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10 Good

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  • Location
    Southeastern Ohio
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    Beer Brewing, Guitar, Recording
  • Occupation
    Structural Welder
  1. Why can't I sit in any of the benches at the Cantina? Very disappointing on the smallest level.
  2. Last time I'm going to say this and I mean it!!!!!!!
  3. Oh man... Have you read the Legacy of The Force series? Great stuff. I'm about to get caught up on all the Yuuzhan Vong War stuff because I'm a terrible person who chronologically skips all over the place :/
  4. I read and collect Star Wars comics and books, watch both the movies and Clone Wars, play Star Wars miniatures, and played KoTOR 1 & 2 while I waited for this. You will never be at my level. How dare you be sick of Star Wars. Seriously though, I'm pretty happy now that it's here. I didn't stress to hard the months before release because when I played beta, I wasn't in the MMO mindset, so I really didn't enjoy it. I bought it on principle because it's Star Wars. I assume you're burnt out.
  5. Would also like to know where this guy is!
  6. I've been looking for an hour now and can't find a list of all the speeders in game or where they can be bought. These are the ones I know of: Imperial Fleet Tattooine Alderaan Quesh I'm hoping there's more. Being picky about my 40 speeder as I am not rich
  7. It's still kind of easy mode, but you don't get both hands held like in WoW.
  8. How is anyone taking the OP seriously? Every comment, vague. This post lacks substance. To most of us, this is obviously a fairly tidy game at launch. Nearly every time I log on, there has been something to download, fixing this and that. Most of my major complaints, such as not getting credit for Flashpoint Dailies when the instance wasn't in my name. I ran 2 of the separate dailies today, neither in my name, both worked. I played Mortal Online for 4 months. If you think this game needs pushed back, go try a trial there and remember it's been out well over a year.
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