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Everything posted by Qynn

  1. Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet! Wait, did I get that wrong? I think it's "strangers are jerks you haven't met yet".
  2. I'm remembering other MMOs that had servers labelled "Oceanic" but US based people would still roll on them because they lived really close to an ocean. And it's not like we oceanic people on launch day all logged on to give queues to everyone else. We've been playing in the beta test weekends, both closed and open - our numbers were taken into account when the number of servers were determined. And then there's timezones - while there is some overlap, our primetime is US sleepy time. But that's all trivial, knowing that we'll actually have low-ping Aussie servers?! I LOVE YOUSE* ALL! YOUSE = BioWare
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