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Posts posted by TumblerSW

  1. this might as well be a single player game.


    This is where I remember having the most fun with SWTOR. The SP stuff like all the questing and space missions and doing the flashpoints with my companion was fun. In particular I loved the fact that you get TONS of loot that is all talor'd for your class when you do the earlier flashpoints with a companion.

  2. Just wanted to suggest something I wish was in the game today. I think I'm done for a while but my biggest complaint about the game is that the largely single player experience that you get from 1-50 doesn't continue after that.


    There is a lot of content that I think should be accessible for you and your companions at the end game. I've gone back and done the flashpoints up to a certain point but only being able to take one companion makes them too hard after a certain level. (This is the normal mode, hard mode is impossible for one player in all cases)


    I'd love to be able to take all companions and do a hardmode flashpoint and maybe take all 6 of my companions and do an operation by myself. I liked the ability to jump into the game while I was leveling and do space missions whenever I wanted, do quest missions whenever I wanted, etc. But there was some content (heroic's) that could only be completed with other players and it'd be nice if there was an option to just use my companions to do those.


    I felt like there was no point in outfitting and equipping most of my companions because I could only use 1 at a time and the healer was always the best choice... That would change if I could take 3 companions on a heroic mission or do a flashpoint with them. Or if I could take all 6 at 50 that would be awesome to do the later content. I don't really care if the missions won't support it, it's better than nothing.


    Grouping tools might make it all redundant but somehow I doubt it. I really liked the ability to do everything on my own. Hopefully you'll offer something for players who enjoyed that experience.

  3. On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


    3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


    A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.





    Working as intended. Picking greed over need I'd say is a gift. Everyone in the group has to work together to defeat these enemies so everyone has the option to roll for gear. If nothing else those items you can't use are worth credits. These items should not be bound on pickup, bind on equip would allow people to sell/trade things so if you want something you can offer the player credits. I can only guess that they don't do this because it makes it take less time to acquire gear in general so folks like you will go back and run that flashpoint 15 more times to get that same gear instead of you paying a premium in credits to get the item now.


    I don't see the problem. If you want to play differently, aka implement your own "house" rules, that is on you. You go to the trouble to setup a group that will abide by those rules or just accept what you get. You chose a group where everyone can need. Next time discuss this with the group before you go play the mission.


    And this ultimately may be impossible unless you play within a guild because something ultra rare comes up and everyone will want it regardless of any details, it's ultra rare, do you want it? (EASY ANSWER) YES.


    It's a lightsaber...and you're an agent...and it requires a sith player. NEED!!!!! I want a rare lightsaber because. I want them to allow us to display weapons in a case or something on our ship. Yes I want that item and I don't care that you want it to. We both have equal chance to it.


    I do with there was a strategy to using need vs greed. When I choose greed I think I should get a bonus to my next need button, like 10%. I can still lose that roll but over time I should be able to aquire enough bonus's that I have a high chance of grabbing something I want when it comes up. And let it stack, so if I greed 7 items in a row them my roll with have a 70% bonus when I choose need. If I hit need on everything I just have the base roll while others might have a 20% bonus or 50% bonus, maybe cap it at 70% or something.


    This would be more inline with how the loot system works anyway. When you play with 3 other players the loot drops aren't often geared towards you so by creating this reward you give people something to gain by choosing gain on stuff that isn't for them. This would carry over to your flashpoints in the future as well so that if you run a flashpoint and all the gear that comes up is for other classes you can still cash out all the greeds on the next flashpoint when something you can use comes up.

  4. Use missiles instead of torpedos, unequip your torpedos and forget they are there. We all finished this mission like four weeks ago.


    This mission is by far my favorite and I hope they add an incentive to do it daily as they have with the minefield mission. I'd rather do this as the defense mission each day rather than the minefield one.

  5. You do for clouds of vondormu, you need to destroy 4 generators and I can only destroy 3. I don't think anyone here has completed this mission or they would understand what I'm referring to


    I do, I know what you're talking about. And until I just did the mission right now I would have agreed with you but I am not running into the same problems I had before.


    The torps show 3 at the start and the icon is lit which means one is loaded. I was able to lock on and fire torps on all 4 shield generators so you have all 4 torps for sure.


    I was also able to fire missiles on those targets after my torps were gone. Running it again to see if missiles could be fired as well and I just always held right to lock on.


    Edit: Just ran it again. On the hard targets you cannot fire missiles on those targets in particular until you use all your torps. You have to lock and fire all 4 torps or your missiles won't fire on hard targets. Everything else works, missiles fire normally on all other targets, I was able to lock onto 3 of the 4 shield gene's and the command tower and took them all out. Was able to take out the last shield gen with missiles.


    It's working now, i don't think it was before, I think that last torpedo would never fire so you'd be locked out of missiles and just stuck.

  6. Sigh...


    When you start a mission, you have FOUR torpedoes. One is loaded and you have 3 remaining. The counter does NOT count the one that is LOADED. It only counts the number of UNLOADED torpedoes. When you fire the loaded torpedo, your ship automatically loads the next one. The result is you have one LOADED and you have 2 UNLOADED torpedoes (total is still 3).


    When you fire your third torpedo, you will have 1 LOADED and 0 UNLOADED torpedoes. The counter will read 0, but the proton torpedo icon will still be lit indicating you still have 1 LOADED torpedo left.


    I've taken my photon torpedoes out of my ship for now. The game does not let you fire missiles at the harder targets if you have torps installed So if you foolishly fire a torp at that command tower you just used 1 of your 4 torps you need to fire at the shield generator.


    Torps are also much harder to use in general since you have to wait while they lock on.


    The 150 missile launcher you have by level 50 is preferrable at this point. They need to make it possible to toggle between torps and missiles rather than force them on harder targets.


    Or just give us more torpedoes? Why isn't there a torp launcher at 30 than has 1, 2 at 40, and 4 at 50? Something. Makes very little sense to have this a lvl 50 requirement when there is one mission worth running and torps are useless on that mission. (minefield)


    They're most useful in the low orbit fleet battle and the attack on the space station. Anyone tried RE'ng these? Maybe you can make a better one? hmmm lemme go check on something....


    Edit: Well you definitely can't RE them...least not the one I've used already...

  7. For those bored at 50, Name one content feature you would have in End-Game. I don't mean LFG or any of that. True content...ya'll are quick to point out that this is same old same old....Step-up. If you feel prod-dev's are lazy, this is your chance. Real Simple a CONTENT FEATURE you would like see in game. There are a few catch's...


    1) It has to have broad appeal....Raids, Hardmode's and Pvp have broad appeal.


    2) If you response is I don't work for (insert random company name here) this thread isn't for you.


    I want FP's and Ops that use larger vehicles/enemies and involve multiple types of gameplay.


    For Example the Alderaan Warzone, you get to ride a speeder down. How about having a rails shooter section to a flashpoint where you have to ride that from point A to Point B and have to survive/kill a certain number of enemies.


    So like a mission where you assault a star destroyer, beginning of the mission could be a space mission where the goal is the destroy the defenses on a certain area of the ship. Then you're ship boards the enemy ship. This moves you to a traditional mission where you are on foot. You battle your way into the central transit tube (or something) this starts a section where you ride a speeder through the ship. (presumably the ship has enough open space) You shoot turrets and enemies and such, arrive at the engine room, disable the ship. Battle to an elevator, take that up to a hangar. Inside the hangar is a Walker (like the ones on Ilum) you have to destroy that. (make it like a boss with lots of hpp's, not just a one shot kill thing on ilum) Take elevator to the bridge assault the bridge, take over the ship, win the FP.


    Stuff that involves more than just little mobs.


    Black Talon flashpoint had an excellent section to jump to space combat where you took a shuttle to the target ship. why not have that section be a 2 min space combat thing where you have to blow the turrets and disable the shields for the land bay. You could still use the little shuttle craft, just give it some lasers and have it fly up and down the side of the ship and put a few turrets in there. We've already got the ships in the game, you can see them when you taxi between the space station and the fleet.

  8. This games crafting is pointless. It costs more to make items then to simple sell the raw materials.


    Why is it so hard to make credits in this game?? I am 400/400 and giving up. I am hoping to recoup my losses by selling off raw material.


    Last word, whoever developed the crafting in this game really should be fired. Does anyone know who the individuals are? because the next game that I buy that involves crafting I would like to make sure that they had nothing to do with it.


    Crafting itself is really good.


    The system for trading with other players, AKA GTN, is awful. The GTN is awful for Crafters, traders, and buyers all at the same time.


    If you want to build something and you need resources then you have to bring up your crafting menu. This will tell you what you need. Now if you want to go buy something the menu system forces you to close this information and bring up the GTN along with your inventory. Select the correct fields in the GTN and you can start browsing for resources.


    In my experience I spend enough time looking for one item that I forget the next item I need and have to go close the GTN, open up my companion tree, open up the crafting menu, then I can see the resources. Then I have to close all that to open up the gtn again which has completely reset so I have to go back and choose my specific resource category, search again, then type in a word to find what I need, then I have to browse and compare price per unit over many pages until I finally find the items I want at the best price available.


    All that is simply buying resources. I'm not even going ot get into how annoying it is to sell resources, to go spend your time listing things, looking up competitive prices, then waiting an hour to get your funds when they finally sell.



    The GTN is the problem. It needs to be much more efficient on all fronts.


    When they fix this we will then have to see how all that fairs in comparison to using npc vendors and commendations because having blue items for sale on those make it a huge waste of time to go look on the GTN. You're better off questing, you'll earn credits, commendations and advance your character and be able to get all the gear you need. Or you could go to the GTN, spend credits, not earn any credits, and not advance your level while you're shopping/waiting for the item you want to come available.


    I'm a lvl 400 cyber and the only things I bothered making were for myself. I consider it a waste of time to make things for sale on the market. The amount of time you'll spend getting everything in place and checking prices will be better spent doing anything else.


    The only thing I'm doing now is running slicing missions and underworld trading mission. I need scavenging missions and rank 5 gifts. Once everyone is at top affection they'll be slicing all day every day trying to get missions to drop. (and plenty do)


    I might go buy some armor for my companions as well, might as well use this 400 cyber...

  9. I think the largest I want to see warzone's is about the size of Alderaan. I would like to see some limits on how many people can be inside Ilum though. Like no more than 60 per side so that means at worst Ilum would have a 3-2 advantage.


    This would likely make doing your dailies even more frustrating...


    Maybe a "Traitor" feature where as an empire person you could roll over to the rebels for a day or a week or something in hopes that more people would fight for the rebel side on ilum?

  10. Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?






    The updates we're seeing hit on a regular basis are a huge deal to me. Some of the quirks of the game get on my nerves and seeing those fixed on a regular basis is going a long way to keeping me enjoying the game.


    Case in point, the space missions were something I enjoyed doing because there was a small reward during the lvl'ng process to 50. Once I hit 50 I could still do the 3 last missions for credits and xp but it felt like there was no reward.


    Like magic, they added the two daily commendations for completeing that one mission! Hooray, Now I can login and do my daily space mission for a reward!


    I wish they offered that reward on the other mission for the other 2 missions as well but maybe that will be later.


    And the operative update pleases me greatly as well. Playing PvP is very frustrating when someone comes up to you invisible, them pops you for massive damage and knocks you out at the same time. All my stuns involve me being visible and the only one that allows me to do damage while they are stunned in a close combat attack which is extremely risky for a dps ranged sniper. But operative? Oh he get to be invisible, gets to line up behind you and gets to attack you safely knowing you're not likely to be able to counter him at all. Oh and he does MASSIVE damage. I can't even do that much damage with my best sniper shots which takes a while to setup and pull off.


    That needed to be addressed and I'm extremely happy they did.


    Game is a lot of fun for me. People throwing fits and quitting are likely going to be back in a month or less if they continue to keep updating the game at this pace. I really hope they vastly improve the group finding tools for flashpoints because as awful as the grind can be getting to 50 I think if playing flashpoints was a more pleasant experience for all it would improve a lot of peoples impressions of the game.

  11. You better do something about it fast Bioware, get out of reverse and fix it fast or you wont be able to plug all of the holes. The gear disparrity in wz's is just crushing the game, matching groups of battlemasters vs people in greens and mod gear is a joke and crushing the wz's.


    You already made this ten times worse by power leveling one side with valor and extrra dailies on ilum now its starting to show after a couple of weeks, how bad do you think this will get by the time you get around to fixing it in a month or two? do you think people will come back? did they come back to warhammer?


    I don't think the gear makes as big a difference as experienced players in groups vs solo's who are not working as a team.


    I played several matches last night where it was a slaughter but I could see what the other side was doing and it was clear they were a team familiar with each other. Anytime someone was taking damage they'd fall back while others came forward. They had a healer who was constantly keep their group healed. And they focus'd their attacks on one person at a time.


    What they need to do to make WZ's more enjoyable is make a solo only option because teams vs solo's is terrible. It's going to make people quit. I already question the time spent doing warzones but if this becomes more common, and it probably will, wz's are going to be about as useful as flashpoints are now because you'll have to spend too much time forming a group.


    Gear won't save you against a well organized team. In most solo matches there is very little coordination so when just a few guys team up and get organized it has an enormous unbalancing effect.

  12. Is there a guide that talks about the best distribution of Accuracy, Power, Crit and Surge for pvp? Hopefully a comparison of cunning/endurance as well?


    I know there are items that try and give equal endurance and cunning and I've always felt that maxing cunning is the best idea because it gives a boost to endurance anyway? (Maybe i'm misunderstanding that?)


    So I've been focused on increasing critical and I'm topping out around 40% crit chance. I get plenty of crit hits but in pvp that does not seem to be working out very well. If I'm lucky I'll get a hit for greater than 2k, if I'm extremely lucky I'll get a hit for greater than 3k, but most of the time I'm hitting for 1250ish. I'm trying to use ambush more but it's still annoying as hell to wait for it to fire. Sniper volley is great and I'm still getting used to the altracity boost power that unlocked at 50.


    My plan is to try and get more accuracy and drop some critical in order to try and cut through armor. I understand that higher than 100% accuracy drops the targets armor? And I've heard people say that as you get higher than 30% crit chance the benefit per point spent comes down? So it would be smarter to spread those points into accuracy, power, and surge?


    Would it make more sense to max out power and accuracy as those affect every shot instead of the crit and surge which only kick in on certain shots?

  13. I recently upgraded my laptop and started playing SWTOR on that. G74S(X?).


    I was on an AMD X2 5600+ dual core, 4gb ram, 9600GT and my game performance was mostly what you described. Was great in most areas, but in pvp it was awful. 5fps frequently. Was also like this on Empire station most of the time.


    After upgrading I'm now using I7-2630 (2Ghz), 8GB Ram, 64 Bit Win 7, GTX 560M (2GB). I wasn't expecting it to be this much better but the lag in pvp is basically gone. It slows down a bit when there are a ton of people on screen but it's maybe 20-30fps at worst.


    I upgraded to the newest nvidia drivers (beta as of 3 weeks ago), went to the the realtek website and upgaded to their latest audio drivers and installed all the win 7 updates. I was expecting to need to go back and tweak the system a bit more but the game fired up on the highest settings and has been taking like a champ.


    I don't know what the issue is because I figured it was a combination of a slower processor and a slow loading HDD but I've seen people complain using SSD's and quad core processors. You look to be on something similar as far as a processor, I'm not familiar with your video cards but running sli I would assume gives you more horsepower than me.


    Win 7 gives me a 5.9 on that windows scale if that matters. Not sure if any of this will help but for whatever reason the specs above got rid of all the issues i was having in swtor.

  14. Greatly Imbalanced faction numbers, this is the root of it. Bioware it should be your first priority to address it, as it will only get worse as it goes on.



    Ideas? I have none, it isn't my problem its Bioware's.


    Feel free to put your own ideas on how to address it though.:)


    I have some ideas. The fact that this game has to run almost 24/7 the amount of players on each side will always be changing so even if you had equal players on both sides you'd run into the some of the problems we're seeing now but at various times of the day.


    I think the map, ilum and hopefully future world pvp planets, needs to be tweaked so that the base locations has extremely strong defenses that players can easily control. Right now I see 2 plasma cannons that players can fire which are great but they're in a location that player can't really get access to if they're horribly outnumbered. Put one of those on that platform in front of the base entrance. I'd also give the defending base artillery that fires once every 5 minutes. Would do 5k damage and more importantly knock down everyone for 10 seconds inside a large blast radius (no exceptions). This would give the defenders an opportunity to turn the tide and move out.


    Put fast travel points in the bases as well. The travel time needed to get into ilum combat is frustrating. Would be nice to be able to fast travel at least to the bases or even to the forward spawn points.


    Ops commanders also need tools to set rally points and attack points on the map. A group of rebels flanked the imperials and basically busted through our line because most of the group was focused on the base entrance. The battle that followed was awesome but numbers always prevail. It was at least 2/1 in our favor. If the had some decent defenses to make up for numbers those battles could happen more.

  15. Wait, so I'm new to pvp, and both times I've completed a mission I get 3 centurion commendations... You're telling me that means I got squat? (3 food stamps?)


    I'm noticing I can't buy ANYTHING that is lvl 50 with all my warzone commendations and all these other commondations I don't seem to have yet. I've completed several daily missions but I have no daily commendations....


    Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to be earning daily commendations let alone champion and battlemaster commendations? It apears I can't even earn BM stuff until I'm valor 50? (or is it 60?)

  16. Just finished playing some pvp on Ilum (dark reaper) and had an amazing time. To begin with the rebels were sitting back in their base and both sides were occasionally pulling people past the kill line and everyone was ganking them.


    Then a group of rebels circled around the other side of the base and came in behind us. They managed to fracture or group and basically started a massive moving battle between those plasma cannons fighting on top of that large iceberg.


    The imperials eventually got control back but there was at least 10-15 min where I could see how much fun Ilum can be.


    The rebels should be in an ops group and someone should be organizing them to send guys to flank us so I think we need better ops commander tools. Most importantly we need a way to ping the map so the ops team can rally to a new spot and give attack orders.


    1. Give ops commanders a way to ping the maps with rally points and attack orders so everyone in the group can see where they need to go. The chat box is a joke for this. It's more fun to turn it off and play.


    I think we can also assume that a team defending their base is going to be outnumbered. If they had the same number of people we'd be fighting in the middle of the map. So those plasma cannons that players can control, put one of those on each side of the base exits so the defending team has a way to equalize those stale mates that happen there. Just having the attacking side back up to that first cannon makes a huge difference.

    2. Give base defenses a HUGE buff to account for the fact that if you're fighting in your base then you're likely outnumbered and need some help to make the game interesting for both sides.

  17. I'd like this as well. The flashpoints are a fairly major part of the game. The flashpoint mission givers show up all over the single player quest line yet they're extremely difficult, if not impossible, to play SP. Give us less loot drops or something, just make it possible to see the content at least.


    Why not let a SP pull all their companions in for Flashpoints? I don't think we should be held back from content because we can't find other players to group with us. It's all about time in the end, you have enough and grouping will be easy, if you're only able to play for an hour and you don't want it "wasted" you go for content you know you can play through. It's extremely disappointing to try and do the flashpoints and never get to play because for one reason or another a group never comes together. And it's 4 people!?! How horrible is the grouping system when it's this hard to find 4 people quickly?! Makes perfect sense to offer better rewards to people who group with players though, I don't see why we can't have our cake and eat it too in this case.

  18. So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


    British accents are sexier than American accents.


    End of story.


    For me it was spaceships. We're stuck with the ships determined by our class. I started playing the smuggler to begin with but then I went and looked at all the spaceships and had to play imperial agent. 2nd choice was Bounty Hunter, 3rd choice was Sith warrior. The spaceships on the imperial side are much better in general. I have a tough time even wanting to roll a jedi character because their spaceship is so stupid looking. You know ho much you have to look at your spaceship? You want to see that over and over again?


    When you break down the classes I think the imperials look cooler as well.


    Bounty hunter looks a lot better than Trooper.

    Imperial agent looks a lot better than space cowboy. (smuggler)

    Sith Warrior looks cooler than jedi.

    Sith Sorcerer shoots lighting, jedi sorcerers throws rocks.... (sith may do this too?)


    The republic side just feels bland and uninspired.


    LOL, look at this Nonsense!

  19. Ok while I can see that that may be annoying and should eventually be fixed, it's not really of much concern. Assuming your ship is properly fitted for being a level 50, you should have no problem taking out those targets with blasters alone.


    The harder modes of certain missions have objects which are impossible to damage with blasters. The earlier version of the mission in the video had shield generators that can be destroyed with blasters, the harder version requires you to use missiles. I think the antenna on the space station has always required missiles. I don't think I've ever blown up the shield generators on the corvettes without missiles. The bridge on that ship in the video requires missiles. If the torps don't fire and you can't use missiles you won't even be able to pass that mission as you can't blow the shield gens.

  20. I want running flashpoints to be as simple as getting into pvp warzones. Just click join Queue as solo, select the flashpoint you want, then go about your business and the game pops up and lets you teleport to the mission. Such a waste of time to try and do this missions at the moment.


    Put a limit on them for once every hour or something so people can't just farm them constantly. (I would assume this would be bad) If you want to run them non stop then you can go start them manually at the terminals.


    I had a lot of fun playing through 2 of them but the hassle of getting into them quickly made it feel like a waste of time. PvP would feel the same way if they'd made us manually setup our teams and wait in a random spot in the game for the match to start. Thank fully they made the pvp grouping system accessible to eveyrone.


    Do the same thing with flashpoints.

  21. You may want to fix this bug BioWare. It's an little annoyance, but it can hinder people completing this pace mission (or other ones) when Proton Torpedo has been equipped.


    Video proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrrBtXCA1pk


    I've seen a lot of people asking how to fire proton torpedoes once they have them. Is it possible your ship is toggled over to proton torps and you need to either switch back to missiles to use them as well as use a different key to fire torps once they've locked?


    I wish torps were available sooner than 50. 40 seems like a better number. You only get 4 so it's not like you can blow up everything in one hit.

  22. What do you think the rebels were targeting when they were hitting the Death Star?


    The main reactor. It would make sense if the reactor was something you could hit after taking out those shield generators on the destroyer and the corvette's. It would be cool if the ships would stop after you hit the engines though. Many times after you've taken out everything on a target it will miraculously show up later in the mission still driving around like nothing happened. It's go no weapons and is smoking from every side but it's still flying around like nothing happened. This is most common in that taspan amush mission. Several of the early corvette's get pummeled early then show up on the far side of the asteroid. Would be great if blowing the engines stopped those ships.

  23. Is going back, torpedoing those hard targets dozens of levels later, even worth it though?


    Do they actually give experience enough, to compensate for getting nothing for the rest of the mission?


    I'm curious about torpedoes as well, what exactly changes when you can use these. (lvl 50) Do all the missions have a hard mode at 50 and you can use the torpedoes to take out the hardened targets like the bridge of the destroyer and the antenna on the space station? Was kind of hoping torps would blow things up....


    I wish they'd make these available sooner...

  24. Hmm, I haven't seen a single post in this thread saying that if you blow up the engines, the ship gradually falls out of the mission. That's what happens when I blow up their engines when I play anyway.




    I don't think the ships do anything different when you blow up their engines. What mission do you think something different happens? If they're falling out of the mission it's just their normal path. (I believe)

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