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Posts posted by Reil

  1. I'm a big fan of Vette. I use her in equal rotation with Quinn. In fact those two are the only companions I used after the other companions failed my expectations in ability and personality.


    Vette picking at Quinn till he erupted in a highly vexed rant had me laughing. Her picking at him put me in mind that on top of wanting to knock Imperials down a peg, she also thinks stuffy, highbrow Quinn is a challenge worth pursuing. It's been on the back of my mind throughout that adversarial opposites often forge the strongest friendships given the right trigger.

  2. I may need to try out this class and check out Corso. I always hear a lot of good things about him.


    Next time you've the chance I really want a blog entry on Malavai Quinn. This guy really needs some love. I think we all need some closure on a particular event in his story even though, as it stands, I get it. Based on old world ethics I was even expecting it. I still wonder if there was something more to it.



    Mainly because I saw it as out of character for Malavai monologue before striking. The Quinn I know would never let me see him coming if he meant to succeed, therefore I'm left with the idea he was engaging in a desperate feint to drive me into an action that would serve both the Empire and himself. If he survived.



    Still what an interesting character. I play a male SW so the dynamic is different with Quinn compared to what the ladies get. Not sure why I like him. He's just my guy the way Han had his Chewie and Lando had whatever that was that he had.


    Anyway, blah blah blah. Tell me a good story about this guy!

    • Like 1
  3. I'm enjoying the expansion but I'm rather disappointed at the continued Quinn continuity errors or continuity errors in general. This expansion slaps another one on Quinn from the opening sequence. It's made clear more than once that Quinn is the principal pilot. Yet who is piloting the ship and who is conspicuously absent? There were other little things but it's just an annoyance, not a deterrent. I'm still enjoying the new planet in general but it is... lacking.


    It's not a big deal, it just shows a lack of attention to detail is all. That is my 3 second blow steam. I'm logging back in :)

  4. 1. Never sound off when angry. Throw something first. Or kick something inanimate with a lot of rebound potential. If it comes back at you there is the chance to feel empowered when it is deflected. Or you take it in the face, which, if you have a sense of humor, can be it's own reward. Organic life forms are off limits, though. You can also flip over a desk which is probably best tactic yet. By the time you've got everything picked up and your computer monitor back in place you are now calm enough to come here and state your case.


    2. Indeed, different RP styles abound. I personally find current RP servers too scripted and theatrical for my taste. The style discourages outside participation which I think lends itself to the misconception that RPers are arrogant. Not that I don't enjoy being audience to some of these "plays" but I prefer more fluid realism in my own RP in the sense that my everyday life isn't scripted so I don't play my character that way either. I am my character regardless of location or circumstance and any random player walking up to me will meet my character in-Role. But it is harder and harder to find the Organic RP style on RP servers anymore so I ultimately moved off Ebon Hawk.


    That being said, I never experienced the things you described here while I was on Ebon Hawk, but maybe that is because the Organic rp style never put me at cross purposes with those sorts of people.


    3. What the heck is a mute?

  5. Both times I leveled a Marauder (two seperate servers) I've ultimately used Quinn the most. Part of it is his personality which will stoke anyone's ego if you treat him good, but ultimately he really is that useful. Vette is my number 2 when I want to clear a lot of trash quickly. Again it is about personality in choosing her over Jaesa for DPS. Jaesa annoys me to distraction with her comments during fights.


    Word of warning with Quinn though. You will read a lot of posts about his "poor" healing. It isn't poor but does appear to be subject to how far he is from you and how many mobs are hitting him during a fight. I learned this early on with the first Mara. All his skills are supposedly max 30m. Your force charge is max 30m. He stays exactly where you initiate Force Charge and often it looks to me he is firing his blaster from farther way than 30m.... and not healilng. So I delay Force Charge to bring Quinn in closer with me or I draw my target back towards him which does seem to make a difference. Quinn will also default to keeping himself alive if he has too many things hitting him so I monitor him and change targets as necessary to keep him focused on me.

  6. Quinn and I were quite chummy because I'm retired military and have worked with a British officers in the past. Quinn is essentially a play off one or two RN stereotypes. I get it and it makes me laugh. The exception is the 37 year old virgin routine. I'm just not buying that any man of his age and looks(AND military) can be that awkward and clueless. Nosir. Anyway, I avoided his end game stalker letters by playing a male warrior ;)


    Vette was definitely my second favorite. She's quirky and funny and for the most part upbeat.


    Pierce was third. Again the military connection though I had a huge problem with the way he harped on and on about his shipboard nemesis. I consider him a whiner but he's still fun to fight with.


    Jaesa and Broonmark may as well have not existed.

  7. I have a problem with some of the lightside/darkside chooses as a whole... I don't know how many times I've sent prisoners off to imperial torture cells because killing them was 'darkside'.


    I play empire now, but I started out republic and got irritated with just how hypocritical they are IMO. Which I actually love. Got to say the Imperial propaganda's pretty good, my lightside SI get's treated so much better than my Jedi ever did.


    But I feel "darkside" options in most games are pretty lame, there's little reasoning behind, just evil for the sake of evil. And if your playing a sociopath I guess that's fine. I ran into that problem in Fable 3 when I decided to play the evil plot, but I'd never be mean to my chef when given the option. I'm just not gonna fart in the face of the man who cooks my food.


    ^ ^ This. I feel the same way about most of the dark side options. I know the common thought is that Sith kill everything in their path but I tend to think they act more from ambition and desire for power. That means picking up some allies and tools along the way to be used later, in my book. I play mostly LS and noticed the same thing that several LS choices for the Sith Warrior does not = good things for the recipient. Clean kill, bad. Long term torture in the hands of Imp Intelligence or an information crazy Darth, good.

  8. Dignified and restrained Quinn is an Isotope head when no one is looking. He usually takes to his room off-duty, turns on the hard stuff, and while making bull horns, remembers back to when his hair was long enough to thrash while hammering sweet riffs on his quetarra (it's under his bunk). Those times he tells you he's going off ship to supposedly save the day? No. He's secretly fronting an early Heavy Isotope band.
  9. Roger roger. :csw_c3po: <---- closest I could get to one of those stupid droids


    LOL. I retired two years ago and still can't let go of "Roger" and "Negative" militarisms. You reminded me that I laughed so hard at those flimsy little droids. Who makes a battle droid all wire and half inch tubing like that? Lucas, apparently.

  10. I want the armor Thana wears on Taris. Black or black with color accents is cool. It's the only gear on a Sith I've seen that actually looks properly light and unrestrictive for a Marauder. A hood up and hood down variety or the ability to choose, please (since I like my hood down). I know the PVP armor is similar in some ways but not only does that armor look heavier somehow, the PVC shoulder horns are atrocious. Always wondered, had it been possible to cut the tips off them, would they whistle as I spun through the air? I digress...


    While I am at it. I find it strange that, without the shoulder pads and belts, the Imp Agent Rakata gear looks more Sith than Sith gear does :) Not asking to wreck their day with the addition of a Sith copy. No sir. Let them enjoy their fun. But Medium armor force users could benefit from some sort of layered knee length cloth robe over pants sets of various dark colors and cuts. That is all.

  11. I'll respond to reader posts when I'm ready to post the next part, but I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in a written summary of what has happened so far, where everyone is, and the direction I'm going to take the story in from here.


    Let me know. :D


    No need here. Thx for the offer.


    Essentially, everything Captain Malavai Quinn has gone through since he passed out at Barnabus' place on Tatooine has been a dream/vision/mind trip. You'll see what I mean when this bit wraps up.



    Yup. That were the problem. I was already working from the assumption it hadn't been real. That is why it totally went past me that you were letting off that hadn't been real. LOL. Blame it on his sand people abilities that even pre-human and human sand peoples didn't have. That tipped me off and made me FBI other inconsistencies and when it was that I last saw the gloves. I came back under the influence of Saki and detected the surprise the second time 'round :) Thx for answering, though. I'll try to, ahh.. not get ahead of myself next time.



    Now the icky part I've been dreading is about to start LOL. I agree with the above. Can we explode her for real this time? Now, since a certain Captain in the shower (sans Jaesa) never materialized, I have to go off and do a sketch...

  13. Oh, damn... I definitely did not see that coming. Eagerly awaiting more! :D


    Ok, so, reread the beginning...real stopped at post #55?....


    Quinn wakes up, confused. He hears Quinn crying (in his fully adult voice) in the other room. Hearing the shower running, he walks to the bathroom and opens the curtain. "Oh, hello me."

    :D We've been masterfully Dallas'd.


    By these reactions to your last installment I feel that this once I have entirely missed something. <confuzzled>

  14. Annoyed me? It takes quite a bit to annoy me and you're not annoying. I'm rather slow to reply to my inbox because: I never know it's there and I take time to think of a good response.


    I'm glad the art made your day. ^__^]


    Oh, delays or long lapses of time never bother me. I see your PM's are no longer blocked so left short explanation there :D


    Yes, your art made my day. When you do art on the corporate level it is easy lose touch with it being fun. It's good to get a reminder.


    As for the rest of this? Wow. Just wow. Barnabus saying he is darkness was a great moment for me. Woke me up better than my coffee this early morning. Then it just kept getting better!


    A thought crossed my mind about Barnabus but I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see if I am right or I get blown away with another surprise LOL.

  15. NSP has hit 15000 HITS! I asked earlier in the thread for some ideas for a celebration picture, but received no in-thread responses. Going on the suggestion of a few fellow authors, I present to you Quinn Flirting with Darth Lachris!


    I'm here at work, slaving over my cintiq tablet to produce a high detail concept painting for the environment modeling team. I have a particular rock face in here where the lighting is eluding me. The arrow is right there in the under painting but it's not working. I'm getting frustrated. I decide to set the art pen aside and open this thread to give the mind a break. I take a sip of coffee and scroll down..... And start giggling hysterically. Ahh how a nice, lovingly crafted illustration can lend perspective and lighten the mood. I imagined Quinn with his precise, measured accent quoting Monty Python to her. "You, my fine fellow, are a bit o' tail"!


    Now, as for the status of NSP, I've hit a bit of a brick wall. This happens as I wind down toward the end of an arc.


    Take your time. I envy anyone who can write by the chapter and still keep the continuity and get it all done. P.S. Apologies if I annoyed you in an unrelated avenue :(

  16. Taub blinked before shaking his head. “That is not my purpose here. I am here to find the Sith. You know this,” he replied evenly. “I will help you raise K’nari while I am here, but I cannot guarantee that it will be long.”


    <sigh of relief> Good man.

  17. I started using "tribals" or "tribal" because I can't find a singular for Sand People that's canon. So, I figured, what the heck a Sand tribal could be one Sand People... thing... And, yes, Jaesa is a jerk, but she's dark side Jaesa now. Or, at least, she thinks she is. ;)


    It's a good choice. There is a name "in canon" scientists used during this time period but only a Star Wars hyper-nerd might recognize it. And only after looking it up to remind themselves. You are correct in not using Tusken for at least another 20 thousand years hehe.


    Sometimes you tempt me to log in and take Jaesa on a hunting trip. One where I leave her corpse to find it's own way back to the ship. Then realize I'm tired and I go do something else.

  18. How old is everybody I lost track of that?


    I may be off by a year or so but I remember reading early on in this story a mention of the Captain as 34, if that helps while we wait the offical answer :) Now two years have passed. Hard to judge the others as the only SW companion with an offical age from Bioware is Vette, age 26 at the start of the SW story arc.

  19. Glad you wrote this last segment because I honestly thought I was losing my mind or would have to go back and reread some things regarding these "tribals". I was interpreting Sand People as the wildely xenophobic cousins of the Jawas and "Tribals" as the tattoo covered tribal humans that live on Tatooine and other places. I now have it sorted :)


    Still may go back and reread it anyway. And Jaesa... really?

  20. Notes:


    Captain Golah is one of the many Quinn-alikes I have seen throughout the Galaxy. There's an Ensign near the speeder station in Mos Ila who looks like Quinn as well. Maybe I'll find his name and throw him in here... heeheee.


    Now, I'm not completely satisfied with how this turned out, it's most Barnabus and Quinn nipping at each other, but it is getting to where I want the story to go so... there's that...


    I am quite satisfied with how it turned out. It's good passive reflection time for me when life otherwise has thrown me a major stress ball the past two days. The Captain is my favorite as we share aspects in common (in-game as well). I'm empathising strongly with him right this minute.

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