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Posts posted by soulself

  1. Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


    99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


    Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



    because they expect the game to be what they want it to be and if it ain't their self entitled butts get all in a uproar.


    sadly their constant b*tching dose nothing but hurt the community, i mean really if i was on the fence about rather to get this game and logged into the forums and seen nothing but complaints i would more then likely not buy the game.


    what i find real annoying is that the devs will close down posts saying the game is good because all the trolls jump in and start flaming anyone that actually likes the game so those posts get closed down so you don't rile up the trolls.

  2. Sith Warrior Minor Romance Spoiler:



    Level 40 Sith Marauder-I just married Vette and all was well and happy until my next conversation with her. I of course wanted to continue on in our relationship so I talked to her. She mentions that everyone on the ship is off doing their own thing and she wants to "have a little fun, just the two of us". Basicaly you have 3 conversation choices and me not wanting sex picked "Im busy and have alot of work to do..." Vette replies "You dont have time for your wife??? Be a good boy blah blah blah." the screen blacks out and Vette talks about how fun it was and how we need to make time everyday to do that... Pretty much her exact dialogue. She just totally transformed from the fun girl I knew to something else...


    Now for the people like me who don't want anything to do with sex irl or in-game could we have the option to "Just say no"?. I just wanted to be clean with Vette :(


    So.. vette ***** (censored word rhymes with grape) your sith warrior?

  3. The Search/Advanced Search feature is implemented. Look up. ^ It's horizontal with the "Community" header.




    If you look just above you you will see the search function and it works fine.


    Nuts, beaten to it. :rolleyes:


    Oops so it is up there, um .. well my bad .. could of swore the search function on this forum was broke lol when did they fix that?

  4. personally i keep the censor on, i figure the more **** i see the less i want to talk to the person cause if they can't find a way to express then self without cussing every other word they are probably not worth talking to.
  5. Sadly this fight alone is stopping me from plating a IA.


    I have one well past this quest but it was also one of the first classes i made and did not look through all the options, while messing around with the character creator i came across a look i really want to play, but i don't want to play through this fight again so my IA days are at a stop until this quest is fixed. :(


    i am guessing it will get fixed in the big 1.2 patch everyone is talking about.. so just have to wait till march.

  6. I would like the option to kill companions, but you only get once to do it for each. And if you do, you get a generic replacement for them that does exactly what they do and wear their gear.


    I'd love to shoot Tanno Vik out of the airlock.


    See i disagree with giving a replacement, if you did that then people would just start posts saying they want to kill all of their companions and have nothing but a droid army.


    if people are going to kill their companions their should be ramifications for doing so.

  7. but without the search function it makes it almost impossible to find and original post.




    let us kill companions.


    i can't think of at least 2 that need to be tossed out a airlock.


    i know people will complain that their crafting is effected by having less people to do the crafting so just make sure the game puts up warnings that killing the companion will effect the players crafting. and i mean literally put it up to where the player has no choice but to read it so they don't come back later complaining that they didn't know killing that person would kill them... yes i know that's just silly people will think that but as they say, Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.


    also considering rumors that the game will be adding in new companions sooner or later will counter people killing of the ones they do not like.

  8. for the most part i play my gender (male) but sometimes you get a character in your head and it will just not work as a guy.


    i have no problem with people playing the opposite gender then they are as long as the whole reason they are doing it is because they want run around in a g-string and act like an idiot.

  9. Would not work simply because half the people whining are jut doing it to get attention and just in general like to whine.


    sure they could move all the whine posts to a whine forum but then the whiners will whine about being put in the whine forum.



    on a side note if they did make a whine forum they should call it the a lot of cheese forum to go with all the wine :p

  10. Lore-wise, it's most popular for double-bladed lightsabres to only use one crystal.


    Gameplay-wise, two colours would require two colour crystals, which would give the Shadow/Assassin a whole extra stat bonus causing significant balance issues.


    i was thinking about that bonus stat as well, so i am hoping BW makes the color of a lightsaber purely cosmetic and remove the stat bonuses.


    but really this is really just a side thought and not something i think will ever actually make it into the game lol

  11. This is the 3rd character i have ended up on Quesh, 4-5 lvls lower than the things i am fighting..... The last planet i was only 1 lvl lower than the mobs..


    *** have i missed? i followed my story picking up all the little sides quests...


    I find that doing the bonus series on each planet is needed as well as ding any bonus missions that pop up, also keeping your companions affection level high so you can do their missions is good as well.


    doing heroics is ok if you can find people to do them but for the most part i tend to skip them and i always seem to be a level or 3 higher then my missions.

  12. Example please. I'm not egging you on or anything, I genuinely would appreciate an example, since I can't, for the life of me, think of any instance where strongs were too overwhelming.:\


    I know on Quesh i was going through a quest chain where i fount a sith apprentice that was a strong and had another strong with him that i nearly died but then when i fought his master who was a elite with two normal mods i walked through that fight without any trouble.


    hell i've even pulled two elites and won with less trouble then when i pull 2 strong mobs.

  13. While not something i am concerned with i was thinking why dose a double bladed lightsaber have to be the same color on both ends.


    would be interesting to see blue on one side and green on the other

  14. Gameplay and story segregation, I'm sure.


    But Some of them clearly wouldn't get much chance to say no. *Glances at Vette*


    this is true.



    Player: hay vette, got a nice new .. ok maybe lightly used outfit for you.


    Vette: Ew i am weari "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT"


    Player: oh you say you love it and can't wait to try it on, lovely.. now excuse me i need to go talk to this damn droid about this odd burning smell i keep smelling.

  15. So companions are are these fully fleas out people with their own personalities .. but then let the players make then walk around it their underwear.. actually it's gear that is far more reveling then their underwear.


    just find it odd that these people would allow someone to make them run around half naked.


    i mean if the player wants to roll a female and run around half naked nothing stopping them cause that's their personality but the NPC's i would think would try to stab or shoot the player before they are forced to get naked and walk the streets of nar shadaa.

  16. There can be little doubt bioware will make thier money back, if not alrdy. So it can't realy fail from that point of view.


    The game is lacking to be sure. More hate on this forum than any other mmo I have seen. Impressive really.


    Swtor will survive to be sure, in the same way WAR still clings to life. I wouldnt call it a success tho. Gw2 is going to smash this mmo, and most likely all others too.


    i sort of blame that on the star wars fan, i have never seen hate from fans of a subject more then star wars fans. and seeing as this is star wars fans and mmo players that's just a large cluster f--- of hatred.

  17. I've had the same problem with my companions being weaker then hell.


    to test it i went to the GTN and bought every piece i could to make sure they are geared (mostly blue items with a few greens) then i went to quesh and found a strong that was actually 3 levels lower then me (me 40 them 37), started the battle by putting the strong to sleep for 60 sec and cleared the mobs around to where only the strong was left.


    then healed my companion up (Spar the Zabrak BH) and made sure all of their powers were turned on then set them to fight the strong and just sat back and watch and sure enough the strong beat my fully geared companion.


    Also note that i have all the datacrons up to quesh so my presence is higher then normal which is suppose to increase companions Stats.


    all in all i think the companions in general need a slight boost in Defense or Damage to make then be able to at least take on a strong.

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