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Posts posted by Reil

  1. Also on Corellia




    Notice the two lightsabers, that's an NPC marauder wearing something I would love to be able to wear. There are tons of marauder NPCs all over the place wearing armor that I would kill to possess. There are even NPC marauders on corellia wearing the same armor as Thana Vesh and I know Juggs and Marauders alike would love to be able to wear that set.


    The fix is really simple. Just let Marauders wear Heavy armor again. No reason for us to be the only class that has it's advanced classes in different types of armor.


    Thana Vesh armor = Win.


    BTW there is a topic about Marauder armor in the General Discussion>Suggestion box thread that is hardly being used. We should all go there and drop good suggestions for what we would like to see happen. The Devs may be more inclined to read that thread before any other.

  2. Hey just make Imp Agent lvl 50 PVE armor FULLY modable so it's not restricted to one class. It's more Sith looking (in a Darth Maulesque fashion) than sith armor is. Comes in a variety of colors. I'd happily wear it. Or give me a cosmetic slot for it. All happy for me at any rate. I love that armor.


    Watched all the movies, read a lot of books and graphic novels. Not getting why BW thought we are supposed to look like cyborg/droid/transformers. Why does an Imp Agent look more like a force user than I do?


    Here's keeping my fingers crossed for a resolution down the road.

  3. What is sad is that the Imperial Agent lvl 50 PVE armor looks more like proper Sith armor than Sith armor does. I would love to get Agent armor and replace all the mods for Mara but I guess they made only the mod and enhancement changeable strictly to keep other classes from doing exactly that.


    I would wear the Imp Agent armor in a minute if I could make it useable. The knee length robe/fabric look is what I'm used to seeing on force users and what I invision in my mind of Sith and Jedi in general.


    I love BW's work on this game but Mara armor in total leaves me scratching my head. I can find no justification for any of their design ideas given 6 movies + canon writings worth of examples of what force users have worn through galactic history.


    Bioware in all courtesy....what the...

  4. You know what? I'm just sick of dresses. Every piece of armor I come across is a robe with a dumb Darth Vader thing around the neck. Even Darth Maul's robes were only knee length....with a hood. I also don't remember Darth Vader wearing a dress.


    In Beta we had some of the armor that is now fully Jugg only. Can see the legs, some material down the back to the knee. Material in the front. Knee high boots, no spikes on the shoulders like the PVP set. There is A HOOD on half of it and the other half has the hood tossed back. But they took that look away from Mara's and made it Heavy.


    To add insult to injury I just got offline after fighting an elite in the black Juggernaut only gear with a Hood that I liked since day one. This elite was using two lightsabers. Now I'm just irritated beyond belief.


    I'm 50 and still wearing red marauder leggings and a Sharpshooter trench. As things look I think I will be wearing this for quite a long time into the future. I have no inclination to put on a dress and superman cape or wear the Anime tubing and spikes PVP gear.


    Yes I am venting. Thx BW for allowing a dual wielding NPC to wear what I can't have.


    Edit: I am referring to the Baras Guardian Champion on Corellia.

  5. I personally don't care if I have same gender flirt options or not. I'm Hetro and there is nothing about same gender choices that would offend me. Hell, the stunted bromance between Quinn and my male Warrior has opened windows to read up on all sorts of things that I never gave much thought to. Things such as the less documented same gender Hetro love affair, for example.


    It would be "nice" to have the option to choose gender alignment in Character creation and have the game conduct itself accordingly. But it's a convenience issue for me rather than a social one.


    BW needs to come forward and tell us what they plan to do even if it is still in the preliminary planning stages. All this anger and frustration does not have to continue. The appeased will be free to plan their game and those not appeased can make the decision whether to stay or to go.


    Hear that CSR in hiding? This goes beyond the game. This is a very serious social hingepoint. It is right to treat it with due consideration but beat on some doors and have them come out and TALK TO US.

  6. Marauder doesn't feel broken to me. Marauder IS difficult. Marauder IS easy to play wrong. Marauder IS sensitive to gear. I had a slump through my early 30's that turned out to be a bad choice of secondary stats for Carnage. I fixed that and it was improvement x2.


    I've consistently worked missions and mobs 2 levels above me since I got ahead of myself on Balmorra. I'm not bragging. Just my impatience to get off Balmorra two levels early forced me to knuckle down and assess what I was doing from Naar Shadda onwards.


    To the person who said you can only be successful post 40 using Quinn. Not true. From 41 to 50 I used Vette as my primary companion. I use Quinn when I'm feeling lazy or just want my best buddy to bromance. After getting Massacre I actually got through missions faster and more effectively with Vette or Jeasa. Yes I had to be constantly on the ball but it worked very well.


    I leave Marauder's merits in PVP to the experts. I don't qualify in this department.


    So a small tweak ok. But I don't want the fundamental aspects changed. The constant battle assessment/change tactics on the fly is what I like most about Marauder. I don't want it to feel like a "one rotation beats all" DPS bot.

  7. Agree. I like Marauder how it is. That it is difficult to master made the challenge all the more sweet when around 35-38 things did finally come together. The class has more than rewarded my effort and study. I tried all three trees on my way to 50 and finally settled on Carnage, though it is not the best choice for PVP over the other two trees.
  8. With Carnage your only hope is to burn him before he burns you. He took me 3 tries because I listened to someone else's advice about taking a healer companion. I took out Vette my 3rd attempt and had no problems. Just be sure you chain cooldowns and use everything at your disposal to stop him from casting.


    Edit: lol necro.


    Yeah I'm stringing every form of interrupt and cool down I own along with moving out of any ground indicators. I only tried him twice since it was already after midnight. I'll try your trick and run a gear update on Vette and try again this evening. Someone also mentioned AOE..good call. I just realized that I skipped my AOE dmg reduction in my Carnage tree in favor of something else. I'll fix that too :)

  9. Wow this guy is a piece of... He is chain casting without a single break between. I have to throw all my interrupts/defenses at him within the first 6 seconds of the fight and they are successful but not even slowing him down. He's recasting the same instant. Is nonstop chain casting normal or did I get a bugged version of him tonight?


    I'm a Carnage build using Quinn.


    Just went through it. I get it and his reasons for doing it. Quinn presents himself as an honest man and I expect an honest man to remain loyal to his original benefactor. So not a difficult leap for me to forgive him and turn that loyalty to myself.


    I just think the whole thing was horribly scripted and played out. It was far too rushed, the amount of contrition leading into it felt empty and the amount of gratitude for forgiveness after went beyond lacking. It plays more like a footnote rather than the major punch in the gut event its supposed to be. Even more disappointing since I had him at my side for eveything since Balmorra.


  11. I'm all for same gender romance implementation and I hope they add these additional companions they've mentioned sooner than later.


    I like the idea someone posted of making it a setting in Preferences. To set it to each individual romance Companion would be the ideal. I personally like that my affection for Quinn is unrequited. It's more realistic to me that a person I might be crushing on doesn't return the sentiment. It spawns some interesting RP.


    Even though BW said they wouldn't change the existing Companions, theoretically if they changed their mind I wouldn't want Quinn changed. But another player may not feel the same way. An option yes or no is a nice idea.

  12. I commend Godbane's directions above because they are correct and at least gave me a rough idea where to start but I took his "all the way north" and then west too literally and misinterpreted "cave complex". I went ALL the way North. As in as far north as you can go on the planet....which is way off track.


    So additional directions for literal thinkers:


    Do everything Godbane says to do in his first paragraph. Leave Front line outpost, cross the road (south) and enter the doorway in the cliffs. Click on the clicky.


    Get back on the Road heading west and open your map. You are heading to the point the road leaves the North most border of the map. This is the Maximum Security Thoroughfare mentioned in the mission description.


    Enter the Thoroughfare and when you drop down to the lower level go west to the left hand exit. If you see an Imperial medical droid near the exit you are correct. A republic droid is incorrect.


    Once you exit you are in the Outer Wastes. The cave you want is a small doorway in the North EAST cliff. There are two clickys inside and another medical droid. Scan one and click the other to travel back to the Outpost.



  13. Hehe. I see it as not a mole, but sun damage along with all the other tiny skin blemishes he has all over his face. Herr Metro Super-Pale spent too much time out in the Balmorran sun without his SPF 2000.


    Honestly though I've looked at him so much that I don't even see the spots and freckles now. His pre and post romance progression may be attractive for some women but for me it makes a great case in support of playing a Male warrior :) He's a far better bromance.

  14. I use Quinn nearly 100% of the time since I got him. If his gear is kept top notch he only rarely lets me get below 50% health. He particularly shines after lvl 35.


    Quinn is also your neutral companion. He plays equally well with Dark or Light side players as long as you don't try to make him laugh while he is on duty. Which is all the time...even when he is running around ship in his boxers eating that styrofoam like desert out of the MRE kit you gave him.


    Vette as my number 2 when I need some over the top DPS to clear out miles of yard trash in short order. I like her attitude and humor. Jaesa, even though she is effective, something about her is so off-putting that I leave her in the ship. I think if I were to dable with a romance Vette would be more appealing to me.


    Bottom line. Try them all out, they all have their charms and uses. Pick the ones that mesh well with your play style and personality. Effectiveness is important but a bonus if they also enhance your story immersion. Quinn is spit and polish and borderline toff at times. He may not be the best but the story is less satisfying for me without him.

  15. He's got that nice unpredictable contrast of personality traits. I agree he is a very good looking toon. His facial expressions are awesome.


    What I can't resolve is that he's single, military and acts a complete novice with women. He's dedicated sure but he behaves unrealistically like an innocent. In the military if you aren't one of the instigators you def are surrounded by them so one way or another Malavai would have had some crazy late nights over at the cantina...


    I run a Male Warrior and glad there are no romance options there. I do wish that BW had given Male Warriors just a bit more to do with him friendship wise... More dude bonding if that is the right term. I happen to like the guy.


    P.S. Bless all of you ladies out there lip locked with this guy but those rare occasions I need some conversational guidance for points or bug chasing I find I am screwed because only the female to Quinn dialogue is recorded anywhere LOL.

  16. It's been a bit since you posted your question but I'll answer it. Quinn. No doubt.


    He's elusive and a bit of a job to get his attention which adds to the appeal and the reward. But be warned, equal numbers of people can't stand him for differing reasons. I've heard it commented that sometimes he seems a bit feminine. I laugh and think back to a line from "Fan Boys". "Capt. Pikard is NOT gay. He is British!"


    I confess I am a woman who runs a male toon so I don't have the romance option. Assuredly he doesn't come across to me as feminine. Quite the opposite and sometimes I curse Bioware for making a bunch of empty pixels TOO appealing and easy to anthropomorphize. Glad I don't have the romance option. A once sided Bro-mance with him is just as much fun.

  17. I like Hoth the way it is.


    Too many games make supposedly snowy/arctic areas with barely any snow and ice to be found. The last time I saw a fantastic "snow" playfield in an MMORPG was Penumbra, in Anarchy Online's Shadowlands expansion.


    Penumbra rocked. Was also vital that you wore your exposure gear there, unlike Hoth. Disappointed about that missing detail.


    But really, rather than spend a month changing the game it's an easier and much faster fix to record your current monitor settings and adjust them temporarily while on Hoth. It works better with more options than simply adjusting the game's gamma.


    I find Hoth's brightness quite stunning and remarked to a guildmate just how realistic it is. But if people's eyes are hurting then, just like in RL, one does something about it with a good set of shades or goggles.


    Once one leaves Hoth just restore the original monitor settings that you hopefully remembered to write down.

  18. Sadly the devs opted to not have a "back" slot. Else it would have been easy to equip jackets or cold weather gear without affecting one's armor. I personally prefer more realism on any of the planets. Robes for Tatooine, some sort of gear for the poisons on Quesh, and definitely something heavy duty for Hoth.


    I had myself sort of worked up at the thought that possibly I would have to be extra cautious on Hoth for myself and my companions (I wasn't holding my breath for it since I was just on Quesh without even a gas mask or eye protection). After having Quinn sob about not wanting to be cold, finding there were no real penalties for exposure was a bit of a let down.

  19. Based on the conversation I had with Quinn at the end of chapter one, I sensed this coming a bit before I got curious enough to read ahead. I rationalized it that one of his negative tags is betrayal. Just because he got on the ship doesn't mean he's instantly loyal overnight. He was Baras' man before and logically he would remain Baras' man out of not only a sense duty but gratitude for blah blah blah. You know the story.


    He gives little warning signs here and there. His loyalty does enter into conflict because the affection is genuine. He likes all the gifts and his favorite is that giant Empire flag you gave him that he now has tacked on the wall over his bunk. Life has been extra good in your service.


    So no, I don't consider him having his heart in the enterprise. Our tactical genius has no reason to lead us to an evil lair and monologue us like a Bond Villian. If he really wanted to succeed he would have never given any sign before slipping that Vibroknife in our back. Oops.


    But we are Sith. Betrayal comes with the territory. At the very least, after we are done beating him, there should be a cut scene of his wall smashed broken body floating in the ship's med station aquarium. Once he's out he should have to grovel his way back to our favor. BW definitely dropped the ball on this one.


    BTW. What good is a ship's med station if I can't put anyone in it?

  20. Ok, I get it from a programming and development standpoint why my Ataru form Marauder has no acrobatic combat animation... I get why all the forms have the exact same animation per class/adv class.


    But I still couldn't help feeling a bit irked after watching Nomen Karr doing flips over my head and cartwheeling everywhere like an over-sized Yoda. Brutally unfair but probably for the best in the long term.


    Moving on now.

  21. I'm a woman running a Male Marauder which puts Quinn out of reach, thankfully. The visual eye-candy and sexy voice is enough of a distraction as it is. Two guys, out doing the Imperial good deed, but one does sometimes feel a little flustered...


    Thx BW for making a few hot toon options, the one I'm playing along with Quinn. About time someone catered to us ladies.


    I haven't started a romance yet as none of the female companions appeal to me, though if I had to pick it would likely be Vette over Miss Dark and Hateful. Do I wait for the same gender option companions to be installed? Dunno. I'm wishy washy about that but glad they are providing it for those interested in all fairness. Glad they are not changing the existing companions as its more true to life that sometimes you hold a secret crush for someone who doesn't or can't return the sentiment. It just adds to the tension I think hehe.


    I guess I will stick tight to Quinn's side for now and be grateful he's too wrapped up in the Empire to notice what I really think. :p

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