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Posts posted by cupofwater

  1. If you think the stats are fine, then you do not understand them, or how they affect each class. You're the baddie.


    Sure I would like to see them get buffed, but is it necessary?

    High alacrity can majorly cut down cast times and for one skill that isn't great.

    But when we are talking about a full rotation, high alacrity can atm cut down a full rotation by 1-1.5 seconds which can drastically improve overall damage.


    Just depends on what kind of rotation we are talking about and for what classes, if your current build uses mostly instant casts I suggest going for surge/crit/power. Mods and Enhancements are extremely easy to get, even the higher tier ones..

  2. This really comes down to pugging or premades.


    Pugging as a healer really just sucks half the time, no one on your team is going to help protect the healer, you'll get guard 1/4th the time, the other team will tend to focus you more often.


    Once you start rolling some premades though, you can turn average teams into great teams.

    With guard, and your team protecting you, the sorc can be almost unkillable.


    You also are the top healer on the imperial side, mercs are generally pretty terrible healers (few exceptions of course) and operatives generally cannot heal for the same amount as sorcs in pvp and lack the cc abilities the sorc has. (Don't get me wrong operatives can be extremely good healers and are easily the top healers in end game raid content)


    Oh and I saw some qq about trace missile, use your interupt and half the mercs won't know what to do after that. (many will begin to auto attack)

  3. Just wanted to discuss full lightning builds and I am talking about 3/31/7.


    The build itself is terrible in pvp or for undergeared pve sorcerers.


    Once you start getting the columni and rakata pieces, many of them have high alacrity, and scale much better with the lightning tree then the madness tree. Also keep in mind that surge is being nerfed in the upcoming patch.


    The 31 in lightning also offers a much more consistent rotation then when compared to the higher madness builds that rely solely on the wrath proc which is a 30% chance. I've had times where I had to spam force lightning 2-3 times until wrath would proc for me and I could begin my rotation. This causes a major dps loss over the course of a prolonged fight.


    The HM EV fight for the 4th boss also helped me understand the higher dps potential of x/31/x builds because I was able to finish my guy off 15% faster then another sorc who was going the cookie cutter lightning/madness hybrid. (Keep in mind he is also more geared than I am)


    Without DPS meters though it is still very tough to judge the higher dps spec.


    In conclusion:

    Pros: Scales better with the high alacrity gear sorcs receive from HM OPs, more consistent damage, and a more consistent rotation


    Cons: terrible in pvp, less burst damage then madness hybrids

  4. A person's ability to "succeed" with a class in a team-based PvP system against other players of varying skill and gear levels does not make that said class "balanced."


    The word succeed is incredibly vague and subjective, and as such, it can be twisted and redefined such that all classes could "succeed" irrespective of actual class balance.


    Balance should be indicated by a class's ability to perform very specific roles as well as other classes can perform those roles. If one class can perform better than other classes and perform better in a greater number of rolls, than that class is not balanced.


    You defended that Operatives can perform well, but if an Assassin can do the same things but better, than Operatives are not balanced. "Succeeding" is irrelevant.


    Succeeding is very relevant for pvp,

    Your argument comes down to "Assassins being able to outperform Operatives"

    This argument itself is extremely vague because both classes perform in similar and different ways. IMO the Assassin is in no way stronger then the Operative


    Opener: Operative > Assassin

    Stun Lock ability : Operative > Assassin

    Sustained Damage on single target: Operative < Assassin

    Burst Damage: Operative > Assassin

    Survival: Operative < Assassin

    Ability to help teammates (Guard/Heals): Assassin > Operative

    Overall Damage: Operative ~ Assassin

  5. Hi my name is cupofwater and I started a thread where I state everyone else is wrong and I'm right. Go ahead and make an argument and I'll tell you why you're wrong.........


    Are you fn serious?


    I'm telling people how each class can succeed in there own way and also trying to make a thread that isn't about based on the OP crying about certain classes or why there own class is terrible

  6. Sniper.


    Snipers can constantly do the most single target damage and can succeed in many different aspects of there own class. They also tend to go unnoticed in warzones and are able to rack up top damage.

  7. Sorc CCs Operative after his opener is done with lolnado or some other one of their numerous CCs.


    Walks away and heals/bubbles


    Then proceeds to kite the operative


    Op vanishes to re open since he is permaslowed and can't get near the Sorc


    Most of his damage is once again mitigated by bubble or he is knocked out of stealth due to DOTs


    Repeat process until Operative is dead


    Good Operative:

    Knocks sorc down

    Starts rolling keyboard, doing insane burst damage.

    Sorc CC's operative, Operative breaks cc or waits out the small CC timer

    Stuns sorc and starts doing insane burst damage yet again.

  8. Thanks for failing to provide how either spec is balanced. You just told me how Sorc and Assassin were superior.


    That is not balance.


    I told you how each class can succeed,

    Sorry you failed to read the meaning behind my post.


    Operatives succeed in there own way by taking out key players, and able to control 1v1 scenarios. They can also reach much higher damage numbers then assassins consistently

  9. If Sorcs are getting pwned by Operatives then the Sorcs are bad/doingitwrong.


    Or the Operative is bad...


    Fight between sorc and operative is pretty balanced with a slight advantage to the operative.


    If the sorc has no cooldowns an operative can quickly take out a sorc on the battlefield, the Operative can choose when to attack the sorc providing a huge advantage with stealth and waiting for the right moment.

  10. Concealment Operative


    As in helping your team not running around opening on random baddies who are out of position.


    Also make sure you also explain how a Sith Assassin will not fill the role you state and do it just as well, if not better.





    Medicine Operative


    State how they are superior to Sorcerer in PvP.


    Sorry but I have seen a number of successful operatives in pvp even after the "nerf". They can still dominate 1v1s and now have a longer stun combo with the reduction of stuns to resolve bar. The role of an operative isn't to be tanking on 3 people and face rolling keyboard but to stun and take out important opponents (healers, sorcs aoeing groups of people, ect.)


    Sith Assassin's as tank spec paired with a healer can dominate warzones. As Dps even at the lower lvls they can hit 3k damage, I have seen assassins basically melt players in seconds with the amount of damage they can reach.


    Some of the best pvpers on my server are assassins, one of my guildies as a tanksin hit 300k damage today which as a tank seems very OP not including his ability to guard other (key) players, and overall survival abilities as a tank.


    Comparison between Operative heals and sorc healers is like comparing apples and oranges, sorc will always do more overall healing because they have a controllable AOE they can throw on certain pvp hotspots. Operatives themselves have vanish, evasion, abilities to keep themselves much more low key then the sorc with the giant bubble around himself. They also have stronger single target heals with the ability to never run out of energy. Even as heals, the operative can still do decent damage and has stuns available

  11. 5 republic defenders vs 8 empire guild Premades as attackers in Voidstar--all night long.





    Each class has their own merits, granted, but imo pvp needs # balance before starting :p


    As a republic player, you can have much more chemistry with your team overall, teams with a few trooper healers, sage healers, sentinels can dominate pvp WZs. I have seen some awesome troopers/counselors/sentinels on my server that can dominate pvp.


    Sorry your server lacks the numbers for full pvp but look at it this way... you can have 8 man premades with the lacks of other republics queueing up

  12. Tell me a certain class that cannot succeed in pvp and I will tell you how they can and how they have.


    I have yet to see one class that cannot dominate a pvp game

    depending on the player playing it.


    Learn to play your classes role and you will help your team succeed. Hitting top damage doesn't mean you are helping your team win in WZs or helping your team at all.

  13. 0/13/28 is great for raiding, just not the ideal spec for pvp


    edit: Sorry I looked back at my comment and it seemed derogatory.


    You should really try a 25/16 build for pve raiding, you will see an increase in damage and almost unlimited force. The main issues with 13/28 is the force management against higher health bosses. (HM OPs can have bosses with up to 2mil HP)


    If you do a constant madness rotation maximizing DPS you will quickly go OOF. With lightning skills you will see an increase in overall consistent damage while never falling under 80% force. This allows you to bubble healers, help offheal in critical moments, able to blow cooldowns without worrying about going OOF if a boss needs to be burned during a certain stage, ect. ect.

  14. Getting 600k damage in no way helps your team actually "WIN".


    Sorcs able to get over 300k damage is in direct relationship between the stupidity of the other team. The damage is also inflated because the amount of damage is spread out between the whole team because of AoE's


    If 5 people group up and stay with 1 meter of each other, of course a sorc not getting focused is going to do insane damage with Chain Lightning and Death Field. If no one targets a sorc and allows him to spam his AoEs in a grouped up opposing force obviously he is going to do insane amounts of damage.


    PRO-TIP: Spread out and don't zerg players 1 at a time with 4-5 players.


    I would take a guarding tank, or healer over a dps able to get 400k+ damage any day.


    I don't know why I even bother posting, everyone on forums just cries about every class.


    I have seen nerf threads on every class now.

  15. I did HM EV on tuesday with the 0/13/28 hybrid spec. It worked out well. Was able to kill my guy in the fight before SOA pretty quickly. The only issue I encountered was running out of force on long fights. Sorry I dont remember names, but the first boss I had to consumption a few times, but nothing terrible. On garqj (sp?) I got close, but with all the movement, I had plenty of regen time. Not spamming chain lightning and spamming lightning strike on wrath procs also has saved me lots of force.


    Surge > alacrity for sure. I am running 4/5 columi/rakata gear and I have been switching my enhancements for the ADEPT 22 enhancement which is power/surge. It has been a large dps increase.


    That's the problem you shouldn't have to consumption to keep up your force, if you happened to get spiked at the same time you consumption you are putting a lot of strain on healers to keep DPS healed up. A healer should have to worry about a DPS damaging his self to keep his force up


    The 25/16 offers similar damage, imo more vs single raid targets, while at the same time making it almost impossible to run out of force. You can bubble other players, off heal if needed (if a healer is stunned), it allows a lot more options to use your force on. You will also have full force If you need to burn an enraged low health boss (some enrage automatically at times)


    If you burn the alacrity CD and have decent gear it will move you lightning strike to a 1 sec cast that hits for up to around 2k a sec with crits. If you pop a relic, surge from biochem, alacrity CD, and recklessness you can do an insane amount of damage over the next 5-10 seconds.

  16. I just finished Karragas today with the 25/16 spec and I saw a major improvement with overall damage. The force regen abilties allowed me to constantly spam my major attacks without worrying about conserving my force. Lowest I dropped was probably around 80%, and many of the lightning skills offer great raid damage for longer fights.
  17. 25/16 seems like best raiding spec for me atm


    burst damage whys:

    13/28 > 25/16


    but if you keep your full dps cycle with 13/28 you will quickly run out of force and it is much harder to sustain your high damage cycles.


    25/16 makes it much easier to manage force and allows for more utility. I also feel like it has a lot more damage overall in longer fights.


    I have pvp'd/endgame raided both specs


    If you don't think you will run out of force with 13/28 trying raiding against the higher HP bosses with 1mil + HP. Also if you still aren't running out of force then you are not getting anywhere near the highest amount of damage you can do.


    My Advice: Try both the 13/28 spec and 25/16 spec and see which one you like better, they both offer great damage for raiding.

  18. I agree 100%, thanks for providing the forums with a post that isn't completely illogical.


    Too many fresh 50s walk into warzones and get destroyed by the 500+ expertise pvpers that have been pvping for weeks now and then complain on forums about classes being OP. Get geared and you will see how balanced the game really is.

  19. It's too much that Bioware split up groups of friends that play together.


    Nobody even wants to play in the lower tier anymore because trying to get PUGs to actually do something worthwhile is like trying to herd cats. It's pointless and just results in unneeded stress and countless losses. Likewise nobody wants to play i nthe higher tier because very few people have the time to grind for the gear.


    It's split up a group of friends who would PvP together constantly on their mains and their alts and could have a good time. Now the tiny number of players on either side who have Lv50 characters are stuck playing solo in the 50 bracket and the sub-50's stuck playing solo in the lower bracket. Queue times are massive on both brackets so why did they do this again?


    Bravo Bioware for caving into the WoW crybabies and forcing people to play solo in a multiplayer game.


    Seriously? Where do they make people like you? Stop crying, the only real issue worth notifying people about is the Illum exploit at the moment. But seriously I have come to hate these forums because every single person is like you and cries about the aspects of the game that they personally dislike. Learn to play with it.

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