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Posts posted by TumblerSW

  1. ^ sounds about right.


    I wish the ship blew up though.


    Please make this happen BW. Space is a lot of fun but it would be so much better if the capital ships would explode and go away. It looks like everything is a 3d object in the game so it should be possible to create an explosion that covers the object the remove it from the mission. It's disappointing to destroy every single spot on a ship and not get that big explosion we deserve. It'd also be fun to have different ways to take out ships. If you wanted to destroy all the turrets and the engines that could make it explode, or if you destroyed both shield generators and then the engines maybe that would make it explode?


    The fighter tenders in the mine mission, make those blow up, preferably break apart at that mid point you have to hit. Same with the mine layer. That huge capital ship in sarapin/clouds mission, once you take out the bridge maybe have that beast start burning up in the atmosphere?


    Something should happen to the space station in that cartel/something mission where you have to attack the space station.


    And in the end of that aeten defense mission (bombers attacking station, you're on defense) that last ship you get to fire at that warps out, that should not warp out if you take out the engines. Let us tear that up and have it blow up, would be a satisfying end to that mission.

  2. You're joking right? They warned you at level 20 to save up and 40k is nothing at 25.


    I never saw that warning, I would have greatly appreciated that warning. They need to make those kind of things a lot more visible. Things pop up on the screen all the time and if you're not careful those little yellow notes that pop up from time to time disappear and I still don't know where to find them.

  3. There is a warning if you read the tips or whatever they are called (the yellow tutorial things that popup on the right when playing).


    These are basically worthless. If you're not able to stop what you're doing and click that link then chances are you won't ever find the tip. Send that kind of message in an email so it doesn't get lost. I've gone looking for those messages when I accidentally click through them and I can't find them.


    I'm surprised to hear there is a warning at 20, I sure didn't see it. Drop that in an email and let players have a better shot at seeing it.

  4. The point is the further you level the more money you make. It took me a total of one and a half levels to save for the speeder. I don't use the GTN or do anything but missions and sell to vendors.


    This really isn't that bad, and you don't need it the second you hit 25.


    The game should communicate the price to players at level 20. Make it possible to buy the skill at level 20 but it still requires lvl 25 to do anything with. This way players will probably be ready to jump on a speeder when they hit 25. Right now it's really disappointing to hit 25 and finally be ready to use those 8,000 credit speeders but then oh, 40,000 credits please?!


    A little warning so players can plan ahead would go a long way.

  5. Give Republic players Walkers and other heavy assault vehicles to pilot/spawn in pvp. That should even things out a bit against the horde of imperials.


    (I'm imperial)


    Seriously, I want to go blow up walkers that are piloted by rebel's. I want you to give the rebel side heavy assault vehicles and let them spawn those into combat and the 10/1 combat ratio that it sounds like is happening on ilum will get a lot more interesting when those walkers start blowing holes in the ground and imperial players and flying into the air ala the air jets on huttball.


    How awesome would that be?! BOOM!! Imperials go flying, Rebels trudge along while Imperials rage around the feet trying to bring down those walkers!


    The longer it takes you to get to 50, is the more content you'll have to go through. This is crucial for providing players with an enjoyable, online MMO experience. Working towards a goal.


    LOL, oh my gosh that is scary to even think about. One of the best things about this game is that I do not have to do all that PvE content on each planet. That "content" is about as enjoyable as watching loading screens.


    One of the best features in this game is the variety of other "games" you can play online. If you're not enjoying the pve content you can go play pvp, you can go do space missions, you can go do flashpoints (hopefully this will be better in the future, grouping is awful to the point that I don't even try anymore). Plus you can go explore the GTN, see what other players are doing on fleet, or just drive around and explore everything. (you earn xp when exploring)


    I like having the freedom to play only the content I enjoy rather than being forced to play everything in order to level up.


    Leveling is perfect in this game. Seeing the flood of "50 too fast" posts is sad. To me it seems like the people at 50 are asking to be in some elite class where everyone else has to work 2x as hard to get there.


    Go roll 5 other characters and fill up your slots on your chosen server, then you can have something that most people don't. I mean you want to see ALL the content right?

  7. I'm a marksman sniper, lvl 47. I'm still figuring out how to use all my powers in pvp but this class is able to tackle a lot of problems. I love it.


    It hits like a tank as you unlock powers.


    People complain about the cover system but under my tree that little cover shield increases my energy regen, offers 3 free damage debuff's of 30% (Ball Dampeners), Gives me one free instant snipe, and offers 20% damage reduction. The rolling cover system is a joke, just use crouch.


    Ambush gets really good as you put points into the perks and now that they've fixed (hopefully) the delay that should be much more useful. My ambush shot will activate in 1.5 sec (same as snipe) after a successful crit hit. So ideally you start an engagement, kick on laze target (100% crit change), Drop to crouch, insta snipe, insta follow through, Ambush, Sniper volley started (stacking altracity bonuss) Snipe. snipesnipesnipesnipesnipe. Ambush also ignores 20% of the armor AND will knockback enemies and keep them pinned for a few seconds if they are in close. So classes will likely charge you, let them. Laze Target, crouch/snipe, wait for them to charge, shattershot, you can use evasion / shield at this point to protect yourself and ballistic shield. Once he's getting close kick off ambush so that it connects as he's close enough to hit you. Pow, fly's back 10 meters and is stuck for a few seconds, followthrough, snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe, he charges again, Coverpulse, knocks him back again, pins him for a few seconds, series of shots, rapid fire, series of shots.


    If anyone is still standing after this you can adept as necessary. If they grab and pull you out of cover / stun you you need to add in Entrench to your attack pattern. Entrench makes you immune to pulls and similar effects. Once you get comfortable with this you can get more aggressive and use your interrupt power to stop them from kicking off their pull in the first place. I guarantee you if they try and grab you and pull you out of cover and it fails they are going to be frantic when you ambush them and they become stuff then cover pulse them when they try and charge again.


    Everything above revolves around using the shield to your advantage. I haven't tryed using everything else that does not have shields attached.


    And crap, I'm just noticing target aquired, never used that, thought it was passive. It's a 20% altracity boost for 10 seconds. Going to have to pop on my energy probe just to sniper volley effectively. (edit, just noticed this is a lvl 50 power)


    Anyway if you hate that shield you still have plenty of weapons you can use on the run. Rifle Shot, Flashbang, Leg Shot, Overload Shot, suppressive fire (AOE), Frag Grenade, Corrosive Dart, Shiv/Defib/Eviscerate, Shield prob, evasion.


    This is all just the Markman class. The engineering and lethality trees are remarkable different. I'm thinking about respec'ng and trying the other stuff out. Engineering seems to have a crazy amount of explosive bonus's and probes that do crazy damage.




    Yes, this class is worth leveling to 50.


    20-30 was frustrating to me but 30-40 seemed to get a lot better and 40+ has been awesome. (PvP mostly, pve gets stale no matter what attacks you use)

  8. I am making a request about this since some patches alredy arrived and they still didnt fix the problem with the keybind " \ ".


    I am very frustrated with the fact that i press the key so many times by mistake and also that it doenst only open a normal window, but it opens the bug report window and that you gotta click with the mouse to close it.


    Not just that, but i like to think that it is not just me that uses the " \ " key for something else (in my case i use it for skills) it really bother me that i cant bind it to something else.


    Who is with me?


    I put the auto run key on the backspace and I'm so sick of seeing that ticket screen come up. I went and combed over the keybindings...found the spot where it says it's bound to the backslash and removed it...and it's still coming up.



    Why on earth would anyone need this mapped to a key on the keyboard? Are we going to be needing this that often? This should be something on the esc menu. /Resume/Quit/log out/Report Problem/Whatever


    And to add insult to injury it forces you to confirm you are canceling the creation of a trouble ticket. lots of fun when it comes up during combat. G@#$@$ CLOSE!!! CLOOOSEEEE!!!! YES, confirm, just get the W#R%@#$@ off my screen!!!


    This type of thing was used as a crappy tactic in eve online, spam messages to the target and his screen gets to cluttered to fight. We really don't need that from the server when playing this game.....

  9. https://account.swtor.com/user/account/cancel is the workaround, by the way, for those who still need it.


    It has periodically stopped functioning in recently, though, so it may not work.


    Ah, the page this link currently brings up is not correct. After you click the link above you have the click the big box where it says "You have Subscribed!". It's in the middle on the list of things you have to do to start an account. Once you click that then the correct page comes up.


    There is absolutely no indication that you need to do this by the way. I just clicked it wondering what would happen and poof, there is the option to cancel.

  10. https://account.swtor.com/user/account/cancel is the workaround, by the way, for those who still need it.


    It has periodically stopped functioning in recently, though, so it may not work.


    It's not working at the moment...just takes me to the security questions setup page. If I go under account and look at my subscription it says I'm out of game time and I need to choose a subscription to keep going...but then if I go into billing history it says my billing date is today and my sub is obviously setup to bill monthly...


    I wonder if this has anythign to do with today technically being the billing date and if you want to cancel your sub you needed to do it yesterday?

  11. Space missions are an easy way to bring in credits. It's never going to be enough if you keep sending your companions out on missions though. I think i stuck with Armormech and was scavenging / Underworld trading all the time and when I hit 25 and saw that speeder training cost 40k I felt like that was going to take weeks.


    While crafting blue gear is great, gives you a huge boost, the cost of RE'ng things down after scavenging and crafting them is considerable. You won't ever be able to keep up to be honest.


    If crafting is really important to you consider spending more time doing your questing and then buy resources off the GTN. Many resources are very inexpensive because so many people are doing the same thing you are and at a certain point once you need to build higher level stuff the old stuff becomes useless and players will drop it for cheap in the gtn.


    Do your space missions every day and pvp dailies. The missions for space are easy to find, on your ship right next to your galaxy map. Pvp daily missions on in the combat skills section of your station. Both are fast and easy (in most cases) and offer great xp and credits.


    You can also try buying the items you want to RE rather than building them. Can be difficult to find some items but running those gathering missions is extremely expensive if you're just grinding up the items RE'ng them.

  12. I see that on the loading screen all the time. It's probably something that they are still working on adding into the game.


    Could be a bug when you click the icon at the top of the screen to bring up the skill tree. If you press the inventory icon the Reverse engineering button won't be there. You press "I" and it's there.


    Not sure what the skill tree key is but try pressing that and see if the button shows up.

  13. Using up 5 years of work in 2 weeks.


    I hardly think a person playing for 2 weeks will have seen even 25% of the content they created. The way I see it there are between 4 and 8 unique stories to follow. There may be some overlap, I haven't rolled another class yet. If getting to 50 with one of those classes feels like the end of the game then so be it.


    I'm looking forward to at very least seeing the republic side of things...hopefully the republic classes will be fun as well.


    I'm at lvl 41 now and i know I've skipped a lot of content on the planets. The majority of the map is still covered when I leave so I feel like there will be plenty of opportunity to go back and explore each planet in more detail when I hit 50. The combat has never been very interesting for me so fighting a bunch of trash mobs and finishing missions quickly so I can see more of the dialogue sounds more fun than doing the missions at the suggested levels.


    I stopped doing the story missions and have been focusing on dailies and hitting 50 so I can go back and cruise through the pve battles and see the story.

  14. You do realize this setting can be changed?


    The group leader can change the setting to determine who gets loot instead of random rolls or need/greed


    WHAT?! This feature is already in the game and all these whiners making posts about this already have the tools to make this a non issue!?


    You're kidding....right? I mean you have to be kidding me. You were dreaming...right? The group leader can already set rules on loot drops!?


    Must go confirm this....this is too insane. There is no way. I...just....how does someone come to the forums complaining about people clicking need when they're too lazy to just set the loot rules the way they want?

  15. FPS issues are a major problem for me. Fleet and warzones in particular just bring my system to 5 fps constantly.


    Fleet is only a problem when the instance is above 200 or so. In the low 100's it's not noticeable, but above 250 and it's awful.


    Warzones run great until combat starts. The starter area and loading has everything working well. But once we have to start going out and attacking, or maybe it's just seeing the other team?


    The game just can't hang once you get a lot of people on the screen...which is weird because for npc's you can have a ton of them on the screen and it barely bats an eye. But you get the same amount of players? Cough, Weez, shutter, crash.


    It's a shame because the game runs so much better in almost every other situation. Temp fix might be to offer smaller pvp games, like 6v6 and smaller instances for fleet, 125 max.


    There isn't even a noticeable difference when I set everything to lowest settings. I usually have high texture detail and high character detail (ha!) and when I set those to low and turn off vert sync the performance in fleet and warzone is the same. (in my opinion)


    Min Specs for the game are:


    AMD x2 Dual Core 4000+ (I'm x2 5600+)

    Win 7 2gb Ram + (4 gb)

    Nvidia 7800+ 256mb (9600GT 1 GB)



    With everything set to low on a system above the minimum specs I don't think it should be ok to have fps dropping to 5 and below on a regular basis.

  16. longer by about 2 seconds... seriously how long does it take you to click 4 times?


    After you do it a few hundred times you stop counting....so A LOONG LONNNGGG TIME.


    And don't forget the times where you press reset instead of search because they put that button in the worst place possible!!!!

  17. I've seen very few enemy players. When I do I try and avoid them because it seems like they're always a few levels above me. There isn't much point in pvp'ng, it just slows you down when you're on quests and there isn't much point to winning battles. The areas that have outposts you can capture are still empty space for the most part. It'd be one thing if you could take control of cities that had GTN terminals and such so that once you had that area there was something useful to do with it.


    There needs to be more content to make world pvp interesting. For example what if you could spawn walkers to attack the enemy positions once you take the "factory"? Or what if you could spawn bomber runs once you take the space port? Deploy turrets that are really powerful once you take the barracks? If world pvp is just mobs fighting mobs I think it's far easier to just queue up for warzones and not take all the time necessary to group and travel to the world zones.


    Or what about attack speeders, what if one side got to spawn on attack speeders with weapons while the other side got to mount up on walkers or something. Maybe snow speeders vs walkers on hoth... or something similar.


    World pvp should be a whole lot more interesting.

  18. Just finished Taris and had a few things to mention.


    Spoilers are technically in here but I it's mostly names of things you'll be seeing.


    The Rakghouls cave / Labratory you have to go visit the doctor in while you're on the planet I think needs someone to check for bugs. I thought it was an issue with the game after a patch but I've run into problems in that cave repeatedly no matter when I've gone in. The respawn time is comically low and the enemies are spaced so close together that it's easy to pull multiple groups. I found myself trying to clear that first room and racing the wave of respawns that followed me around the room.


    The guy who stands in the hallway, pretty sure he's an elite. I had him reset during combat multiple times. I presume this was because I wasn't close enough and after a few seconds the server thinks I'm out of his attack range and resets everything. VERY ANNOYING.


    In general this area is the most frustrating part of the game I have experienced so far. If it is too much trouble to tweak all of that you should really just clear it out altogether and make the lab empty. It is not fun to deal with all those bugs just to go visit your mission guy.


    I'd also like to mention that at multiple times on Taris there have been missions where you attack rebel forces and they mention walkers are there. Each of these missions I get excited that I'm going to fight some walkers and have a fun boss battle.


    The only walker I got to "attack" was static and "destroying him" involved right clicking a group of canisters and then seeing an explosion. Walker took no damage but I got credit for destroying the walkers. Not cool. All the bosses are too similar. Why isn't there a big walker to fight at the end of Taris? Or an enormous Rakghoul?


    I'm getting tired of doing all this work on planets and then...nothing. You're done, you killed the master super jedi who looks and acts like all the other jedi but he's taller and has a bigger robe.


    I think you need to build large boss battles into the story of each character. Make it a nerfed version of flashpoint bosses if you need to but give us something spectacular to end our time on each planet.


    Great game, having fun, just keep finding myself expecting a climax on these planets and it's just another mob fight... :(

  19. .. The respec costs resets to ZERO if you wait a week.. stop constantly respeccing and it will cost you nothing.


    Yes...not understanding why someone would respec more than once a week...


    Didn't know you could do it for free though, maybe I'll try the other sniper specs. Been with Marksman all this time, will be fun to try another tree.

  20. It would be a nice option to be able to force a solo instance. Fleet is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. I'd like to be able to visit fleet and the vendors and gtn and not have my framerate crushed by all the other players bioware wants me to see.


    Fleet is fine with 50-100 people in my experience. The times when they put 250+ in that instance is when my game experience goes to heck.


    Make smaller instances an option or make it an option to go into fleet solo. You'd still be connected to everything, you just wouldn't see hundreds of people standing around and moving at 5 fps.

  21. Then let's make your armor/weapon disappear after some time of use, so you have to recraft it again. Armor and weapons are permanent, so why biochems should get worse deal and craft the stuff they need all the time?


    Armor and weapons are not permanent. They will stop working if you do not repair them so there is an ongoing cost to use armor and weapons. (maybe not in pvp?)


    You could make the crafted med packs similar where they had charges that needed to be "repaired" so you could use it again. You don't have to craft new armor just to use it each time but it does require credits over time.

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