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Everything posted by Skyhigh

  1. I have to admit, this thread type hit about 15 minutes faster than I expected. lol nubs
  2. lmao is a fail troll......nothing in this thread is "lmao"...
  3. Read again and try to comprehend.
  4. I ask of you. To whom is Cye Gwazi?
  5. smh. It's gotta be your bedtime soon.
  6. Thanks sweetie. I was looking to see what you thought of me.
  7. Your girlfriend was the one trolling. I gave your girl a dose of real talk. Also, no one cares who you say is one of the best congrats on showing up after everyone unsubbed, gg. This isn't about flexing. It's about teaching internet newbies to come up with some original content.
  8. Lol, hack my forum account? Oh, that's like hardcore. C'mon kid.
  9. Well you know the saying. Misery loves company.
  10. Look how sensitive you are, lol.....you try so hard to make fun of others but you can't take it. I've seen people like you in swg too. You pander for friendship from the community so hard by trying to belittle another guild to try and prop yourself up as something special. You are special, but not in the way you are hoping. A good comedian would refer to you as a "hack". Find a different hobby, stealing old jokes isn't entertaining.
  11. Don't get all hurt in the butt. It doesn't matter who I am. The reality of the fact matters.
  12. I dunno about others but I think it's sad how scrubs come here and nut-hug on old jokes.
  13. really? You can't say Or gas mic?
  14. I'd like to see them actually deliver on the world PvP they sold us on to begin with. Those who really looked forward the game pre-release and dished out the cash in the first place. They just raped, cleveland steamered us and opened this up to f2p and cartel market like money leaches to do nothing more than save their own *****es and prolong their job security long enough to find another game that is going into the development stages to continue their sham of a career. Me suggesting that the Hero game engine is crap(contender for best game engine 2006) for a large scale pvp situation is very real and if you would read back further you would see that guy just jumped in and said he has an Alienware and the world is good because he had an alleged 20v20 on his RP server with all the people on the server. . My rig is t!ts pretty. The fact that people blindly cannot come to the realization that this game is holding on by a thread to just make a little more money never ceases to baffle. People here are asking for something that will not happen. Thank god DICE has Battlefront, the Frostbite 3 game engine with a Star Wars setting will be ******ic and cannot get here soon enough. Though, thankfully DICE does things correctly and cares about their product and we will just have to wait.
  15. lol, Just mentioning you own a alienware says all I need to know. 20v20 is small boy pvp btw. No one cares about your dead RP pvp.
  16. I didn't say i hated everything about the game ( not one time). I never said I refuse to play the game. You are arguing about stuff you think up in your own empty head. Turd-brains like you keep whining like you are going to figure out a way to get something like Ilum back. It is a fact that the game engine cannot handle Open world PvP(Why do you think Ilum is gone? Derp) . F A C T ......go read up on what a game engine is. It's not my fault they implemented an old engine fully knowing it was incapable of OWPvP. It's hurting EA/Biowares profitability not mine. Why am I still playing? Because I play pvp characters and I can afford to throw away $15 dollars a month. I live like a boss. When The Repopulation comes out I will unsub this. I dunno why you keep asking me why I play the game or don't go away. All i'm trying to do is make your little peanut come to some common sense about the reality of the situation.
  17. Do you guys even read? The FAIL game engine will not allow a good experience. Wasting your time on a pipe dream. Just look forward to the next generation Star Wars game that hopefully won't fail like this has.
  18. Yup, the engine was a known issue before release. I know of someone that spent some time with an individual that works for this game and said that world pvp will never happen because of the outdated engine they went with. We were sold on this game under false pretenses. It's pretty disgusting the way they lied and made false promises. But hey! At least we have worthless pets! Love me some Star Wars. It just amazes me how companies can continue to get it wrong and totally screw things up.
  19. Bastion learns their tactics from North Korea. I bet they got a 18 in golf too.
  20. These are hardly the forum venue for good drama. LTB SWG forums. They had pro mods.
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