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Posts posted by DannyInternets

  1. Try actually doing the fights and succeeding at them without whining and crying they are bugged. The "fanboy fantasy world" it translates into is the one where people don't QQ and rage quit when stuff in a new MMO is buggy.


    First, the OP outlined a bug in D7, what's the first rule of trouble shooting? That's right folks, R E S T A R T.


    The OP clearly outlined how they did not perform mechanics correctly for the 2nd fight he outlined, thus bad at figuring out strategy, try harder.


    So you're suggesting that proper strategy now entails a plan for working around the developers' screw-ups and jerry-rigging content, and that falling victim to broken content is the fault of the players?


    I think you just took fanboyism to a new pathological extreme. Seek help.

  2. I'd agree with this statement.


    Plus if a dev responds to a issue with a statement... that statement is referenceable and quotable material. With the volitile nature of how these forums have bloomed, I can see how people would start raging about said issue not being fixed and quoting a dev... thus making the situation even worse.


    Additionally, like i've stated in other posts... it's hard to fix issues related to bugs when essential information is left out. And let's be honest here, alot of people posting about bugs on this forum do leave out alot of details that can make bug fixing quicker. Just saying" This is broken!" without giving the Who , What, Where, When is essentially lazy and nearly useless.


    God forbid people be held accountable for claims they make in a public forum. What planet are you from?

  3. D7 is buggy, if the first boss bugged on you, why not just all eat the wipe, reset the instance, and try again...O NOES NOT TRASH LEADING TO ZEE BOSS


    False Emp- BH fight, took a couple times to realize that the only thing you really need to do, is interrupt the missle lock when it reaches >300%damage, everything else just ignore and kill the boss, quite easy really.



    I think you are just bad, and impatient. Maybe you should go play something less strategic?


    Try reading posts before posting incoherent, completely incompetent responses to them. The OP clearly outlined how these fights bugged out. In what fanboy fantasy world does this translate into him being bad at strategy?

  4. I belive that the armoring is what defines the effect -- so if you put in a +AIM or +STR armoring, it should have Heavy armor values (as being appropriate for Trooper/JK/SW/BH).


    This is false. Base armor type determines how much armor you have in total after mods are applied. Light armor will always have less armor than medium or heavy with equal mods. This has been a complaint of social armor since beta.

  5. You still haven't employed any hard facts. I don't think you know what the word "reality" means. Reality isn't your opinion dressed up with a number you make up.


    The other guy stated that a large segment of the population is affected by PvP balance. He did not quantify large, and yet you dismissed it anyway. Balance affects every single person who participates in PvP. If you are suggesting that every person who has participated in a warzone or open world PvP does not constitute a "large segment" of the playing population then you are dangerously divorced from reality.


    Furthermore, he also stated that people with frame rate issues are confronted with those issues constantly. You offered some bizarrely misguided attempt to refute this by stating that you don't have framerate issues. That's nice and all, but totally unrelated to what he said. It's difficult to tell if you're illiterate or are simply trolling.

  6. 1) 2 Battlemasters here, and no


    2) what are you even talking about?


    3) Yes because earning a few hundred thousand credits a day from a single profession made sense


    4) Frame rate is fine here smells like user error


    Yeah, clearly the thousands of posts about framerate issues on high-end hardware are all user-related. Clearly.

  7. This isn't a counter-argument, it's just name calling. You can't use the word "reality" while not employing any facts.


    Try again.


    Sorry, the other guy served you reality on a silver platter and you denied it like all the other fanboys. Arguing with someone with a pathological distaste for empirical reality is always futile, similar to mental patients.

  8. This game was never meant for fast twitch Esport nonsense. If you want that there's WOW, Rift and many others headed down that road. 100% PVP balance will never be achieved in this game and if they even tried it'd ruin the rest.


    Lawl, that's a new one. Clearly Bioware didn't intend to make a game with fluid, quality mechanics--if you're looking for that go play something else!

  9. According to you.




    Can I see your marketing numbers please? Oh, that's right, I can't because you don't have any.




    True. Good thing they're getting addressed.




    Game runs great for me.




    They're small, they affect every MMO right after release, ever, and they're already being worked on.


    The extent to which biodrones will go to deny reality never ceases to amaze.

  10. lol how do you know he dosent?


    I'm a doctor and I make my share of credits and yes my girlfriend doese model in local magazines.

    You have no clue who your talking to.

    We dont all live in moms basement making love to a Farah Faucet poster.


    Most doctors know the difference between "your" and "you're." It's something they typically learn in the first or second grade.

  11. Again, it's a jpg.


    As in, the picture quality is severely diminished. My game looks nothing like that. In fact, my game looks amazing.


    You're either a bad troll or you have a bad computer. Either way, bad disgusts me.


    I'm sure the screenshot magically became worse between taking it and posting it online for all to see. Clearly the universe is conspiring against you... because that makes so much more sense than the fact that the game doesn't look as advertised.


    For further reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

  12. Please select one of the following generic biodrone responses:


    (1) It's a new game and Bioware needs time to work out the bugs


    (2) MMOs are hugely complicated. Go make your own if you don't like it!


    (3) This has never happened to me so you must be lying


    (4) Go back to WoW, pandachan


    (5) You're an entitled brat for expecting this to function correctly

  13. Nah my standards are actually pretty high, I am just patient and not as negative. I tend to look at the bigger picture rather than getting frustrated when something doesnt work right away. That comes with patience not really how high your standards are. SWTOR meets my standards but its not like they have nothing to fix or add. The future seems good for this game and with changes that are being implemented I say its a good reason for people to stick around that actually enjoy this game. Yes the bugs are annoying and certain glitchs are frustrating, but it doesnt hinder me from playing the game and advancing my class while playing in an environment I actually enjoy.


    Actually, having high standards necessitates that you don't put up with being sold broken software. It's incompatible with the belief that you should pay money for Bioware to fix the lemon they sold you, hence why you have low standards and minimal self-respect.

  14. And I can don't really care what you say. I paid for this game and I am enjoying every minute of it. My guild has progressed through hard mode ops and still pressing forward awaiting the new content. And you know what else guys? They are thousands of other fan boys out there to. Thousands of us that understand this a new MMO and can handle the few bugs out there. People who cry about non responsive UI and other bugs, I have yet to find it gamebreaking because if it was, guilds will not have progressed through nightmare mode. IF you dont wanna play fine, but I do, and thousands of others do.


    Stop coming to the forums and declaring people to unsub and acting like a bunch of zealots. Go back to where you came from and go wait for GW2 or something, and then when that has bugs and issues go wait for another MMO, and then what that has bugs and issues keep going and going. Youll never find your perfect MMO. It's almost like you guys are parasites that move to each MMO and destroy the communities and then go to another one.


    If my standards were as low as yours I'm sure I'd be enjoying everything about the game too.

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