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Posts posted by soulself

  1. I would say OT generation tho i first saw them on tv cause i was born in 77 i don't think i saw them till the mid 80's



    personaly im just hoping the make the timothy zaun books (hier to the empire) into movies....that would rock.


    I agree, those books were the first star wars novels i ever read.

  2. Yes, It's in regards to the Michael bay reboot of TMNT. I go a little more into it on my site. Comments section under the comic. But, it's basically another ***** wiping of childhood fancy.


    after seeing the interview he did where he was talking about what he is going to do to the turtles i was half tempted to see if i could kickstart a deal to hire a hitman to take out both Micheal Bay and Uwe Boll.


    But i don't think that Kickstart.com deals in assassinations.

  3. Perhaps the problem is that they are listening to the wrong people.


    The healer forum had lots of constructive posts for improving balance. Their response? Ignore it all and nerf the **** out of 2/3 of the healers.


    Who was complaining? I presume PvPers as I dont visit that forum, but no one was calling for those nerfs on the Healer, Commando, or Operative forums.


    Keep your *********** PvP out of my PvE game.


    From what i have seen playing MMO's PvPer's complaining about abilities are more then likely the reason for every nerf, for example Champions online was fun PvE and everything was blanced well, but PvPers did not like some things and complained until the people making champions online caved to the PvPer's and nerfed stuff so bad that a majority of it's PvE player base left leading to the game dying and going free to play.



    Moral of the story is: Bioware.. Ignore the PvPer's they only complain cause they got beat by a class there for to them that class is OP and their class is too weak.


    Or if you are going to listen to them then have changes done to Skills in PvP not effect PvE abilities ( tho i would expect some abilities in PvE to get nerfed if they make the game way to easy)

  4. Played them all up to at least 20 i think.


    game play wise i liked them all if anything i would say i dislike some mechanics from some classes.


    for example i really liked the Imperial agent story like but i could not play a sniper cause i don't like the cover mechanic so i liked playing a operative.


    so favorite would be Imperial Agent for the story and i liked the Bounty hunter as well.


    but i have got a Sith inquisitor to level 50 and seen the end of his story and it was interesting enough that i want to see what happens at the end if i was lightside instead so i am playing through the Sith Inquisitor again


    as for what ones i don't like it comes down to the two classes that use the cover mechanics.

  5. I have noticed that a lot of people see the RP and think " hm i should make a toon there and try to completely ruin an Role playing i see"


    these people will do anything they can to make as much noise as possible and jump around people doing everything they can to disrupt people.



    Now one of the things i have saw in the 1.2 noted that i would love if it was modified is the field of view option that cuts down the range and people you see on a station to help with FPS, if they take this ability and let you add people to an ignore list so they cannot even be seen by the people ignoring them that would be great.

  6. Ok new reason to hate grouping.


    was running around the dark temple and got a random invite, figured i am trying this whole be social thing and accept.


    so the guy types LETS DO MY QUEST NOW!!!!


    figured.. ok.. sure no problem.. then i noticed the guy is running super slow.. turns out the guy is level 11 going level 17 quests and standing around spamming invites trying to find someone to babysit him through he missions.


    lucky me my game crashed.

  7. I saw a dude on my server wishing to only team with people he didnt have to compete with over armour loot. In other words I will team if all the loot is for me. This is the attitude of too many gamers, and thats why you see DPSers suddenly love healers,


    I have seen that too, people looking for flash points but not taking people of the same class as them so they don't have to share loot.


    no my problem i seem to come across is trying to build a team and as soon as you get one other person he thinks the group is good to go then jumps in and agros 3 elite and a champion, then gets mad he died and quits the team before anyone else joins :p

  8. Funny i figured a movie based around the sith would be something kids would love.


    i mean what are sith really, people that think they are the super cool best thing in the universe.. alot like teenagers anymore, then the sith dress all emo and hate everything, a lot like teenagers anymore, and then when i sith dose not get their way and everything is not exactly as they think it should be they throw tantrums, a lot like kids now a days.

  9. I resubbed for another 2 months, but then again i always buy game time cards and i can only find those in 60 day increments.


    and while i know icarly said to stop talking about her/his/it's/whatever's name, i don't care for icarly.. sam was awesome and so was Carly's brother .. but did not care for icarly :p


    mock me all you want but when you have 2 nieces that love the show and it is always on tv you start noticing it. all in all their are far worse things on tv.. for instance everything ever made by tom and eric.

  10. After a few PvP matched i noticed the trend of people only voting their friends and guildmates for MVP even if other players are more helpful in the match.


    A easy way to fix this is to remove the players names from the voting option and only have their statistics show up that way people can't be bias as to who to vote for and the people that are actually doing really good will get their rewards and not be snubbed cause people only vote for friends.

  11. Three months...


    We'll have our second major content patch around the 3 1/2 month mark...


    Me thinks trolling. Two major content patches in less than four months, and a bug fix patch nearly every week...sometimes twice a week, in some cases. Whatever you're smoking, I would love to take a hit on it.


    they ain't smoking nothing.. they are just drinking large glasses of hatorade

  12. Agree with the OP, game is fun, only have a few problems here and there that will be fixed sooner or later, my major complaint about this game is the haters and whiners that seem to think this game is worse then daikatana or superman 64.


    sort of makes me laugh tho that these people have nothing better to do with their lives then sit on the forums for a game they supposedly hate, it has come to the point that i just ignore them the best i can and pass it off as them being eaither over self entitles thinking any game made has to be exactly what they want it to be and if it ain't it sucks or they are paid by other game companies to bash the game.

  13. Don't you get a free respec every week or so? i think the respec in like the death timer so using it over and over keeps the price rising .. so um.. try not respecing for a week and see what happens



    at least the one time i respected it was free but i have only done it once in all the time i have been playing.

  14. I would really like to find my alt on the other side, is there any plausible way to do so?


    other then the cross faction Auction house where you can post something cheap for a high price then buy it with your other guy. but in 1.2 coming out in April they are making it to where you can mail across factions.. just have to wait till that.

  15. I wonder though...those who say "If i'm going to be staring at an *** for <insert time here>, might as well be a female." Why are you looking there anyway? Aren't you supposed to be making sure nothing is trying to eat your face, son? :p


    That is just the go to excuse,


    if anything you can say guys playing women a is a form of cross dressing,


    but all in all i don't have any problem with guy playing girls, just the 14 year old little boys that run about in bikinis getting off on some pixels.

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