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Posts posted by Sinku

  1. They never said they WILL answer all questions. They said they will answer questions that the different teams are able to address during the week.


    It silly--we hear people crying about a lack of information. Then we get information and they whine that it's not enough.


    Proof that people cannot be pleased.

  2. Outside of SWTOR I follow politics a lot, which means nothing to the majority of you, but one thing I have noticed is that that forums are almost as polarized as Washington D.C. Just about every single item that comes up for discussion becomes heated and flamed.


    For example(s):



    We Need a LFG or I quit.

    If we get a LFG I quit.


    Same-Sex relationships with companions

    Bioware are homophobic for not having it.

    We dont need it in the game, its not a part of Lore.



    Give us add-ons NOW it makes the game better

    Don't give us any addons it ruins all games.


    I'm not saying i'm a fan of dictatorship or anything like that. I actually enjoy a debate, but its just interesting to see that even the gaming community can polarize itself over things which in the grand scheme mean absolutely nothing.

  3. Okay, let me get this straight Mr. Economics... My product is selling really well for $50.00, so, I decide to put it on sale for $40.00? How does that make any sense at all? Why would I sell something for less than what people are willing to pay?


    Um... sales are usually associated with clearing stock, trying to move items that aren't selling at regular prices.


    Have you ever worked retail? any job?


    Sales are not associated with clearing stock all the time. You have no clue what you are talking about. Sales are an incentive to get people INTO a store to buy that item and other things in addition to that. It's no different for Amazon. Stop filling the forums with silly lies.

  4. Errrr. Wrong. I dont pay anything to the money sucking fail called Bioware. Not will I ever again.


    Learned my lesson.


    Then what are you doing here? Seriously. Are you trying to be a "Fight for the common man" or some lame thing like that?


    Or do you just hang around to try and ruin peoples good time?

  5. I thought it was getting old on December 22nds already. There are people that will never be pleased no matter what Bioware provides them, yet they will stick around to "Warn" people about the game.


    I tend to just ignore them or make fun of them in a way that is within the bounds of the rules.


    Don't lose too much sleep over them, they will never go away and they are only hear to get under your skin.

  6. So far I love Hutt-Ball. I hate to "Toot my own horn" but I am a huge team player when it comes to hutt-ball. I end up scoring a lot of our points.


    The silly thing with Hutt-Ball is that we don't seem to get rewarded for scoring points or passing to other players. Why isn't there a score/assists reward system in Hutt-Ball. If I score 5/6 of our points and we will the game I would like to think that I, or anyone in my scenario, would likely be at the top of the stats.


    Hutt-Ball is a huge team game yet when it comes to MVP voting the top Damage still wins it every single match which is kinda dumb.


    Can't hutt-ball be worked on to reward people more for scoring points rather than getting kills like the other two warzones?

  7. Everyone who is SO obsessed with the same-sex relationships need to let it the hell go already. I understand you want this, but seriously is this something the is GAME-BREAKING not to have? To the people who are saying the Bioware are homophobic and all that crap you really should move on already. They didn't put it in the game, big deal. Personally if I saw same-sex relationships before



    Guild UI Updates

    Ship Customization

    Warzone Bug Fixes

    End-Game crafting fixes

    FPS Issue fixes

    Hero Engine Optimization

    Major overhaul of the Galactic Trade Network

    Cross Server PvP

    Fix the friends list


    Or any of of the 1,000 other things that are more important.



  8. I dont really need more wow in space, there's plenty of wow raids already in wow.


    What can make your newer raids more Bioware and less Blizzard? I didnt leave wow and come to TOR just to play WoW.



    Your gripes are idiotic and silly. You are saying you didn't leave wow to play wow here yet you are sticking around doing just that. Why not leave and go play World Of Warcraft then?


    The bane of all MMO's are when the wow players show up and start trying to say its not like wow or its too much like it. Blah

  9. Incorrect.


    The numbers vary far to greatly. I think Standard is 750 people, that's the minimum. 750 people spilt up between Fleet + Planets + Divide into factions most likely with an imbalance = unhealthy.


    Based on your signature--why are you here? Do you think you are doing a favor and warning people or something?

  10. SWTOR Community,



    I want to create a directory of SWTOR podcast’s that are around right now. I am hoping for just a little bit of help from you guys because while I listen to a bunch I certainly don’t know of every single one that is around. I am able to see the most popular ones on iTunes & Stitcher but the list is full of inactive podcasts and many that aren’t even related to SWTOR. So if you could let me know of all the SWTOR podcasts that you listen to, or even know of, that would help me out a ton in getting a genuine list for people to refer to when they are trying to find podcasts that cover SWTOR.



    If at all possible leave a URL to their site or RSS Feed, that way I can give people a link rather than just a name. When it’s completed the list will be put up on my blog, as well as anyone else’s blog or site that wishes to post it.



    Having done podcasting in that past I know that it’s tough to get noticed even by people who are deliberately looking for your content so my hope is that this can help out all of the people who are doing SWTOR podcast’s. You can leave a comment on this thread, or if you would like to make it easier on me leave a comment with your submission on the article I’ve posted on my blog--which is located HERE.



    (You don’t have to go there, like I said it is easier for ME, but I’m not trying to force you to go to my site, so if you want to leave a reply on this thread that’s more than fine.)



    Thanks everyone in advance! You guys Rock!



  11. I like them for my own personal use.


    Tweaking your build/gear/mods/rotation is a very large part of end game in MMOs and there’s really no way to confirm what’s better without some form of recount to test them.


    For those that would criticize them because of the DPS junkies, realize that information can be misused, but that’s no reason to block the flow of information for those that wouldn’t.


    Don’t like being judged by recount?


    Nobody does, but I’d say your output is a much fairer judge of ability than what anyone can simply tell by what you’re wearing.


    The way you describe gameplay is more of a sport than leisure. No MMO is designed to be played on a "Spend hours tweaking for 25 more DPS" basis. What you are describing isn't the majority of players, its the hardcore minority and there isn't anythign wrong with that. I just wouldn't want a game developed for the minority thats all.


    I would like to see some sort of an API at some point though.

  12. Depends on who you ask.


    I lean towards yes. Most current MMO's have this or a similar feature and its considered a staple.


    World of Warcraft, 7 years in, still doesn't have it. Some nice person in their home had to create it for it to be in World of warcraft. So when you think about it even world of warcraft doesn't have this feature.


    I guess I personally don't want it. I've been open about that.

  13. I has become interesting to me that so many people have compared SWTOR to WOW and said that Bioware is completely fail because it doesn't have a recount system in the game for players who raid.


    I absolutely understand that Blizzard's game has this due to their reliance on the use of Addons in their game. (Don't think for a minute that Blizzard doesn't rely on addons for their game.) When you look at a bare bones stock UI though Bioware isn't missing many things in relation to Blizzard. World of Warcrafts UI without the use of any addons is pretty lazy as well. I can't think of many games that have actually done their UI very well. I would say the best so far has been RIFT.


    Anyway what do you guys think? I'm not talking about opening the game to mods, but does SWTOR NEED the recount feature as long as they don't allow the use of addons/mods?




    ***I will probably throw some of your answers up on my site because i'm covering this topic today and tomorrow. Hopefully this isnt' against any of the sites TOS, I enjoy getting people to talk about subjects like this and SWTOR forums has a great community to do that.

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