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Everything posted by Lukeia

  1. <------ female My hubby and I play together. We kind of break the stereotype...I'm the tank and he's the healer...I had to talk him into playing the game with me...my last 3 mmos he wouldn't touch. Thank goodness for the star wars pull I don't announce myself in general chat or anything...that just gets too crass for my taste. Everyone in my guild knows I"m a girl though, and there is one other girl in our guild so I'm not the only one. If they want to get crazy on vent we have an arrangement and I just switch my vent off, if there's something important I need to know 'cus we're raiding or something my hubby will pass it on.
  2. I've mostly played the older star wars games... hmm, can't remember the name of the first dos one I played...maybe xwing vx tie fighter? rogue squadron 1-3, jedi knight, jedi academy, sw episode 1, clone wars, force unleashed, kotor and kotor 2. I've been looking forward to swtor for a long long time
  3. Awesome dev post! Thank you!
  4. I'm 26. I play about 2 hours a day during the week, after getting home from work, and maybe 4-6 on the weekends doing some flashpoints or heroics with guildies. My husband is 25 and he plays a little less then I do but we usually set up both laptops on the table and after we finish grading we log on and travel the galaxy! So much more interesting then grading papers
  5. My hubby and I duo together. We've gotten up to Cademimu. At the lower levels we've sometimes had to call in a guildie to help with the final boss but if you are patient and work out a good strategy with your partner...have good gear and maybe a good stim...a tank and healer can do it.
  6. I agree with an earlier poster, that they just need to make the one on Nar-Shaddaa more accessible...like a ticket or a shuttle...and it needs to be advertised in game more that it reaches both factions. Have a quest line introduce it or several npcs mention it or something. I also think it would be nice to be able to at least speak to the other faction. A trooper and an agent might not have anything nice to say to each other...but they would probably say something...
  7. Just wanted to say I am a female trooper. I have had at least 2 maybe 3 different npc's to flirt with and I'm only on Nar Shaddaa. I've been enjoying the one on Nar Shaddaa because Jorgan doesn't like it Trying to make him jealous My Jedi Knight hasn't had as much but I don't really expect it with her...love is looked down on after all...as should be emotional manipulation.
  8. I kind of came from the other direction. I convinced my husband to play it with me. But he already liked video games and star wars, just not mmos. I have faced a similar problem though, as I am trying to get my sister and a gal-pal into it...neither of which have ever played a video game. I think the big thing is showing it to them in small chunks of time and make it look fun. Both my sister and my friend are into star wars, so the opening cinematics really got their attention. Then, my husband and I have shown them pieces of flash points and the flight missions as well as short but interesting quests. They're both still intimidated by the controls though so we take it slow. Just show 10 or 15 minutes a visit and then move on to a movie or a board game. My sister has now asked if she can try out one of my low-level characters where I can explain the controls to her so...I may get her to subscribe yet.
  9. I would really love to be able to disable xp for pvp. I did several warzones and now all of my missions are grey to me. However, like the OP, I play with my husband and we want to do all of the content together...hence I am doing my quests with little challenge and little to no xp reward. I'd rather the pvp xp have a toggle than feel like I'm doing my quests for 5 xp. Just my 2 cents.
  10. YES, I'm a star wars fangirl and I love MMO's so this was the perfect medium for me. Add to that, my friends from WOW crossed over and the star wars aspect convinced my husband to join in and...lets just say I"m having a great time with friends every night after work. I happen to love the voice over. The pvp with a good group and a plan is awesome and...being a huge fan of rogue squadron and star fox...I'm really enjoying the space missions as well. Let's just say I will be here a while
  11. In my experience. Heroic 4 mans are quite doable with just one other person and using the two companions. Granted I"m only level 25 but my husband and I haven't had any trouble with them so far.
  12. Just send it in the mail to the other character. It costs a small fee, like 5-10 credits but it's worth it.
  13. I actually really like it. It makes sense that the person making the biochem would be able to make a complicated reusable pack for themself but that requires specific knowledge to be able to use. It's like a nurse understanding the complex parts of iv's and meds and being able to therefore apply them to herself in a way that would take a lot of schooling to explain to her patients. Reusables for the biochemist themself and single use put on the market to sell. I think it makes a lot of sense and I really enjoy it.
  14. I'm another who pre-ordered over the summer but...didn't enter my code until October 20th. Not in yet but that's probably a good thing...I'd be wanting to play instead of teaching my students Early Christmas party anyone?
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