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    Watching Anime, reading Manga, and playing fighting games.
  1. @Dressari Bioware would like people to play their game they worked very hard on. A group finder would only help this. Tons of people haven't even seen a lot of the Flashpoints. I get the whole "social" aspect that you want, but you can still get that from guilds. Heck, you could even meet NEW friends with the group finder.
  2. While I assume you will eventually get this finder for ALL the stuff, the question is MOST important right now. Then I would say Flashpoints, Story and Hard mode It's a fast and better way to geared for OPs. I have barely played ANY of the Flashpoints and thats because people just think it's too big a hassle to get a group together. Everybody WANTS a group, but nobody want to MAKE a group. Which is sad and silly, but very true. I would put Heroic's second for the same reasons.
  3. I would really like this as well. Finally got an upgrade for Vette's headslot , but it's a helmet that blocks her face! Sucks that I gotta do that if I want max damage.
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