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Everything posted by wavyhill

  1. That's one of the major problems with the Inquisitor story though. You shouldn't be required to read stuff outside the bloody game just to make sense of your class story, one of the major selling points of the bloody game. That would be like needing to read a series of Bazooka Joe wrappers in order to understand the plot of KotOR. It's an unneeded and unrealistic expectation. Yeah the whole "omg Braden ; ;" thing is one of the worst things about the BH story. It would be much better if it was entirely part of Makos companion story and the main plot didn't try to make you give a damn about a dude you see for all of a minute. Plus Tarro is really, really lame for a main antagonist, dude looks, and acts, like he should still be in grade school. I kept wanting to tell him to come back after his ********s have dropped. Thankfully I found it rather easy to completely ignore those bits. On the other hand I liked the individual planet arcs. Those felt good. Even the ones on Dromond Kaas and Nar Shadda, two planets I loathe in every other respect, were engaging and amusing.
  2. No, that fate should be reserved for Lucas. Remember that the 9th circle is for traitors and betrayers.
  3. How did it take so long for someone to mention this? And still nobody has posted the whole quote. The Force. Ruined. Forever. With a single paragraph. Whoever told Lucas about mitochondria should burn in the lower depths.
  4. Oh, believe you me, it's still plenty painful. Your first pet is an irritating ***** in and out of combat. You get more than the prerequisite number of useless sods hanging around your ship for a while. You get to constantly feel out of character because every quest in the world asks you to constantly do tasks more suited for jedi and such. And I'm not even going into spoilers yet. Even if by some odd chance you enjoy spending entirely too much time not being a scruffy scoundrel, there's always Voss, Belsavis, and Corellia to look forward to again.
  5. What the hell are you on about? Did you post in the wrong bloody thread or something?
  6. If you aren't a complete masochist might I recommend playing a smuggler instead? By all accounts the main storyline ranges from vaguely acceptable to garbage that contains no actual smuggling. But at least a fair amount of the incidental dialogue lines are genuinely amusing.
  7. I'm sorry that I failed to cater to your specific niche. I'll amend my categories to "People Who Are Too Young To Know Better" and "People Who Probably Should Know Better But Don't." I hope that this addition fulfills your need for recognition. Now, moving along. You really should know what you're talking about before you go around insisting that other people need to research. It's well known that the original Star Wars movie was a big gamble for Lucas, he basically asked FOX for a pittance so that he could keep editorial control of the final cut, the merchandising (and nobody truly expected there would BE any merchandising because sci-fi wasn't popular at the time), and the rights to any sequels (again, nobody thought there were going to be any sequels. That's why A New Hope has a much more definitive ending than The Phantom Menace.) The reason there was a lot of merch for the original trilogy was because it became popular. Whereas with the prequel trilogy the popularity was assumed ahead of time and partially designed around producing merch. The closest the original trilogy gets to that is the ewoks. Additionally, the prequels seem very much designed to create a newer, younger generation of fans (who can buy, or bug their parents to buy, associated merch). All over the place you can see things that are there to appeal to different demographics. For little boys we have stuff like meeting Anakin as an 8 year old, lots of little jedi kids with lightsabers being taught by Yoda, and, of course, Jar-Jar. For teenagers (and action movie fans I suppose, the terms are roughly synonymous) we get crap like: action scenes that do little to nothing to advance the plot (pod racing, Coruscant speeder chase, the Gungans vs Droids battle, everything involving Darth Maul and Grevious, any time Yoda fights someone, all of the Clones vs. Droids battle scenes a.k.a. People We Don't Care About Fight Some Other Things We Don't Care About), tons of bloody lightsabers with such perfectly executed fight choreography that they become tensionless and boring, Anakin being an angst-y little jerk who complains about his job and teacher, and various bits of Natalie Portmans anatomy. Unfortunately I can't think of anything that was put in to draw in adult viewers, except maybe nostalgia. Perhaps that's why the prequels ceaselessly and carelessly reference design motifs, dialogue, and shots from the originals. Another thing, the various box office releases since the late 90s seem to be aimed at keeping Star Wars in the public eye. Between the Special Editions, the prequels, The Clone Wars, and now the 3-D re-releases the longest time Star Wars has been absent from theaters is a bit over 3 years since bloody 1997, damn near 15 years of almost continual releases and re-releases. That's officially worse than even the Rocky movies were. If that doesn't qualify all for a massive cash grab than I don't know what could. Oh, and to not leave your parting line unreferenced. Han was also supposed to be a green alien with gills at one point and R2 and 3PO were originally Imperial construction droids. Scripts change and I've never once heard that Han was kept around specifically so they could make more toys of him.
  8. Writer fiat. They're too young to have seen the original trilogy first. Thus to them the prequels have always been part of Star Wars instead of being horrible, tacked on vehicles to sell more merch and stroke The Flanneled One's ego. It's the same reason you see people defending how terribly WoW has mutated and mangled the story from Warcraft 2 & 3.
  9. I'm surprised you got as far as Skadge without ranting about the BH story OP. Personally, I had to start ranting about it to my friends when Mako just would not shut the hell up about Braden. I knew the guy for all of a minute and a half before he bit it, I just cannot get worked up about it. Never mind that Whats-His-Name Blood is about the least threatening antagonist I've ever seen. Guy looks, and acts, like he should still be in high school. Not particularly impressive all told. Though that wasn't nearly as a bad as having to accept Gault as a companion. That one thing instantly threw out every bloody scrap of prior dialogue about codes of honor and professionalism. You know, the same qualities Mako and some of the other NPCs praise you for. All gone down the drain because I couldn't kill some silly bugger who I could not care less about. I couldn't play my BH again for a few days after that. I had to subject myself to the bland horror that is the trooper's early game storyline instead so I could remember to at least be thankful that the BH story had a somewhat passable main plot.
  10. No, you aren't alone. But it's something Bioware will almost certainly implement anyways. Their desire to provide item based progression for PvP means they've already had to start segregating the population based on level and there will be further population division once their Rated Warzones come into play. Even now some of the lower population servers pops in the 50s bracket take bloody forever. There is pretty much no way for those servers to have a populated 1-49 bracket, 50s bracket, and Rated WZs at the same time. Bioware will almost certainly implement some form of cross server queuing function just so they won't have to start merging servers, that might have perfectly acceptable populations for PvE content, just so people can have a populated PvP environment. So yeah. It sucks, but you're pretty hosed OP. But hey, at least there's always Ilum. Assuming you don't lag out anytime you go near it.
  11. Bloody this. This is the biggest issue with snipers/gunslingers atm. Of secondary concern is lack of utility due to not being a hybrid, yet not allowed to do superior damage either because that would make hybrids gimp by comparison, and the tertiary issues are underwhelming set bonuses and Marksman/Sharpshooter being kinda meh at Huttball just due to the nature of the objectives and the map. Some ideas I've been throwing around: Evasion/Dodge should increase chance to resist Tech and Force damage. It's a minor thing, but if you're spending a gcd for a 3 sec defensive effect it should bloody well work against all damage. Combine Hold Your Ground with Augmented Shields/Hotwired Defenses. Stick the new talent in one of the T2 engi/sab slots. Both of the middle talents in that tier are underwhelming in the extreme, especially the whole 2 points to regen 6% health every 1-2 mins thing. This allows all specs to have a nice increase in some of our core defensive abilities, but you still have to pay to get it. Cover Pulse/Pulse Detonator need to be usable out of cover, simple as that. It would be a nice touch if they automatically put you into cover too. No other class has to deal with not being able to use their kb because of awful mechanical bugs. Nor do they need to use 2 buttons either. A simple quality of life adjustment. Flash Bang/Flash Grenade and Leg Shot would all be vastly improved by having their travel time removed. I cannot think of any other ranged control abilities that have a travel time off hand. It's silly to penalize one class with this in the name of animation sync. Another great way to improve Leg shot would be to redesign the Trip Shot/Imperial Demarcation talent. As is the talent is easily the worst thing in it's tier. I support either making the talent increase the length of time that the root on Leg Shot won't break due to damage. Or having it apply a mild snare to the target if Leg shot's root effect is broken. Cover Screen needs to be modified as well. It's astonishingly bad. Not really sure what to do with it though. I don't believe cover needs any additional defenses built into it personally. Charge/pull/push back/interrupt immunity is damn nice, and Fortification/Hunker Down just make it that much better. Similarly I don't think Ballistic Shield/Scrambling Field need any changes, though I'd be nice if there was a talent high in the engi/sab trees to allow it to persist if you leave cover. Would be another good bonus for those trees.
  12. I'm so very sorry for having the audacity to try to involve someone in a discussion on story on the bloody "Story and Lore" board. Had I known that I would get a lot of passive aggressive "u bad man u no like play good guy u bad" from him I wouldn't have bothered. And yes, the Agent stuff typically waffles back and forth between James Bond and Jason Bourne. Hence why I said the highlight of the whole thing is the end of Ch1. It's all downhill from there and it wasn't a particularly good climb up to the peak either. But it's still a higher peak than I've seen from the BH, smuggler, inquisitor, and warrior stories and was one of the more Star Wars-y things I've encountered in the game.
  13. I'd advise you to not use words you do not comprehend in the future. All my "WAT?"s. All of them. A pity I already used up all my incredulity. I could use some more right now.
  14. It's like you're trying really hard to not grasp what I'm saying here. The smuggler storyline A) has a poor MacGuffin-hunt plot, B) is populated by a bunch of NPCs who are either a horse's arse or irritating manchildren who shouldn't be allowed to posses firearms, thus C) it's really, really boring outside of the one-liners you get to drop all over the place.
  15. No more than you hang around to spoil peoples fun by not understanding grammar and being slavishly devoted to bad retcons.
  16. It's called a 'double negative' fyi.
  17. Astounding, you managed to quote my post without reading a single thing in it. Well done.
  18. So it's my fault if plot hooks fail to grab me and I think every character is a sad sack of unlikeable idiocy? Ok. I think you misunderstood me, I've had bowel movements more satisfying than the SI storyline. The absolute best thing about the SI is telling Khem Val to eat people. Too bad he's a completely rotten pet to actually play with. Dude, I don't have any clue what you're ranting about now. I said the smugglers story and companions were boring, and poorly plotted. Not that they were too goodie two-shoes for me. And the summary the nice guy posted at the top of this page pretty much confirms my suspicions for me. That sounds really bloody awful.
  19. All the revisionist Bioware BS in the world can't stop me from knowing deep in the shriveled, blackened thing I am forced to call a soul that the Exile wasn't actually Jedi Jesus. Edit: No my friend, you may pick only one of the following items to be in your sentence. 1.Yuuzhan Vong 2. great idea You can't have both. It's just not possible.
  20. I may only have played my smuggler to the end of Planet "HEY HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THESE RAKGHOUL THINGS?!" but I have a hard time believing a lot of what you're saying. The Ch1 story seems dull and contrived, and I don't believe that whoever wrote it understands how time works. I can't say I've liked any NPC I've come across except that sabbacc player guy on Coruscant, who was just ok. I've wanted to feed Corso his own intestines ever since he first opened his damn trap, and then he constantly makes the issue worse by being clingy, hitting on my girl all the time, and ruining my AoEs with his damn harpoon pull.. The ship is boring and awful looking. And I found the woman smugglers (or smuglette as I call her) voice grating at first, though it did grow on me after a time. I'll grant you that the Prologue was pretty good, even with Corso around to annoy me by constantly informing me about what names he's given to his various guns. The dialogue, even in the non-story quests, tends to have a consistently enjoyable level of snark, cattiness, and irreverence. But everything else is just bleh and I can't really fathom it getting much better given what little else I know about it. Personally, I've the stories I've done I'd have to agree that the Agent's is the best, but only because the Ch1 antagonist is so damn awesome that he totally overshadows every other character I've seen in the game.
  21. More like ~75% on the items I looked at. I cannot fathom why, the low barrier to entry was one of the better things about the PvP in this game
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