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Posts posted by reverendsaintjay

  1. Somewhere in the Ilum update a change was made to the way drops were processed for players. What I have observed in my play-time since:


    World-spawned chests contain white armor more often than green

    White armor drops are more prevalent than green armor drops

    Green armor drops are more prevalent than Commendation drops

    Blue/Purple drops are nonexistent


    For the first time since beta I have left the starting worlds with 4 characters that did not get enough commendations to buy the armor offered at the specialty vendors. Also for the first time I have had to make special trips into town to vendor the white/green drops that my companion can't sell. I know that correlation does not imply causation, but I suspect that these changes are also linked to the crewskill woes (lesser rewards, lower crit chances) that are currently being expressed by crafters and slicers as well.


    I don't know what you were trying to fix, but it feels like the laws of unintended consequences worked against the players here, and some attention to the issue would be greatly appreciated.



  2. Based on my success with rank 5 slicing missions, I have completely abandoned rank 6. Why can't I get anything better than abundant in the 49-50 range, and why do the abundant boxes only ever come back with +/- 15% of what I spent to send them?
  3. You said Bounty Hunter, yeah? Mako makes things stupid-easy to solo as a Powertech (which I'm hoping you took). All you have to do (for the hard stuff) is turn off her attack skills so that she focuses on healing. So long as you hold aggro, you can muscle your way through any of the 2+ heroic content.


    If you can't, go PvP for a level or two and come back when the content is green to you. I was able to run the entire BT instance with just Mako and I at level 14 (keeping the Captain alive so that I got the easier first boss, but still).

  4. Even if none of these ideas get put into play, can we have one very simple thing added to our cantinas, or just outside their door?


    A mailbox...


    Specifically, a mailbox right outside the door of the Cantina in Dromund Kaas. But also for any other cantina where the closest mailbox to a rest area is halfway across town.


    Seriously, I don't think we need to be at WoW's current "A Mailbox on Every Corner" level, but a few more mailboxes would be nice. Also a Mod table on the Fleet stations (or even in my personal ship) would be helpful as well.

  5. Reply from a guy with 15 years of Ops/Engineering experience:


    Devs don't make the outage schedules, get back in your coding-hole before I remotely power off your sandbox in the least graceful manner possible.


    Also, your request for more development resources has been denied, merry christmas!

  6. Are you joking or are you a cheater of some sort? My Bounty Hunter at lvl 19 has been defeated well over 85 times doing doing quests. Both normal and class quests. Been skipping the Heroic's since no one was interested in group for them even when I had my LFG Tag ON.


    Anyone in this game who claims to have never been defeated is either a liar or a cheater or both... :)


    Are you kidding? I took a level 14 Powertech through the Black Talon instance solo, no one with me but Mako, and I finished it with no deaths.


    Having a healing companion with a tank class is ridiculously OP, but in a good way.


    Pro-Tip: If you want her to keep you alive, turn off all of her offense abilities and have her focus on healing. You can take down just about everything in this game if you have a good grasp on aggro management and target switching.

  7. So you're saying that bad players didn't exist before dungeon finders? They did. You're saying they paid some "social price" for it? They didn't. You're going to come across a jerk in SWTOR and when you get out of your flashpoint you're going to go to General and say "No one group with this person!" and then there will be flaming back and forth and no one will remember that persons name. They'll get right back into another group.


    If you've played SWTOR for a few hours you've no doubt already been ninja'd on a quest or two. Remember their names? Are they suffering some sort of social price for their behavior? Nope.


    No social price? Have you ever played an end-game tank or healer? I had a level 80 resto Sham for LK, and I can remember at least 5 times that I had someone removed from my group because they were on my ignore list.


    You anger enough heals and tanks on your server and pretty soon your only options are a faction or server change. And even then that's no guarantee that you didn't anger someone badly enough to stalk you to your next location.


    The dungeon finder eliminated the need to be polite or courteous in group, if one healer ignored you there was a steady stream of people queued up to take their place.

  8. So I cancelled my pre-order on Origin awhile back and re-did it on Amazon because I had to cancel my other credit card. Well today I got a package from EA and sure enough inside was a new copy of SWTOR even after receiving my copy from Amazon. There's no charge on my credit card as of right now but I'm worried I'm going to get charged. Has this happened to anyone else?


    I would contact Origin as soon as possible and arrange a return, otherwise you run the risk of them going after your now-defunct credit card for payment.

  9. Erm, you get 2 points per choice, 4 if you win a roll. It took me 1 fp to get to tier 1, by my third I was t2. Are you sure youre choosing an option every time?


    You get 1 point per live person in the group per dialogue option, with a 2x modifier for winning the roll. So if you are questing with a buddy, you get 2 social points for choosing an answer in the dialog, and 4 for winning the roll. If you are in a full group you get 4 points for answering, 8 points for winning.


    This counts for every quest/flashpoint with a dialog option, allowing you to very quickly rack up social points.

  10. Honestly, I liked this post. I had to turn the dials down and shadows off to keep my little 4850 from stuttering when I went indoors. I have been looking at replacement video cards for Christmas, and now that I know you can do drool-worthy graphics with a 6950 my list just got a bit shorter.


    Because honestly, playing with everything set to Low is getting a bit old. :)

  11. Just make your character with the name. Honestly, I'm guessing Bail is from the expanded universe and thus I wouldn't even realize unless you mentioned something.


    You mean Senator Bail Organa, Leia's adoptive father? The guy what got blown up on Alderaan? Nope, he's been there all along, no EU shenaniganry required.


    To be fair OP, I think that so long as you aren't rolling on an RP server you should be fine naming your character whatever you want.

  12. I have played through the Jedi starting area on 6 characters now. I know where the quests are, I've seen all of the light/dark side conversation options, I know the most efficient way to thread the quests so that I spend the least amount of time running back and forth, here and there. If I don't watch a single cinematic (spacebar through the whole way) I can get from character creation to the fleet in ~2 hours.


    On my first Sith character (I deliberately avoided the faction in any of the beta weekends I was a part of) it took me 4+ hours to get off of Korriban. I was wandering, exploring, fighting, and searching.


    Neither one of those methods is the right way to play, nor are they the wrong way to play. They are what I wanted to do at the time, and I enjoyed every minute that I was in game. Play at your own pace, in your own time. The people that are going faster (or slower) than you are have different objectives than you do, so I wouldn't spend another minute worrying about what they are doing. Have fun, play the game. :)

  13. You're underestimating the willingness of people on MMO forums to complain.


    When they shut down the beta forums EVERYONE was saying like "Can't wait til the launch forums.. all these complainers are going away!"


    Now people are saying "Can't wait til the grace period ends... all these complainers are going away!"


    THEN people are gonna say "Can't wait til the free month of playtime ends... all these complainers are going away!"


    Guess what, they aren't going away because the forums will always be the venting ground for the vocal minority, even six months from now.


    The people who enjoy the game (like me and many others) will rarely post and mostly be playing the game. Haha.


    As a veteran of 4 different versions of the official WoW forums, I know the truth of your words all too well.


    But there's a difference between what someone will say when they have nothing to lose and when they have actual skin in the game. Someone that paid $60 to play will be more mindful of losing forum/game access than someone who's free time runs out on Wednesday.


    And for the "they're still paying for early access" argument... Amazon refunded me my money when I cancelled my physical pre-order, so had I not already purchased the digital edition from Origin, I would indeed be playing for free right now.

  14. I did the same thing (canceled my amazon pre-order literally hours before they announced that they were changing the ship date), but I was able to pre-order again through Origin.


    Oh, come to think of it, I didn't use paypal, I had a regular credit card to purchase it. I will agree that it's bizarre that a "digital" edition is sold out.

  15. WoW didn't have server queues at launch, and the servers died under the crushing weight of massive -- and completely unexpected -- demand.


    Queues didn't come until nearly three weeks later, and Blizzard was one of the very first MMO developers to implement the concept on a western MMO.


    Incorrect. Most WoW servers did not get queues until days/weeks after release, but a select few had them the evening of launch day.


    I know this because I had characters on one of them (Blackrock-US).

  16. I have looked for it as well, but I also can't find it. I'm playing with a buddy, and I use windowed mode to run crew skills while I wait for him to log on/get back/etc. It was nice in that "other" MMO to be able to minimize the screen and still get audible alerts when your queue popped, someone chatted you, or something to that effect.


    If anyone does find it, put me down for someone looking for this option as well.


    If it's not in the game, please put 'background sounds' on the "desired" list.

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