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Posts posted by jamews

  1. Registered my pre order oct21 got in this morning with the first wave,unfortunately now I have to wait 7 1/2 hours till I get off work for my saga to begin lol. It,s not fair I ma nerd rage at my boss o wait I am the boss but can,t get anyone to come in to cover the shift so. I can leave lol. Naaa I,ll wait patiently if I went home now the old lady would ask *** I was doing home and bug me till she goes to work
  2. Interesting thoughts. My personal experience is this: I have played wow for about 5 years and have really loved the game. Recently I became bored and since the predominate chat in guild vent was about SWTOR and how great it was (many were in the beta). I bought the game and got into beta myself. I freakin' loved my experience. I have played wow almost every day (to some degree) for 5 years, but after playing the SWTOR beta I have not been on WOW for about 2 weeks now, because it has no appeal anymore whatsoever. We shall see how this all shakes out, but I have a feeling SWTOR will be much more competitive than the other MMOs that have launched in the last couple of years. Either way thanks Blizz and Bioware for making such great games!


    i agree I've been logging into wow and after about 30 mins i end up back here reading the forums i just can't bring myself to stay in that game after the thanksgiving beta

  3. How can you hear my tone through typing?


    I state my profession in order to give validity to what I say. Though I know this is the internet and people can say what they want and it's never true.


    I have never once said I hated my job. I love working on computers and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.


    I like working for Apple, the company gives me great benefits and decent pay.


    I don't (didn't) like Steve Jobs, I met him a couple times - he is as big of a pompous *** in person as he is on stage.


    My lot in life very much is to my liking. I have a stable job in a horrible economy with good benefits, a loving wife and the most awesome 4 year old son in the world (not sure how that happened - Karma dictates my son should be one of those brats running around screaming out of control everywhere lol).


    What more could I reasonably ask for?


    to get in the next wave? 3 more children? longer work days to get away from said children lol j/k

  4. Iv'e preorded many games from gamestops e-b games and best buy and ive always had to pay 5_10$ for the preorder. Your not paying to get EA you paying 5_10$ to ensure that you will have the game on release day witch isn't until Dec 20 2011. Today is only Dec 13 2011
  5. Step. One.find the icon you use to open ventrilo


    Step two, right click on it with your mouseand click properties



    Step four, go to the tab at the top of the window that is named compatibility


    Step five, at the bottom of the tab you just selected and you should see a check box next to

    Run asdministrater. Check the box


    Now ventrilo should start up every time in admin mode

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