V Sith Warrior, wouldn't it be awesome if you became more Jedi, for example,


    Instead of Channel Hatred.

    Meditate - Jedi Knight,

    This also could go for the reverse for if you are a Jedi Knight with Darkside V


    Another Example


    Requirements Level 50 Light V

    Sith Warrior, would have Jedi Knight Abilities instead of Sith Abilities.




    To be honest if the first could happen that'd make me happy. The second... I don't expect it to but all be AWESOME!


    It would be awesome if they at least put that first part in the game because it actually makes a lot of sense.

  2. On Dromund Kaas I found these BA red and black robes from the quest where you have the choice to kill the son and his mother or his father. I got it after killing the father, but they were green. :( After that it has been down hill with the gear. I don't want to wear a dress, a skin tight shirt, a shirt with a bunch of two foot long spikes coming out of it, and I don't want to wear a helmet that makes me look like I'm from the Roman Army. All I want is some plain robes with a hood and maybe a hood toggle feature, but I heard it's hard to implement that into the game according to Stephen Reid.
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