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  1. I am returning after about a year of being away, I have a level 55 Jugg, 55 Srocerer, 55 Assasin, and a 55 PT. I use to tank on the jugg and PT. Not so good at the assissin. I love PvE and not so much on PvP. My Jugg is the best geared. And I love him and my PT (also a tank). I would like to play with a group and do some progression. Or at least some ops. I work and have a family so I only get a few hours during the week. On the weekends I can play more. I am not looking for drama or anal jokes. I can handle some crude talking but nothing over the top. I don't need politics as I get plenty of that at work. If you are interested, let me know what you and your guild is about. Looking forward to hearing from you. And thank you for reading this. Oh and my sin is poorly geared. But I can work on him if needed.
  2. Oh yeah. My assassin is poorly geared. But I am willing to learn and gear (with help) if needed.
  3. I am returning after about a year of being away, I have a level 55 Jugg, 55 Srocerer, 55 Assasin, and a 55 PT. I use to tank on the jugg and PT. Not so good at the assissin. I love PvE and not so much on PvP. My Jugg is the best geared. And I love him and my PT (also a tank). I would like to play with a group and do some progression. Or at least some ops. I work and have a family so I only get a few hours during the week. On the weekends I can play more. I am not looking for drama or anal jokes. I can handle some crude talking but nothing over the top. I don't need politics as I get plenty of that at work. If you are interested, let me know what you and your guild is about. Looking forward to hearing from you. And thank you for reading this.
  4. Well lets start with the basics. Jugg has heavy armor and the marauder has medium. Marauder does a lot more damage than a jugg (tons more) Both do well in PvP Both do well in PvE people either want to nerf them or complain that they are not viable Now a little more Juggs are very similar to the old WoW warriors. Specifically prot and to some extent arms. The marauder is more like fury warriors. Both use a rage like resource. If you want to tank or DPS then go Jugg. If you want only to DPS go marauder, I know I am being very general about it all. But you have to ask yourself what you want to do. Do you want to be out front and damn near impossible to take down (both in PvE and PvP)? Jugg! Massive DPS? Marauder.
  5. I never mentioned DPS at all. Why would you think I am not using threat building abilities? I was pointing out that a sin with almost equal gear in tank stance was stealing aggro. This made me question either my ability or the class. Yes this helps me tons. I know that I can use the AoE taunt in my rotation or when a DPS does an AoE ability at the beginning of the fight. As far as causing name calling, I feel that because I posted this I have some responsibility in happening.
  6. I should clarify somethings. The reason I came here was because I was running an instance with some guildies when threat became an issue. The group consisted of myself a jugg, a geared out marauder, a well geared merc healer, and a slightly higher geared assassin. Now the marauder we know pulled aggro much of the time. I would taunt off of him with no big issue. Sometimes he would tank until taunt was on CD. With that said I still did well in keeping aggro most of the time. The healer never pulled aggro. But then again I do tons with him. We work well together. It was the sin. He would be in tank stance. He would pull aggro without taunts. Since he only had one or two items better than me, I thought that maybe there was an issue with my tanking. He was the only one that I didn't understand why I couldn't keep aggro. I confirmed with him that he never taunted. He did switch to a DPS stance. That helped only a little. I do keep single taunt available so that I can pull back mobs that run to my healer. I did not use the aoe taunt at all. And shame on me for not doing that. I also admit I placed guard on the healer (out of habit with running with just he and I all the time). I know better on both accounts now. One thing I did not want in this thread was name calling. So please forgive me if I caused that. I am glad some discussion took place on the subject.
  7. Really? taunt and taunt and taunt again? Ok I eill try that
  8. Hi all, I have a level 50 Jug. I have played tanks in other MMOs (more than one). I love the way that Jugs play and look. I love their animations and Love Love Love the story. I seem to have issues with threat. I know that wow warriors and LotRO champs (tanking ones) can have issue with threat. But their threat issues are related to gear, rotation, and spec. My question is this. Is threat that big of an issue? Will 1.2 make threat better or worse? I ask this because I have one of each tanks. If threat remains an issue I will switch to either a sin or a pt. Please, I am only looking for constructive posts. Thanks for reading.
  9. Got family that lives in Palm Estates.
  10. Yea so nice here they named it Niceville. Live out near blue water.
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