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Everything posted by ChrisRedmond

  1. I have levelled everything to 55 and the Sentinel/ Marauder is easily the squishiest class in the game. Have your defensive cooldowns handy (especially Rebuke). You'll use it a lot. Hope this helps.
  2. Thiss ^^ The Lekku issue should be resolved this way. AND add a hood toggle. It's been over 2 years since launch, get it together guys.
  3. No one ever thinks about the tank. It's just always his fault. After 2 years almost since I abandoned tanking, I have now gotten back into it. It is truly for masochists. I should point out, I'm enjoying it though!
  4. Bump. Been moaning for this for about a year. I don't think it's happening any time soon.
  5. I been whining for this for ever. I don't think they'll implement it.
  6. The Esseles Consular's Robe has no dye module. Is this intentional?
  7. I'm old enough to remember the original. Greedo didn't shoot at all. Han was the only one who shot.
  8. I'm not exactly a new player, but what is the etiquette for 'need' or 'greed' when a mount drops?
  9. I think they accidentally turned on his 'dark side' look.
  10. A great idea, it would be incredibly difficult to implement.
  11. I bumped an old thread and got 3 replies. (I did it for the replies, see what I did there? Eh?) Not the answers I was hoping for, but good enough.
  12. An HC on Taris. A DPS goes into a room and pulls aggro on every mob. Typically 3 or 4 mobs in a room. Needless to say, we wipe. I explain to let the tank go first and do 1 mob at a time. This guy stays silent and runs into the next mob, mortar volleys the 2nd mob, and sticky grenades the 3rd. We wipe. We somehow blunder through until the end and he kicks me from the group before the final objective, where I am ejected from the instance before completing the quest. ufb.
  13. The Panther chestpiece is the reward on Dromund Kaas for completing the Revanite quest line.
  14. Smuggler, to the corrupt imperial on Balmorra- (Or something similair)
  15. These things happen. Draw a line and move on. Make a nice cup of tea, Earl Grey is good, the fragrance of bergamot wonderful for soothing the nerves, and show my working class origins by shoving a biscuit in it.
  16. Commendations through group finder. That's it. I'd much rather do a HM FP through GF than do dailies, it's more productive, (and more fun). I understand your frustration though, I tend to ask at the start about skipping content, it's annoying when only one is skipping, or only one wants the whole FP done. I'm easy both ways, but I ask first, then take it from there. If we can't agreee, kick whoever needs kicked, and requeue. Usually people are OK with a nice gentlemanly chat over a cup of tea, a sry, np, have fun, cya later.
  17. Is vigilance a viable DPS spec? Yes. You will have no problems getting into a group or finding people who want to group with you, but expect a 15 minute wait in a group finder queue, this is true for all DPS, and has no bearing on the fact you are a Vigilance JK. Healers wait about a minute, Tanks are an instant pop.
  18. Thanks guys, it's all making sense now. I believe it was an offhand item I was trying to put into my leg piece. :)
  19. You get a good bit of gear, rip the mods out, then... can't put them into the great looking orange set you spent a fortune on. WHY and what the fech? :mad:
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