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Everything posted by Mr_Klaen

  1. Actually this was my graetest gripe with the Legacy system as well. Being time poor and only having recently levelled a character far enough to unlock my Legacy I was bitterly dissapointed with the fact that the legacy names (current only method of getting a Surname) was unique restricted and inflexible. Of course reaching this level this late post release meant that all of the Legacy names I would want have been taken, and this also means that all of the 'quirky' Surname interactions I desired for my characters are unattainable. It would be great if BW offered a Surname service ingame that was seperate from the current Legacy system - it would be great to be able to name my characters the way I initially intended. I understand the need for unique first names for characters, but surely we could have non-unique Surnames... please, please, please! As for the other elements of the Legacy system, I quite like the sound of what is proposed and I have no issues with things being retrospectively fitted - at least BW have something in place to track and reward those who are fortunate enough to have time to play to end-game and beyond.
  2. I'm a South Australian - my partner and I have ordered the SE via Amazon. We have pre-order early game access and are playing at the moment. Both amazon accounts list a post December 25th delivery at the time of writing this post. I will be giving amazon another 12 hours to update my order and tell me it has shipped (Priority International Courrier 2-5 days delivery) meaning if the stars align I will have both boxes by the 21st Aussie (20th American). Failing the update, I will be cancelling my pre-order with Amazon and purchasing a digital key, which will be sent to me on the 20th so I can continue playing. My ONLY concern is that cancelling my Amazon pre-order may kill my early access... I'm not sure if anyone can confirm this...
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