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  1. While I greatly appreciate Eric's communication, I feel as though the team still can't quite grasp what we're asking with the KOTOR styling. I saw multiple people in here come to a compromise where they had the same kind of basic scene composition but with the player fully voiced, or having the short stock signature lines play instead that the player says frequently throughout the game already. Both of these options would fix the entire issue I have with the scenes, and the UI adjustment another suggested would help with the immersion breaking nature of the scene. If you say that immersion break is intentional, sure, fine, but give an option to turn off the ugly black boxes and have a more streamlined UI. If you really wanted to tailor the scene blending to player experience like Ashley said what we need are OPTIONS. It's about time you took your community seriously.
  2. I agree with having a healthy work/life balance and I get limited resources, but... is this scene mix really the best use of them? I don't really agree that it adds to the player story, in my opinion it takes away from immersion. I'm willing to start paying for expansions again rather than subscribing and gaining access if it means a budget increase and team size increase and the return of standard scenes 100% of the time. The game kind of falls apart without the voice acting, because that's what it has been since the beginning and what sells a lot of players on investing in it.
  3. My issue personally, isn't the change itself, it's how it was handled. I completely understand actors moving on, their careers accelerating, etc. That's a normal progression of events. If this game keeps going more actors will be replaced as some, including these people, are getting old and are having medical issues. All of this is normal. What is NOT normal is BS/BW giving no explanation or heads up, or even a tribute to Carvel. Die-hard male imperial agent fans like me, fans in general, and both VA's deserve that much. Incredibly disrespectful to everyone to be finding out this change after it went live, it was a complete mishandling. I only ask that if BS replaces people in the future, they do so with ample warning. At least a week in advance.
  4. If not enough new good story content is made, even more people leave. This isn't going to help the game's longevity. Lots of people, myself included, play this game because of the story and voice acting. I. Want. The. PC. Fully. Voiced. In. Main. Story. Quests. Your character is the main character. These things make me feel like a sidekick or an NPC. If this is what cost cutting does to this game... it worries me.
  5. YES. It's so dang odd that everyone is speaking but PC in the main quest. Really takes me out of the immersion, super jarring. All the side quests can be KOTOR styled instead. And, I hate how there's random story dialogue outside of cutscenes while you're in the world when it was perfectly doable to condense it into a fully voiced cutscene. BS needs to communicate better.
  6. HAHA same though... I wish I could have recorded it. I'm replaying my main's story to reflect the things I've written in his personal canon, I may end up doing that when the time comes. That's what it needed. Perfection.
  7. Yeah, IMO KOTxx doesn't exactly work with every class. But in my head my primary character, my Imp Agent, basically messed around and found out his way into everything. He was nosy and it got him into places where he shouldn't have been, LOL. He chases conspiracies and finally gets to ally with the other primary characters in my legacy for SoR and allies himself strategically with the Republic, as he does. Through this he gains Marr's trust, and he's around when Marr appoints Lana as minister of the new intelligence agency. Ends up somehow becoming Marr's primary contact and goes into KOTxx by sheer coincidence. Requires a bit of rewriting but I also like the idea of him just forging his own path. He ends up being a saboteur, he can't stand the Empire anymore. He starts working for himself. I think the voice lends itself well to that kind of development. Always a sucker for enemies to lovers... immediately sold with the Theron romance.
  8. Hah, I've found my people. Absolutely adore how sweet Theron is with the PC, primarily my agent, since he's the "canon" partner in my legacy lineup. (I just love that opposite faction dynamic what can I say.) Even after Nathema he's so gentle. The addressing of FA with him in 7.5 is just sooo cute. Heart melting. Date Night keeps making me sob. I take the option to throw the datapad cuz after Theron just seems so sincere and apologetic, and it fits better with my portrayal of their relationship. I swear every time we get a Theron romance moment I kick my feet and squeal and smile like an idiot. Who knew I could fall head over heels for a pixelated man. 😜
  9. See, you get it. I purely made my agent just to finish the story like a couple years ago, came back for May the 4th, and finished it within a few days, that's how hooked I got with his voice. He became my main after that. Life-changing experience. Part of me is still waiting to be pinched or woken up from a dream, the denial is strong with this one.
  10. Yeah, I do too. It's so heartbreaking to open the update up with that, and so jarring to hear so little acknowledgement. OMG yeah, BT1 for sure fits Carvel's voicing, but now... no. I have multiple male agents as well, was planning a bit of the same. Completely thrown out of whack. 😢
  11. Agreed... male agent is my main of mains, to the point where I can't imagine the voice belonging to anyone else but that character. It became part of him. I don't think I'll ever really recover from the whiplash. Still want to cry just thinking about it. And if Scolding does end up recording all the old lines... I dunno if I'll ever be able to play a male agent again. 😞
  12. I do hope it's the latter. I dunno man. They could have executed this better and at least given us a chance to get adjusted. It pains me.
  13. Knowing what you are referring to, and if that's the reason, that's just sad... No wonder they're wiping the slate.
  14. I happen to agree with this as well. Carvel has been voice acting male agent for 10+ years. Not only did Broadsword completely blindside everyone until it was noticed, they didn't even bother to mention Carvel leaving or acknowledge that at all. It is very disrespectful. His voice was almost the entire reason why I got so invested in my agent. He was amazing, sad to see him leave. Scolding has some big shoes to fill.
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