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  1. Considering that in the first sentence he posted he asks if its a bug or not, my guess is he doesn't know if its a bug or not. (imagine that?!) How about instead of jumping down his throat that you answer his question? To the OP, i don't think its a bug for the reason someone mentioned earlier: If you want to interupt a channeled ability you can do that without escape or jump or move.
  2. I hope so, it kinda trivializes the whole companion part of the game
  3. Are the devs in the process of revamping companion gift system? I ask because i'm wondering if it "supposed" be possible to get rank 5 companion gifts just by running tier 1 missions? If you haven't discovered yet, you can get pretty good amount of the gift parts running tier one missions, and easily get blue and epic rank 5 companion gifts with a small credit investment and very little time.
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