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Everything posted by Vorlia

  1. LizardSF, Several people have mentioned (in this thread and others) that basing a macro system off of warcraft's current state is a good plan. That's pretty specific about what we want, and I believe the OP defined macro's as he sees it. Respectfully, none of what you chose to use as examples of bad design is currently doable in WoW via an in-game macro. So, you really haven't countered what most of us are asking for at all. And, to a lot of people that don't want macros, Please keep in mind that addons are not what we are discussing. In-game macros are not the same as addons, and that's not what most of us are asking for. Macro'ing via outside hardware or software (with timers, auto-button presses, etc) is also not what is being discussed or asked for. I just noticed the original post was updated to include some of this as well. Nice.
  2. For any of you that did submit tickets, have you heard anything back? I'm interested in finding out if this is an oversite/bug that will be quickly addressed or if we're doomed to suffer for some unknown amount of time. I'll submit one this evening if I notice it as bad as yesterday. Thanks
  3. Take an ability that is off the GCD and procs on some random event. It's easy to just manually smash that button every time you're hitting other buttons and never have to consciously make the decision to trigger it or not. I absolutely do this. It makes the skill go off whenever it procs and is off cooldown. Having a macro do the same thing, to me, makes his analogy pretty accurate. Having it automated just saves very precious UI space and will keep me from getting carple tunnel. The outcome of the macro would be no different than what I get now by smashing the button along with every other one I hit. To play optimally, either case is exactly what you want... the proc'd ability to fire as soon as it's available (depending on class/ability/etc). So, heck yeah it's "easier" to have it macro'd. But, does it make me better or increase my performance? Nope. This whole "it makes things easier for lazy people" just seems so lame. You don't hand-crank your radio when you listen to it. You don't get up and walk over to the TV to change the channel. You don't do thousands of things each day that you could do if not for being "lazy" and using technology. Macros as discussed above do not change the game. They do not make me better or worse of a player. They simply make quality of life better in-game. In different category are the ones when macro'ing "Incoming %T" types along with an ability used to pull a mob. To many of us, it's crazy that we don't have those available.
  4. They seem to have made many improvements over the past many weeks... Enough to where they weren't bothering me. However, for me, some of the generic "delay issues" appeared to be back last night as the OP mentioned.
  5. Noticed it on my warrior last night. Spamming a button just caused the GCD to half-reset over and over without the skill firing. Other times, I was sure I hit keybinds for abilties then looked down at my bars and noticed it/them still not on cooldown, so they obviously didnt fire. I just thought my connection was crap last night or something. Man, I sure hope I'm imagining things and these delay issues are not actually back.
  6. Exactly. The effect on the game and client is the same as mashing all of the included keys manually (which any decent keybinder can do). That's so far from botting or hacking that I cannot possibly see how it could be against the terms. This lowers the chance of repetative stress injuries!
  7. I remember, being human, having to switch out my shield for a lantern at night time so I could see where the hell I was going and what I was fighting. Without it, I'd literally be lost in the darkness. That is, of course, until I was high enough level to farm wisps! I think most old-school mmo'ers really miss the hardcoreness of the early games. However, that doesn't mean at all that we don't love the new games too. That's like thinking people who love action movies cannot like comedies. But, having truly earned (the hard way) our memories from past game titles, we do miss those things. Here's to hoping the entire MMO playerbase and community continues to grow, allowing more and more options for all player-types and game-types. ...if the mmo community doesn't scare the crap out of people coming to the forums to see what the buzz is all about, lol.
  8. In wow, dismounting only happens if you guess wrong at your latency and try to jump the timing just a bit too fast. I have as much experience as anyone on this. There will never be normal case where you can wait for the blizzard-cast-bar to finish, then move and get dismounted. In ToR, you can wait for your cast to finish, then move, then the mounting fails. This is repeatable and anyone can try it without much trouble. Do you not think it's a problem that we can wait for the cast to finish, then move and have the mounting fail? No matter how you want to explain the root cause of it, it's undeniably broken.
  9. If this were true, then the whole mount-issue wouldn't exist, right? If you can mount (which is just like "casting" an ability) and the animation portion was just cosmetic, then you'd be able to start moving as soon as the cast was completed and not need to wait for the animation to finish. No? The same thing is happening in combat when animations and other movement or abilities collide. Animations may be cosmetic in specific instances, but there are clear examples of where they are part of the problem.
  10. I've been able to do the same. It bewildered me until I figured out what was going on (partly via this forum thread). I don't come to the forums to complain. I don't even come often to browse. But, I did come seeking information on all the sloppy client-server mechanics that this thread discusses, and it makes a great deal more sense to me now (the clunkiness I feel when playing). I truly hope they can manipulate their code in quick order to correct these issues. If not, then they should at least give us a time-frame of when we can expect it to be "fixed."
  11. Also, thanks to the original poster(s) for making this such a well documented issue. It must be fixed.
  12. Great post. I'm also an average player with average skills, but have an extensive and long gaming history. I have noticed all of these issues too, and they bother me more every time I play (as I become even more aware of them). This is more than being the most leet player, or expecting to destroy all content or opposing players I meet, I simply want my character to do what I tell it to when I tell it to. All players are affected by this issue, whether they realize it or not. I would imagine if/when this gets fixed, people will get a "wow... it feels so much better" feeling.
  13. I get off work in an hour! Not much longer... I can make it!
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