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Posts posted by mutharex

  1. I feel like you think you're disagreeing with me, but that is exactly what I expect them to do. A flag in the database alters the end product after the game's normal exp calculations. Honestly, a toggle could function almost identically tot he way the subscriber free name change is handled, through the account on the swtor site. That has all the framework of selecting options for characters and servers.


    I wasn't disagreeing with you at all

  2. Like I posted earlier towards the end of the last page, I've leveled 2 republic side toons with the boost, my Trooper I cleared every planetary quest since I hadn't played the game in ~2 years and wanted to catch up on the storylines and I didn't specifically do my class quests ahead of my normal quests but by Tatooine I was about 2-3 levels higher than the quests I was receiving (all of them were green) so they were giving me almost no exp for completion, especially if I completed them but didn't turn them in right away because I had other quests like class objectives to complete and if i I leveled while doing those and turned the existing quests grey I got no exp at all.


    Comparatively, on my Consular, I skipped every planetary quest except the few that I really liked the stories for and am consistently near or 1 level behind what my missions are at based only on class quests.


    I expect if you do all your quests you'll be 2-3 levels higher than she is the entire game but that shouldn't ruin it for you to play together since you will still slow down to play with her and the quests that are yellow and green for her will be green and grey for you so your exp gain will be much less off those.


    Yeah I suppose I could get her an XP booster here and there to help


    Thanks again

  3. It won't be that significant in my experience, you'll jump out ahead every time you guys clear your class quests but if you stick around to play with her and do all the planetary stuff after the class quests she'll be gaining normal exp while you'll be gaining reduced exp since you'll be a few levels above the quest and then you'll both end up pretty close at the end of the planet, you'll probably be 1-2 levels ahead if you do it in this order, which doesn't seem gamebreaking, it's not like you're going to be level 40 and she's going to be level 25 if you take the time to play together and help her level the normal speed.


    Thanks for this "FYI", I hope it works that way. At least you came out with a 'suggestion' that doesn't involve either unsubbing or canceling the preorder. I'll see how that works out. 12X is a lot, hope it doesn't get too wide of a gap.

    But I can't believe the amount of trolls on these forums



  4. That's quite a blanket statement. Please do provide more detail to back it up if you would like it to be believed.


    (Good luck. We all know the real reason is that you don't want to do any of those other things and would simply prefer to complain.)


    Yeah, definetely not that bright


    I am not complainign about the XP just on one of my characters NOT TO OUTLEVEL MY WIFE'S TOON


    Smoke less

  5. You really think it's just a matter of adding a couple of lines of code here and there? I'm no software developer, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a bit more complicated than that.



    Well, good luck with that.


    Mate, if SOE could find a way of doing this (EQ2) I am pretty sure someone who actually knows how to code shouldn't have a problem..


    The real problem isn't the XP (I haven't seeen anyone saying o take it away) but the trollish answers to anyone who asks for a toggle.. nice community indeed

  6. Those might have been among the many options that I and others have suggested. (Though I don't think I personally ever suggested anyone unsubscribe or not preorder but one of my suggestions was to preorder last minute.) Why did you ignore all the other options and jump straight to that one? Drama Llama much?


    Because the others..won't work? You should drop the substance in your nickname, not really doing you any good apparently

  7. I don't know, it seems like a pretty fair assessment of every thread asking for a toggle to cover poor decision making skills to me. You made a poor decision, or rather, one that wound up being one since your wife now wants to play. Here's a thought: Amazon has a package deal that comes with a 60 day trial sub. Maybe, you know, when you're done waiting for someone else to fix your "mistake", you could get her that, and then preorder the expansion for her too. Problem solved.


    It's incredible. No one is asking to cancel the XP bonus or saying EA made a mistake or whatever. Why do you all have to go in 'blind rabid fanboi' mode?? For an XP switch??


    Well, I'll take the advice,I am cancelling the preorder and asking for a refund and unsubbing. I'll also make sure to leave feedback detailing that I did that because I was spurred by you and others in this thread to do so (I'll put EVERY username)

  8. Honestly, I don't understand what's wrogn with people. So your solution is basically unsubscribing or not preordering expansions?? I think EA should be made aware of people instigating others to NOT purchase their products.


    It's a freakign switch, not a new NGE. I personally didn't care much about it till my wife asked me to install TOR on her PC so she can try it and play with me. It's gonna be hard not to over level her when I am getting 12x the XP for my class quests.


    Honestly what a bunch of morons

  9. I already unsubbed twice and came back after a few days off because I was missing the game. I basically follow this weird cycle where I play a character up to the 40s, get burnt out on the game and feel like I'm done for good, delete the char, uninstall. And after a few days I crave playing the game and come back. It feels like playing for the first time each time. Weird I know.


    It might be a bit of burnout, on the genre or VG in general. Just saying because some years ago I felt the same and taking a longish breaks from MMOs helped.

  10. Well, not all relationships pay out expected dividends on a regular basis, and our respective partners do have those periodic times of difficulty ... so I'm willing to cut the OP some slack.


    yeah true, actually I need to apologise to OP bout my remark, we all get bad days and judging someone from an outburst is quite childish

  11. EA is probably using the bare minimum in terms of game server hardware to cut down on costs. They probably cannot merge servers without a massive hit to game performance on an already poorly optimized game.


    My servers are dead whenever I log on. I don't feel like starting over again. My faith in Bioware caused me to buy a six month sub, but that was a huge mistake.


    Theres no point playing an MMO and paying a monthly fee when you are playing by yourself.




    This is the exact same thing that happened to Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. It lost most of its user base in the first 6 months and basically went on life-support after that.

    And the fanboys ridiculed everyone who pointed out the drastic player subsription falloff.


    EA made a huge mistake reusing the Mythic team on SWTOR.

    This game is plagued by many of the same problems as their last game, and cost twice as much to make.


    Between the Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3 and now SWTOR fiasco, they have dragged Biowares name through the mud.


    Wrong! WAR lost over 50% of subs after 2 months, after 3-4 the ywere already merging servers. Also I can't really see all these problems that plagued WAR and are now plaguing TOR but hey, it's your opinion, for what is worth you can vent aaaaalll day long


    If you want to check:

    launched september 2008 with 750K users


    december 2008 was already down to 300K


  12. That's why I'm on my third server and the guild I'm now in has also just moved from another server...


    This game is not doing well, they are lucky so many of us took on 3 or 6 month subs or the sub numbers would be really bad. I want to see what the sub numbers are after April, less than 900k would be my guess, that would mean that the majority of people who bought the game left before 4 months of playing.


    Less than 900k players? Only?!? OHMYGOD HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!


    IT IS THE END!11!111!!!!11

  13. I don't think that was what Void was saying at all.


    I think what he was saying is that SW like most other MMO's really is myopic in its thinking about how to engage and reward players who are a) casual, b) not in a guild and c) prefer to explore the game world solo before jumping in to group content and raids.


    Heaven forbid if a player falls in to more than one of those categories, because they really will be paying their monthly subs for next to no return at all other than the ability to log in.


    All The Best


    I fall in those categories and to be honest I didn't yet have problems with money in game nor I found myself bored by what I was doing. The moment that I am not enjoying anymore what I am doing, I'll quit. MMOs nowadays are built round time sinks and repetitive tasks (hell, actually always been) and to be honest, that's the way,that's the way I like it ah-a ah-a ah-a


    but OP complains are silly to say teh least

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