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Posts posted by agento

  1. I love the unarmed combat that exists in the game already. I just wanted to suggest making it a tiny bit more viable for casual play, rather than mostly worthless. There is a history of unarmed martial arts in lore, and it would be nice to see a semblance of that in-game.


    My simple suggestion is fist weapons of some kind for all classes. Maybe a kick ability.



  2. Not quite.




    A - I like it, sub perk.

    B - I like it, sub perk.

    C - No, because I like punishing myself.


    That last option is just dripping with bias from his side.


    If it had just been "No, I don't want it back" then that would have been fine.

    But he just had to add that little "I like grinding for hours" snark to point out that it would be dumb to pick that option.


    EDIT: Just to be clear, I want it back and I'm certain that the OP wants it back too, but the poll is still dripping with bias.


    LOL anyone ever told you, you over analyze stuff? OF COURSE IT BIASED! 90% of the community want it back! Its to show massive support for a feature we want back, not see who's leading the election...

  3. I wished you wouldn't have come back. Your replies are of absolutely no use to anyone. Never. Every other nagger, complainer, troll, fanboy... has a light moment once in a while. But you don't. Please leave us alone again. I beg you.


    Ontopic: The cape clipping on mounts is a big pity. I would like to see that fixed, too. But granted, it is not of highest priority.


    **** I was hoping this would be finxed when the game launched... Drove me nuts in beta now I kinda forgot it existed lol


    But yeah, what up with BW!?

  4. Hey everyone!


    We will be taking the servers offline on December 9th in order to apply Patch 3.0.0a.



    DATE: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

    TIME: 3AM PST (11AM GMT) - 5AM PST (1PM GMT)

    VERSION: 3.0.0a


    This patch includes fixes and adjustments for the following issues:


    • “The Enemy Within” encounter issues.
    • Mission Reward Gear Packs giving the wrong/incomplete gear.
    • The tree used to summon the Tonitran Beast on the Mission “Jungle’s Bounty” becoming unusable.
    • “The Ravagers” final encounter not giving loot.
    • “Temple of Sacrifice” final encounter not giving loot.


    This is not a complete list and full Patch Notes will be available after the maintenance window.


    Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!


    Props guys! Can't wait!


    Thx for the update.

  5. Thanks Agento for leading the charge on this. I support the idea of making the 12x exp an option for subscribers. I've read the arguments on both sides. Like everything else today, it seems that nothing anyone can say is going to change the mind of someone who has a strong opinion. Ultimately, it comes down to what makes the most sense for BW on a business basis. I think that means a Cartel unlock for subscribers...but I could be wrong. I just hope it is addressed one way or the other.


    Im with you, I believe it will be a money maker, so a cartel market item makes the most sense but who knows maybe they will be generous :D


    And thx for the support!

  6. Also, if a Sith Warrior changes to the Republic Side, what would they become? What about the Imperial Agent switching to the Republic? Or the Trooper joining the Empire?


    This is a really bad argument... each class has a direct counter class... Obviously it would be the mirror class that you would become. As for Advanced Class? I'd say you would get to choose again.

  7. Thats a nice way of devs saying never. Not enough return for too many resources, and potential to cause took many issues to core gameplay. Saying never is bad pr. Be as naive as you want. It won't happen.


    Then I guess were going to disagree :p It's not being naive at all... I guess you wernt around when WoW was in it's infancy and Dev's said they would NEVER EVER EVER allow factions changes.....


    Now it's a top money maker. So go on and call me naive if it makes you feel bigger. I'll just wait and see.

  8. Ok. That makes a bit more sense now. (Hey, it's Sunday evening, after a 12 hour shift :p).


    I know the feeling!


    Doobie time!


    I just wanted to create a fun poll to see if there is actual interest in bringing the 12x xp back.


    Never thought it would get so intense lol


    Should have realized this is the TOR forums!

  9. It could be because it's late and my brain has shut down, but the wording sounds like what it means:


    A - Yes. As a Max Level/Max Legacy Unlock (Sounds to me like a Sub/Legacy Perk)

    B - Yes. As a Cartel Market Purchase (Sounds to me like a Cartel Purchase)

    C- No. I Love Grinding for Hours (Sounds to me like no. It is a grind(ish) to level.


    Again, it maybe because my brain has shut down for the night but how does this sound bias?


    The best part is some people who are crying biased think I DON'T want it back...

  10. Except the way it's worded, that's not what it says at all. What it really says is


    A: Yes

    b: Yes

    C: No, because I'm wrong.


    Thats what you are seeing.


    Face it. It's coming back in some form or another. Anyone who thinks otherwise, like the 12%, are kidding themselves. Way too many people want it, enjoyed it, and would pay for it.

  11. Anyone else think the new pack looks like stuff from 80's cartoons? Especially the helmets look like they were inspired by old 80's characters. The Nefarious Bandit's helmet looks like Matt Trakker's helmet from M.A.S.K and the Silent Ghost helmet looks like Shockwave's head. Inspired or not! I really love the sets in the new pack, they look great!


    Nefarious Bandit - Matt Trakker


    Silent Ghost - Shockwave


    Have you watched SW Rebels? Feels like SW is going back to the 80's look and feel and for that I am really glad!

  12. Now we're getting out of the debating with the ad hominem attacks. So I'm out. But I did want to point out a large logical fallacy in your post.


    The rules of the game are what they say they are. Not what I say, nor what you say. They change all the time- look at the SoR update. That was a major change. So your conclusion of 'playing by the rules' is not a valid argument. I'd respond to the rest... but I can see the hill around your youtube remark, completely missing the point and it's a steep incline from that condescension.


    He likes attacking people having conversations that he does not agree with :D

  13. Given that aside from the occasional snippet nod in expansions they said class stories are done and forked, I see zero chance in this -ever- happening because that would entail them doing more class story work.


    Plus can you imagine the horrible horrible bugs that would result with them tinkering with core basics in such a way? Urgh.


    So many MMO's have done it. If it means money, you can NEVER say NEVER!


    I love how emphatic people are that this could NEVER happen. Probably said the same thing in WoW years ago.

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